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Obama LOVES His Pizza...........

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I can't believe no one jumped on this YET.............



The Obamas ordered out pizza and they had it delivered. Well actually, they had the pizza chef delivered all the way from St. Louis Missouri. Chris Sommers of pi restaurant in St. Louis flew to DC with his business partner and a case of dough and the pans needed to make the president and his staff a few pizzas.


This was supposed to be the guy who is just like you and me, who understands what we are saying and who will bring a new kind of politics to DC. Having a pizza chef fly in from Missouri to make you pizzas is something one expects from the elitists in DC and only goes to show that Obama is one of those elitists. He ate this guy’s pizzas during the campaign and decided that he wanted them so he had the guy fly in to make them.


For all you environmental whack jobs who keep telling me about global warming and what I have to do, take a look at your Resident. This guy had no problem with a carbon footprint involved in flying two men nearly 2000 miles round trip just so the sainted one could enjoy a pizza.


Obama has lost any credibility he had in this issue and cap and trade is now a non issue and off the table. Obama, like Al Gore, only wants EVERYONE else to deal with the alleged problems of CO2 and global warming. It is perfectly OK for these elitists to use more energy and to create more carbon (neither of which I am opposed to) in a week than some people do in a year.


The cost of this will be borne by the taxpayer one way or another. Either it will come out of the food budget or it will be paid out of the WH budget, both of which are funded by taxpayers. In a time when people are losing their jobs, when businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy, when the government is spending trillions in bailouts and stimulus, when people are wondering where their next meal will come from, Daddy Warbucks Obama is ordering take out pizza chefs from St. Louis and having them fly to DC to prepare him a meal. Maybe Obama will say this is part of the stimulus and it created or SAVED two jobs…


If George Bush had done this we would hear non stop squawking from the left about how a privileged, rich, oil man Republican went to excess to eat a simple pizza while people starved around the country.


I am constantly amazed by athletes and rappers who come from nothing and are suddenly wealthy and famous and then get into a bunch of trouble or demonstrate excessive behavior. The rappers with 25 cars and zillion dollar homes when they lived in a box somewhere before becoming rich. Resident Obama reminds of one of those kinds of people. All of the sudden he has all of our money at his fingertips because he has a Democratic Congress and all of the sudden he has all this fame, like a messiah, and he does not know how to handle it.


Just because you can do something does not mean you should do something. Resident Obama is able to get a chef from about anywhere to come to DC but should he? The appearance is of excess and of elitism and that is an image he does not need to portray especially during times of economic trouble especially since he ran as a person who was none of these things, a DC outsider.


Good news, the economy is picking up (and in no part because of the stimulus) but that does not mean that Obama should be acting like a king. Yes, the left called George Bush King George.


Now we have King Hussein and he is acting every bit the part.


God help us if he gets the munchies and decides he wants real Chinese food…

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Here ya go:


Obama orders pizza from St. Louis, Chicago miffed

2 days ago


CHICAGO (AP) — The news is hitting Chicago deep dish pizza makers' eye like a big pizza pie.


President Barack Obama is having 140 people over to the White House Friday night for a some deep-dish pizza — St. Louis deep dish pizza.


It seems during his campaign he had pizza from a restaurant called Pi in St. Louis. That's the story Pi assistant manager Lindsey Tornetto tells.


Whatever happened, the restaurant says the owner and his partner packed dough, cheese and pizza pans in their suitcases and flew to Washington.


It all has Marc Malnati — owner of 30 Lou Malnati's Pizzarias in the Chicago area — shaking his head. He says he likes Obama's economic policy, but thinks the president's pizza policy should change.


Information from: Chicago Tribune, http://www.chicagotribune.com






Brent Hunsaker - President Obama's "Pizzagate"



President Barak Obama wants to have 140 folks over to the White House Friday. He wants to serve pizza.


That must be the pizza made famous in his hometown of Chicago, right? Wrong.


The pizza will be from St. Louis.


Marinara sauce from pizzarias all over Chicago will soon be flowing in the streets like... err... marinara sauce. How can this be? Their favorite son is turning his back (and his taste buds) on them?


That's bad enough, but again, it's coming from St. Louis! Perhaps not mortal enemies, but St. Louis and Chicago have been bitter rivals for some time.


The Cubs may not be able to show off a World Series ring from this century, but Chicago has always had the deep dish pizza. St. Louis is known for the brew that goes with the pizza -- the foamy stuff that made Adolphus Busch a few million dollars. And there's the Cardinals. And that arch thing. But pizza?


And it just gets worse for Chicago's pride. The long distance pizza delivery (I trust the President tips well) is coming from a newcomer. The restaurant, Pi, has only been in business for about a year. So, just a year in business and Pi can already beat the best of Chicago in a dough throw? Really?


Pi's owner, Chris Sommers, is a longtime Obama supporter who first met the candidate at a fundraiser. He later served up his St. Louis style pizza to Obama's staff while they were on a campaign stop in October. Sommers confesses he wasn't sure Obama would even eat it, but he did and he loved it.


