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Handed the Keys Over Today

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Six months ago, we got new neighbors -- a Marine pilot and his family. A few months ago, his wife's Dad ("Hop" Hopkins) was in town from Virginia (retired Navy and works for the Veteran's Department now). I was working on the Shelby in the driveway and he came over and introduced himself. One thing led to another and I took him for a ride. There is an on ramp near the house that is uphill and where you can take the car to boost, get all over it, and slow back down before being visible to those on the freeway. You get the idea.


We returned from that trip and he was in awe of the car. As we talked, it was was revealed that he was an historic gearhead whose first car, as a married man, was a 1965 Mustang. He talked with fondness of those years long ago (the 60s) when he was really into cars.


Two days ago, he and his wife came into town to stay with his daughter and the kids for two weeks. Jano, a helo pilot, is deployed to Iraq. When Hop got here, I had the car in the driveway again and he came over to admire it. He mentioned that he had talked about the car with all his buddies back in Virginia.


This morning, I took the car out for a spin. Just a beautiful Southern California day -- temperatures in the 70s and bright sunshine. When I got back, I picked up the phone and called Hop. I did something I had never done before. I asked him if he and his wife wanted to take the car out for a drive, just the two of them. After confirming I was not kidding, he accepted. I watched as my car disappeared down the street, turned the corner and was gone.


An hour and a half later, they were back. We all know these cars are special but forget just how special. Something told me to make that phone call this morning and trust that the car would be fine. Both Hop and his wife came in the house and told us of their drive. They talked of driver after driver giving them a thumbs up as they cruised north on I-15. They talked of how the car felt and how it sounded. They talked about what a good time they had -- kind of like when they were first married and had that '65 Mustang.


As they were leaving, Hop said, "Jim, I never, in a million years, would have thought I would have the chance to drive a car like yours. It was a dream come true." And he meant it.


Sometimes we forget all the other gearheads out there. They may have moved on with their lives but they have not forgotten what it was like to drive a muscle car and how GOOD it made you feel. I felt like I had given a gift to them that took them back 45 years.


Like I said, I never thought I would hand my keys over to somebody, let alone someone I did not really know all that well. But gearheads can tell when they are talking with other gearheads and Hop is one through and through. Can't say I will ever do that again, but it was worth it to see their faces when they returned. It was a special moment in time.



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That was a nice thing you did there, everytime I do something like that they smash it up.

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Good job, Jim. :happy feet: Your story made me think about the car I learned to drive in, my mother's '67 Mustang 289 coupe. I met my wife in that car and we had our first date in it. Even though I was a GM guy for ever, I guess I've always had a spot in my heart for Mustangs. Buying my new 2007 SGT 16 months ago like was buying a time machine. I can step back to the sixties any day I want as I am still married to my high school sweetheart and I finally have a Mustang in my garage. I can only imagine how Hop and his wife felt crusing down the road. :drool:

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Way to go. There are many gearheads who have had to let go of a car or cars as life moves on. It is nice when those of us that have cars that others would love to drive share the keys once in awhile.



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Way to go. There are many gearheads who have had to let go of a car or cars as life moves on. It is nice when those of us that have cars that others would love to drive share the keys once in awhile.




Couldn't have said it better - +1!!

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