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Yes, I was making a joke, about Tea...Earl Gray is a "proper" british tea...sorry bad joke!


I think if you and I were talking face to face over a beer there would be more things we agreed on than disagreed on.


Jeff, you could well be right - so, what kind of beer do you like? :lurk:

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A Log Cabin Republican is a a Gay male one...you would not believe how many very gay Republicans there actually are, they dress like outdoorsy type hunter dudes and revel in the fact that the straight dudes in the Republican organizations do not know thier true sexuality. I read about them during the last election in Seattle's weekly paper. The numbers are staggering. It was shocking to me as it would seem that gay males would be against Republican Ideals but it was a true story that was well researched, there are VAST numbers of Log Cabin Republicans...an important demographic for the party....truth is stranger than fiction. They also go by the term "American Bears", which is odd as law enforcement in our state puts bear stickers on the rear windows of their personal cars...you cannot make this stuff up I swear.

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A Log Cabin Republican is a a Gay male one...you would not believe how many very gay Republicans there actually are, they dress like outdoorsy type hunter dudes and revel in the fact that the straight dudes in the Republican organizations do not know thier true sexuality. I read about them during the last election in Seattle's weekly paper. The numbers are staggering. It was shocking to me as it would seem that gay males would be against Republican Ideals but it was a true story that was well researched, there are VAST numbers of Log Cabin Republicans...an important demographic for the party....truth is stranger than fiction. They also go by the term "American Bears", which is odd as law enforcement in our state puts bear stickers on the rear windows of their personal cars...you cannot make this stuff up I swear.


OK, this is news to me...so in that case Jeff was insulting me but I didn't realize it. Jeff, what have you to say now?


edit - P.S. - now you will have more to explain over that beer!!!

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French Workers Shut Down Eiffel Tower: A Preview Of Socialism




Yes, Democrats - I know its TownHall - but, it appears factual and something to consider. Have a read.

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French Workers Shut Down Eiffel Tower: A Preview Of Socialism




Yes, Democrats - I know its TownHall - but, it appears factual and something to consider. Have a read.



Whoa! Forget the silly Eiffel tower stuff...how did they get that poll number of only 53% of American's prefer capitalism to socialism? WTF? That can't be right!?!?! Can it?!?! I even prefer apitalism to socialism so who the heck are these 47% that don't and if I'm in the other 53%, we're screwed!


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Whoa! Forget the silly Eiffel tower stuff...how did they get that poll number of only 53% of American's prefer capitalism to socialism? WTF? That can't be right!?!?! Can it?!?! I even prefer apitalism to socialism so who the heck are these 47% that don't and if I'm in the other 53%, we're screwed!



I don't know - that creeped me out too! :headscratch:

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Whoa! Forget the silly Eiffel tower stuff...how did they get that poll number of only 53% of American's prefer capitalism to socialism? WTF? That can't be right!?!?! Can it?!?! I even prefer apitalism to socialism so who the heck are these 47% that don't and if I'm in the other 53%, we're screwed!



They probably Polled Young Adults (under 30) who do not know what Socialism is........after all, they only Teach the FCAT in School now, have been for quit some time. :censored:

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With all the 'stimulus' help going to the private market- I really am getting concerned with government control.


I mean, what else do you call it when the government buys up private industry (esp. with 'strings' attached)? - ANS: Socialism.


A song by Big and Rich called "Shuttin' Detroit Down" speaks volumes.

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With all the 'stimulus' help going to the private market- I really am getting concerned with government control.


I mean, what else do you call it when the government buys up private industry (esp. with 'strings' attached)? - ANS: Socialism.


A song by Big and Rich called "Shuttin' Detroit Down" speaks volumes.


huh? This isn't socialism! This is corporate welfare!


Sorry! These our my tax dollars! If you want to give these #$@! companies your money with no strings, you go for it!


Not even a bank loans money to companies with no strings but here we have companies not even banks will loan to! Hey, the unemployment their laid off workers are on comes with strings so if these companies want to suck off the taxpayers teat they can accept the strings or go bankrupt! I prefer the later myself!


Bailouts are a bad idea...giving my tax dollars to screwed up management, that loves to pay bonuses, with no strings...is a REALLY bad idea.

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I have also been against ANY bailouts. Government should not be involved in the free markets other than for reasonable laws and taxes. Billions have been wasted on GM and now they are hopefully doing what they should have done to begin with (chapter 11 bankruptcy).

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I have also been against ANY bailouts. Government should not be involved in the free markets other than for reasonable laws and taxes. Billions have been wasted on GM and now they are hopefully doing what they should have done to begin with (chapter 11 bankruptcy).


The Government has been involved in Business (Big & Small) for Many Many Years ............. does Affirmative Action ring a bell?

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Loans come with strings- that exactly my point.


Any time the government 'helps' any private company- it's a bad idea. We all know that the market goes up and down, some survive while others don't. New companies replace the old ones. It's just the way a FREE market works.


Instead of trying to give money to domestic car companies- TAX the foreign junk AND/OR HELP the domestic companies with prideful advertising. Faith in American products has been hurting for years.


If anyone cares about the domestic car market, check out this site--> http://www.levelfieldinstitute.org/

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I have also been against ANY bailouts. Government should not be involved in the free markets other than for reasonable laws and taxes. Billions have been wasted on GM and now they are hopefully doing what they should have done to begin with (chapter 11 bankruptcy).




:happy feet:

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