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We would like to thank each and every one of you for all your kind thoughts and words!! It means so much to have such a caring community of people looking out for us all!! Right now we are operating on auto pilot trying to get the arrangements done!!


This is truly going to be a test of our strength and of our character, we have been told that the worst to come is after the funeral is over but i know we will get through this because God has a plan for each and every one of us!!


Thanks for the words of encouragement and for the songs, they all have a unique place in our hearts!!! Its time for some shut eye now, not much sleep this last week!!



Jon and Corey

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Jon, please accept my sincere condolences. I know things are tough now but your faith will get you through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless you and Corey.



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So very sorry for you and your son's loss of such a wonderful wife and mother.

It is difficult every day and seems to get worse after the funeral likely because things wind down.

The empty feeling never completely goes away, kind of like the ocean tide it ebbs and flows.

However, over time it becomes easier to focus on the wonderful memories you have.

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I am sorry for your loss. Take comfort that she is no longer suffering and that you will be wih her again :angel: . I lost my father to cancer three and a half years ago. His passing was a blessing.

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"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout , with the voice of an archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first."

"Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."

"Wherefore comfort one another with these words."

I Thessalonians 4:16-17


You and your family are in my prayers.

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Hi --- Precious Team Shelby members ! I know that Shelly is in a better place and that she had Angels helping her in the last few weeks.


Last Monday after i helped her get ready for the day with clean clothes,brushed her hair, brushed her teeth,breakfast,juice and with her meds, Shelly told me she had been talking to a couple people that morning before i got up, and when i asked her who, she told me my Dad and her sister Sandy!!!


They both have passed away -Dad in 2006 and her younger sister Sandy 6yrs ago!!


When i asked her what my Dad said- she told me that he came into the living room and stood next to her in bed and said "HI- how are you doing?" when i asked her what her sister said she told me she"couldn't remember" but that she was there with her in the room!!!


On Wednesday of this last week Shelly told me she could see people sitting next to her in bed but when she turned to look directly at them they weren't there!!!


I have taken great comfort knowing that she had angles with her this last few weeks watching over her!! God works in mysterious ways and we don't always know what he has in store for each of us!!


I had a house full of family members,friends and the Hospice people this last week helping us take care of her!! All of Shelly's and my family members had the chance to say good bye, while Shelly was still with us we sat around and talked about all the good times and prayed quite often, lots of laughter and tears!!


Our son Corey will graduate from College in may! His professors all have told him that they will make it happen for him!!

Friday night when we were talking to Shelly- Corey told her that he would be graduating and her face Lit up-she smiled and said "WOW- THATS GREAT NEWS!!" Shelly was so proud of her family!!!! Shelly's last goal was to see Corey graduate and this news gave her great comfort!!!


Our priest Fr Stan was out to give her the sacraments twice this last couple weeks and that gave her and us great comfort!!


Shelly will be missed for ever! No one will be able to replace her!! She was the BEST!! She made me what I am today and for that i am grateful and i told her that many times in these last few weeks!! Shelly was the glue that held us together!!



I would again like to Thank each and every one of you for all that you have done and for your condolences It means so much to have an extended family like this that we all can reach out to in our time of need!!



THANKS!!! Jon,Corey

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