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You're traveling through another dimension -- a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the Twilight Zone!



Easy there now ,'Big Guy', Don't let your, 'Pseudo Intellectual Liberal Thoughts', get in the way of, REALITY.


That should start a Tidal Wave, of quotes.


? Are we to conclude from your post, that you, 'Do Not ' think that Socialism//Communism Suck?


? Or Perhaps that Barrack Hussein Obama is actually, a Conservative?


'Or is it, that Facts and Truth, always, sound Like a Science-Fiction script, to Leftist Liberal/Socialist?



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Easy there now ,'Big Guy', Don't let your, 'Pseudo Intellectual Liberal Thoughts', get in the way of, REALITY.


That should start a Tidal Wave, of quotes.


? Are we to conclude from your post, that you, 'Do Not ' think that Socialism//Communism Suck?


? Or Perhaps that Barrack Hussein Obama is actually, a Conservative?


'Or is it, that Facts and Truth, always, sound Like a Science-Fiction script, to Leftist Liberal/Socialist?



A "fact" is not the same as an emotional rant. You wouldn't know a fact if it bite your red-neck.

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A "fact" is not the same as an emotional rant. You wouldn't know a fact if it bite your red-neck.

I'll take the term, 'Red Neck' as a complement.


The word "redneck", as I'm sure you know with your sarcastic, vast body of learned knowledge, was a source of pride among union miners, including miners of color, who fought for justice against mine owners and government troops during what is known as "The Redneck War of 1921". The West Virginia miner's strike of 1921 or "The Redneck War of 1921".


Miners who chose to take up arms in the struggle identified one another by the wearing of red bandanas around their necks; hence the term "rednecks". Of course, those who looked down upon the miners used this term in a derogatory fashion to describe anyone who was poor, perhaps lacked education or polish.


Ironically, too many today who supposedly take pride in calling people, rednecks play right into the hands of those who used that term as a slur rather than as a source of pride.


IOW, CC, the history of the "Redneck Miners" is one that has been lost to American (Leftist) written, History books'. You have to look to the history of labor battles in this country to realize just what the redneck miners contributed to the labor movement and to justice in the United States.


But as a good, Leftist', History is not Facts, but merely, something to alter to fit your Socialist/Leftist ideas.



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But as a good, Leftist', History is not Facts, but merely, something to alter to fit your Socialist/Leftist ideas.[/font][/size] :salute:


Yep, just like the Ingsoc party in "1984". That book must be the Democrat Party Manual!!!

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I'll take the term, 'Red Neck' as a complement.


The word "redneck", as I'm sure you know with your sarcastic, vast body of learned knowledge, was a source of pride among union miners, including miners of color, who fought for justice against mine owners and government troops during what is known as "The Redneck War of 1921". The West Virginia miner's strike of 1921 or "The Redneck War of 1921".


Miners who chose to take up arms in the struggle identified one another by the wearing of red bandanas around their necks; hence the term "rednecks". Of course, those who looked down upon the miners used this term in a derogatory fashion to describe anyone who was poor, perhaps lacked education or polish.


Ironically, too many today who supposedly take pride in calling people, rednecks play right into the hands of those who used that term as a slur rather than as a source of pride.


IOW, CC, the history of the "Redneck Miners" is one that has been lost to American (Leftist) written, History books'. You have to look to the history of labor battles in this country to realize just what the redneck miners contributed to the labor movement and to justice in the United States.


But as a good, Leftist', History is not Facts, but merely, something to alter to fit your Socialist/Leftist ideas.




The hills there are still full of shell casings from that uprising. Do you know where the term "Leatherneck" came from? I just found out yesterday.

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The hills there are still full of shell casings from that uprising. Do you know where the term "Leatherneck" came from? I just found out yesterday.


Leatherneck is common - "teufel hunden" we inherited as well, back in the Battle of Belleau Wood somewhere in the early 1900's. It's German for "Devil Dog," or perhaps a closer interpretation is "dogs of the devil."






:bandance: :rockon:

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"Socialism Su-ks"

"Communism Really Su-ks"

"Barrack Hussein Obama is a Socialist/Communist"

"Oh Yah, and Liberals Su-k Too"


Turnsignaldelete April 8, 2009



:beerchug: :tequila: :beerchug:


:party2: :party2: :party2:



Thaaank You !!!, I'm Here all week !!!


That means "THIS WEEK REALLY SUCKS HERE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:


"USELESS RIGHT WING NUT CASE FOOL"....................

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Easy there now ,'Big Guy', Don't let your, 'Pseudo Intellectual Liberal Thoughts', get in the way of, REALITY.


That should start a Tidal Wave, of quotes.


? Are we to conclude from your post, that you, 'Do Not ' think that Socialism//Communism Suck?


? Or Perhaps that Barrack Hussein Obama is actually, a Conservative?


'Or is it, that Facts and Truth, always, sound Like a Science-Fiction script, to Leftist Liberal/Socialist?




Speaking as ME not as a "moderator"! ok?


I've watched you spew your BS and hate of late and I really I think you need maybe to think before you type and try treat fellow American's with the same respect you expect in return.


