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Happy (not) Tax Day!

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Who's attending a Tax Day Tea Party today? I'm going to try and get to my local Tea Party during lunch. Just trying to do my part to help stop all this government and so-called-stimulus (pork) spending!!! :spend::spend::spend:






Edit - I've also provided a good article about the Fair Tax proposal, which makes complete sense to me!

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All I know when I checked my pay statement today, my Federal Tax went DOWN, not much but it did go down. That never happened the pervious 8 years.


Mine went up, so enjoy your extra. Where's the fairness in that?

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April 15th is Patriot's Day!


The one day a year when our country asks something of us -- or at least the vast majority of us.


For those who wear a military uniform, those who serve the rest of us as policemen and firefighters and teachers and other public servants, every day is patriots' day. They work hard for our country; many risk their lives -- and some lose their lives.


But for the rest of us, the civilian majority, our government asks very little. Except for April 15. On this day, our government asks that we pay our fair share of taxes to keep our beloved country strong and safe.


Freedom isn't free.


This country has showered me with the blessings of liberty. So what do I owe my country in return? Paying my fair share of taxes, it seems, is the least I can do.


Thanks to President Obama and the Democratic Congress, 95 percent of Americans will get a tax cut this year. No one -- not even the wealthiest 1 percent -- will have to pay higher income taxes until 2011.


So why are a bunch of Fox News clowns and right-wing cranks hosting "tea parties" all over the country? The Boston Tea Party, in case the clods at Fox didn't know it, protested "taxation without representation." Note the second word: without. The goofballs tossing tea bags today have representation. They voted in the election; they lost.


That a bunch of overpaid media millionaires would lead a faux-populist revolt is comical. They somehow held their populist instincts in check as George W. Bush and the Republicans cut taxes on the idle rich and put the screws to the working stiffs while taking a budget surplus and running it into a 1 trillion dollar deficit.




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Mine went up, so enjoy your extra. Where's the fairness in that?


The more you make the more Taxes you owe??????????


Must have been a good year for you???????Be thankful as I know I am......... :)

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April 15th is Patriot's Day!


The one day a year when our country asks something of us -- or at least the vast majority of us.


For those who wear a military uniform, those who serve the rest of us as policemen and firefighters and teachers and other public servants, every day is patriots' day. They work hard for our country; many risk their lives -- and some lose their lives.


But for the rest of us, the civilian majority, our government asks very little. Except for April 15. On this day, our government asks that we pay our fair share of taxes to keep our beloved country strong and safe.


Freedom isn't free.


This country has showered me with the blessings of liberty. So what do I owe my country in return? Paying my fair share of taxes, it seems, is the least I can do.


Thanks to President Obama and the Democratic Congress, 95 percent of Americans will get a tax cut this year. No one -- not even the wealthiest 1 percent -- will have to pay higher income taxes until 2011.


So why are a bunch of Fox News clowns and right-wing cranks hosting "tea parties" all over the country? The Boston Tea Party, in case the clods at Fox didn't know it, protested "taxation without representation." Note the second word: without. The goofballs tossing tea bags today have representation. They voted in the election; they lost.


That a bunch of overpaid media millionaires would lead a faux-populist revolt is comical. They somehow held their populist instincts in check as George W. Bush and the Republicans cut taxes on the idle rich and put the screws to the working stiffs while taking a budget surplus and running it into a 1 trillion dollar deficit.






Bullsh1t propaganda! I sure hope your on the DNC's payroll

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I do not mind paying my "fair share" of taxes. What I mind is the huge debt that is being amased at what will be my childrens expense. If you spend more than any other administration in history and lower or even keep taxes the same there will be a problem.


Think of it this way: If for the next year your pay stays the same, but you spend twice as much as you do now, what would happen? If you have savings you would have to dip into it to make up the difference. If you do not have any savings you would be in the negative. There are huge issues with just printing money when ever we want.


Lots of people want this to be a Bush vs. Obama or republican vs. democrat thing. It isn't! It is a spend more than you get thing, plain and simple! I supported Bush in his first election. I did not support him the second time. I also did not vote for either McCain or Obama (couldnt figure out which was the lesser of the two evils :hysterical: )


It is completely and totally about responsible spending. The end.

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Think you hit a nurve Jeff????????


Sometimes the truth hurts............



