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Another Attack on our Traditions

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This is honestly how many felt about the warrantless wiretaps, the suspension of habeas corpus, and the secret prisons where people are held years with no charges and no trial, no defense, not even allowed to know or see the evidence against them.


These are things I think that are far more important than Columbus day and far more likely to "eventually help takes us down as a nation". These are some of the founding principles of this nation and more were part of what moved the colonists to revolt.


I found those things personally far more troubling!


While I understand your concerns, where are you on the other side. What about those that took away the supreem right away from the people in the world trade center. What right does a terrorist have? Do those that fight us in a war, those that violate international law day in and day out, have rights of a US citizen, even though, they are not? Are we to treat soldiers the same as common criminals. According to you, I guess so.

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While I understand your concerns, where are you on the other side. What about those that took away the supreem right away from the people in the world trade center. What right does a terrorist have? Do those that fight us in a war, those that violate international law day in and day out, have rights of a US citizen, even though, they are not? Are we to treat soldiers the same as common criminals. According to you, I guess so.


I hope you know me well enough to know I do not defend terrorists.


The concern I have though is there were US citizens or resident aliens caught up in this too. You ask "What right does a terrorist have?" how do we know who was a "terrorist" and who wasn't? Just take the governments word for it? No judicial oversight? No due process? Is that America?


It was basically possible for the government to grab you off the street and label you an "enemy combatant" and you would just "disappear". We just don't do that in America, do we? The reason these terrorists did what they did is because they hate our freedom and all we did in return was do ourselves what they were not able to with planes.


Do you really think this not something to be concerned with yet some crazy kids at Brown that want to rename Columbus day constitutes the start of the domino effect that rips the fabric of our nation? :headscratch:

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Jeff, you act as if the buck stops there. One these events begin to happen, they begin to spread like a cancer. They did vote out a holiday, and its only the beginning if its not controlled. The liberals have been taking baby steps like this for 30+ years, and its been getting worse, and worse. Destruction of tradition and fundamental United States culture will only serve to eventually help takes us down as a nation.


+1000. Liberal appetite cannot be satisfied.


This is honestly how many felt about the warrantless wiretaps, the suspension of habeas corpus, and the secret prisons where people are held years with no charges and no trial, no defense, not even allowed to know or see the evidence against them.


These are things I think that are far more important than Columbus day and far more likely to "eventually help takes us down as a nation". These are some of the founding principles of this nation and more were part of what moved the colonists to revolt.


I found those things personally far more troubling!


Okay so some benchmarks are more significant than others, but come on man - they're all part of the same downfall!! So agreed, some are worse, but in no way should that imply that they're aren't all pieces in the puzzle.

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Ah, so its ok for a student body to vote out a federal holiday?

Yes, it is IMHO. It's a private institution that exists for them. It was the majority who felt this way, and they are not imposing their beliefs on the minority. There's also numerous federal holidays that go ignored every day, or are you telling me that you celebrate every federal holiday by taking it off?I know my employer doesn't allow me to do that.

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Yes, it is IMHO. It's a private institution that exists for them. It was the majority who felt this way, and they are not imposing their beliefs on the minority. There's also numerous federal holidays that go ignored every day, or are you telling me that you celebrate every federal holiday by taking it off?I know my employer doesn't allow me to do that.



They can certainly not observe the holiday. In fact, if they were so concerned, they should just go to classes that day :D

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