Sommers' plan for Friday is not to deliver the pizza a la Dominos, but rather deliver the pizza fixin's and himself. He will bake the pizza fresh in the White House kitchen. (Good luck getting all that dough and sauce past T.S.A.'s airport screeners. "Sir, you're only allowed 4 onces of liquid ... No sir, I don't care who it's for.")


So does this make the President a deep dish traitor? To hear some talk in Chicago, yes.


Newport Television LLC

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I can't believe this guy.


The auto execs get chastized for flying into Washington for their hearings.


But does the Obama get anything for flying in a man to Washington make pizza? That must have cost what $20,000 to $30,000 for 140 ($150 - $220/ pizza) pizzas including jet fuel, pilot, co-pilot, security...


and we did not even get a slice.


That's just plain garbage!....






One Big A## Mistake America. :o

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I can't believe this guy.


The auto execs get chastized for flying into Washington for their hearings.


But does the Obama get anything for flying in a man to Washington make pizza? That must have cost what $20,000 to $30,000 for 140 ($150 - $220/ pizza) pizzas including jet fuel, pilot, co-pilot, security...


and we did not even get a slice.


That's just plain garbage!....






One Big A## Mistake America. :o




All I got to say is.........Oh Brother.

I work in St Louis...not far from this PI Pizza. Give me a break...this pizza place has never made the

"best pizza" list in St Louis. There are at least 1 or 2 other pizza places in St Louis that are much better

than PI Pizza. Up until now, this place was not even on the St Louis Pizza Radar.

Just goes to show ya...Obama doesn't know whats good, even if it hit him in the face.

Must be something in it for him. heres the link:





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That type of flying around is partly what got the Eron Exec's in trouble.


Read the Book "Pipe Dreams" by Robert Bryce. (Investigative report into all the key charactors of Enron and how they drained the company of funds). Easy reading and very interesting.


Obama is performing very similar to the way that the Enron Execs were handling the Company. And we know where that ended up.


Lord help us all.

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You guys are funny, but slow...this broke three days ago!


1. To celebrate Obama winning the owner offered to deliver frozen pizzas to the White House but was told he couldn’t because of security concerns.

2. He was coming to DC for a meeting and let the White House know that he was willing to come and make it there (who wouldn't)

3. He flew coach on his $$$

4. He's staying in a hotel on his $$$

5. The Obama's are paying for the ingredients out of their own $$$


Back to our regularly scheduled right wing tirades... :happy feet:

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You guys are funny, but slow...this broke three days ago!


1. To celebrate Obama winning the owner offered to deliver frozen pizzas to the White House but was told he couldn’t because of security concerns.

2. He was coming to DC for a meeting and let the White House know that he was willing to come and make it there (who wouldn't)

3. He flew coach on his $$$

4. He's staying in a hotel on his $$$

5. The Obama's are paying for the ingredients out of their own $$$


Back to our regularly scheduled right wing tirades... :happy feet:



Yeah, that's what THEY say.... :hysterical:

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As much sense as your post!



Ahhhh you're funny :chairshot:


What I'm saying is he criticized the automakers for spending all this money to get to DC (who flew their wonderful jet airliners) so they could plead their cases about what great ideas they had in place to responsibly spend the bailout money. Seeing that they had none, they were sent home, and then returned in more... "humble" transportation.


He's a hypocrite - how can he criticize them if he's doing this kind of crap?


Honestly, does that make sense?

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Ahhhh you're funny :chairshot:


What I'm saying is he criticized the automakers for spending all this money to get to DC (who flew their wonderful jet airliners) so they could plead their cases about what great ideas they had in place to responsibly spend the bailout money. Seeing that they had none, they were sent home, and then returned in more... "humble" transportation.


He's a hypocrite - how can he criticize them if he's doing this kind of crap?


Honestly, does that make sense?


Umm...no. :headscratch:


What is it he is doing?


The pizza guy is coming to town anyway! The pizza guy called and offered! The pizza guy is flying on his own dime COACH, not on a private plane! The pizza guy didn't ask for nor is he getting any government assistance! Obama is paying for the pizza out of his own money!


What does this have to do with auto makers coming to us for money in private planes?

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Umm...no. :headscratch:


What is it he is doing?


The pizza guy is coming to town anyway! The pizza guy called and offered! The pizza guy is flying on his own dime COACH, not on a private plane! The pizza guy didn't ask for nor is he getting any government assistance! Obama is paying for the pizza out of his own money!


What does this have to do with auto makers coming to us for money in private planes?



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You guys are funny, but slow...this broke three days ago!


1. To celebrate Obama winning the owner offered to deliver frozen pizzas to the White House but was told he couldn’t because of security concerns.

2. He was coming to DC for a meeting and let the White House know that he was willing to come and make it there (who wouldn't)

3. He flew coach on his $$$

4. He's staying in a hotel on his $$$

5. The Obama's are paying for the ingredients out of their own $$$


Back to our regularly scheduled right wing tirades... :happy feet:


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