No nerve struck. Just to throw out a campain promise (those things no politician keeps) is propaganda. My taxes did not go down and God n=knows I dont make what they say would be the threshold

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I do not mind paying my "fair share" of taxes. What I mind is the huge debt that is being amased at what will be my childrens expense. If you spend more than any other administration in history and lower or even keep taxes the same there will be a problem.


Think of it this way: If for the next year your pay stays the same, but you spend twice as much as you do now, what would happen? If you have savings you would have to dip into it to make up the difference. If you do not have any savings you would be in the negative. There are huge issues with just printing money when ever we want.


Lots of people want this to be a Bush vs. Obama or republican vs. democrat thing. It isn't! It is a spend more than you get thing, plain and simple! I supported Bush in his first election. I did not support him the second time. I also did not vote for either McCain or Obama (couldnt figure out which was the lesser of the two evils :hysterical: )


It is completely and totally about responsible spending. The end.

sportscars - you get it!


The politicians and the media want this to be a democrat versus republican thing so that they both can stay in power and business respectively. This is actually an American thing - and the common (and even not so common) Americans seem to be losing out! This isn't anything new as it's been going on for years and administrations. Both political parties seem to be going down the wrong road and these "Tea Parties" point out the frustration of the people.


I found it interesting that the idea for these Tea Parties actually came from MSNBC, spread through Ron Paul's political network, and then were promoted by Fox News and covered by CNN (in some good and some bad ways).


However, I found the demographics of the parties held in almost 700 cities most interesting of all. The crowds cut political lines. In Annapolis Maryland for instance, of the few thousand folks that showed up, the political party breakdown was: 42% Republican, 29% Democrat, and 29% Independent.


These Tea Parties aren't about "Taxation without Representation" in the same sense that was made famous in Boston so long ago. It's about the frustration of not having a federal government for that meets the demands of the people it represents rather that the other way around - as it has for many years now.


If you read what I typed - thanks. I'll get off my soapbox now.

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April 15th is Patriot's Day!


The one day a year when our country asks something of us -- or at least the vast majority of us.


For those who wear a military uniform, those who serve the rest of us as policemen and firefighters and teachers and other public servants, every day is patriots' day. They work hard for our country; many risk their lives -- and some lose their lives.


But for the rest of us, the civilian majority, our government asks very little. Except for April 15. On this day, our government asks that we pay our fair share of taxes to keep our beloved country strong and safe.


Freedom isn't free.


This country has showered me with the blessings of liberty. So what do I owe my country in return? Paying my fair share of taxes, it seems, is the least I can do.


Thanks to President Obama and the Democratic Congress, 95 percent of Americans will get a tax cut this year. No one -- not even the wealthiest 1 percent -- will have to pay higher income taxes until 2011.


So why are a bunch of Fox News clowns and right-wing cranks hosting "tea parties" all over the country? The Boston Tea Party, in case the clods at Fox didn't know it, protested "taxation without representation." Note the second word: without. The goofballs tossing tea bags today have representation. They voted in the election; they lost.


That a bunch of overpaid media millionaires would lead a faux-populist revolt is comical. They somehow held their populist instincts in check as George W. Bush and the Republicans cut taxes on the idle rich and put the screws to the working stiffs while taking a budget surplus and running it into a 1 trillion dollar deficit.





I sure would like to get some of what you are on! That's some good stuff you got there. Please share it with all of us. Craig :hysterical:

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Thanks to President Obama and the Democratic Congress, 95 percent of Americans will get a tax cut this year. No one -- not even the wealthiest 1 percent -- will have to pay higher income taxes until 2011.


Maybe THIS year 95% of Americans will get a measily little tax cut, but that will be it. It's all uphill from here! There is absolutely no way to pay for all the pork and spending in the so-called "stimulus" bill w/out raising ALL taxes. It's called "bait and switch" policy. Just wait and see. :lurk:


Oh, by the way, at least 50% of that 95% don't pay taxes anyway. :hysterical:

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I found it interesting that the idea for these Tea Parties actually came from MSNBC, spread through Ron Paul's political network, and then were promoted by Fox News and covered by CNN (in some good and some bad ways).



Funny the FoxNews graphics had "FNC Tea Parties" on all day... FNC, you know Fox News Network?



Did I miss the CNN Anti-War Parties?



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And you are laughing because....................... :waiting:


.....because....Jeff likes to throw around that 95% number like its a big deal, when it misrepresents reality....to me, that's funny!

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