My friend this is the United States of America where people are allowed to form their own opinions and beliefs. If you don't approve of the freedoms we enjoy, to express what we feel, you're free to go to Russia or some other totalitarian country where everyone if forced to believe one way and follow one dogma. I am the minority here and take my share of the debate but I try VERY HARD to disagree but not be disagreeable doing it.


Casually throwing around words and labels meant to denigrate and hate is not the America I fought for, or the Constitution I swore to protect and defend, but while I did defend your right to be a PITA, please try not to get too upset with me if I simply don't agree with you, I think I've earned that right.


Carry on!

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Jeff, America is becoming more polarized every day. Exponetially more polarized every day. Civility is almost a thing of the past due to the polarism.


It's unfortunate. :cry:


As JFK said, "If this nation is to be wise as well as strong, if we are to achieve our destiny, then we need more new ideas for more wise men...we must know all the facts and hear all the alternatives and listen to all the criticisms. Let us welcome controversial words and controversial people. For the Bill of Rights is the guardian of our security as well as our liberty."


While I may not find myself in agreement with most of you most of the time, I do respect your opinions, and find some measure of comfort in the fact you all love this great nation as much as I do.


:happy feet:

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Leatherneck is common - "teufel hunden" we inherited as well, back in the Battle of Belleau Wood somewhere in the early 1900's. It's German for "Devil Dog," or perhaps a closer interpretation is "dogs of the devil."






:bandance: :rockon:


Actually it came from the leather collars the Marines wore to protect their necks from sword strikes.

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Speaking as ME not as a "moderator"! ok?

I've watched you spew your BS and hate of late and I really I think you need maybe to think before you type and try treat fellow American's with the same respect you expect in return.

My friend this is the United States of America where people are allowed to form their own opinions and beliefs. If you don't approve of the freedoms we enjoy, to express what we feel, you're free to go to Russia or some other totalitarian country where everyone if forced to believe one way and follow one dogma. I am the minority here and take my share of the debate but I try VERY HARD to disagree but not be disagreeable doing it.

Casually throwing around words and labels meant to denigrate and hate is not the America I fought for, or the Constitution I swore to protect and defend, but while I did defend your right to be a PITA, please try not to get too upset with me if I simply don't agree with you, I think I've earned that right.

Carry on!

Wow !! How did you form, the above thoughts, from what I wrote? Why is it with , 'Leftist' types, that when they spew their, BS, about Bush, Conservatives,etc. It's called 'Free Speech'. But when Conservatives give it back to the the 'Lefties' they yell, 'Hate Speech'. Let's see that would be.. oh Ya, Hypocrisy !


Jeff, The United States, was founded as a Democratic-Republic and on Judea-Christian principles/beliefs. You can say what you wish, however you may Not yell, Fire', in a Theater or.. you get the idea. Practice what religion you choose, but don't tell the vast majority who are Christians, in a Christian founded/based country, not to put a nativity scene even in the 'Town Square'. If you can't stand looking at a 'Cross', or nativity scene, or hearing the 'Lords prayer at a Graduation Ceremony, then do not attend or leave the USA and find a Country, that thinks and believes like you.


Do not confuse your basic American freedoms to mean that you can change the , 'Base Constitutional Fabric' of the USA. That should be clear. Go to China, North Korea, Cuba, and try out your 'Freedom of choice', I know you will see in those Countrys, a very tight adherence to there system of Government. I want the United States to closely adhere to its founding principles, as a 'Democratic-Republic', and not become a , 'Socialist/Communist Society'. I do not want the ACLU, or any other special interest groups dectating to the majority. IOW, Minority Rights, YES, But Not Minority Rule.


By the way Jeff, your not the only one who has defended our Great Country, I have every right to post or speak as I wish,(within the boundaries of standards of this web-site) the, 'Leftist' sure had a field day with Bush, for the past 8 years, dig up some of the ,'Vile', that was said about President Bush, on this very site. Sounds like,'You can dish it out, but can't take it'.


So, IOW, Jeff, get off your pompous, high horse, and stop preaching your self-righteous garble. I've read some your posts, and your not always even close to being civil or kind. I Love this Country,as it was founded, with Christian principles. I do not like Socialism or Communism, I have seen both, and in extremely close up encounters. I do not want to live like that and neither do my loved ones. I'll defend anyones right of , 'Free Speech', But I will, fight to keep the United States as it was founded. To Hell with the ACLU.


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The pendulum has swung wayyyy to far to the right to find middle ground any time soon...



Maybe it depends on where you live. If your state is way too far to the right, I want to move there! Here in CT, its all "left".

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It's unfortunate. :cry:


As JFK said, "If this nation is to be wise as well as strong, if we are to achieve our destiny, then we need more new ideas for more wise men...we must know all the facts and hear all the alternatives and listen to all the criticisms. Let us welcome controversial words and controversial people. For the Bill of Rights is the guardian of our security as well as our liberty."


While I may not find myself in agreement with most of you most of the time, I do respect your opinions, and find some measure of comfort in the fact you all love this great nation as much as I do.


:happy feet:


Sounds good on paper, however, when JFK said that, was that similar to when Obama said that he would listen to both sides and be bi-partisan? Obviously, Obama has not fulfilled that promise in any way, shape or form and he and Pelosi / Reid have no intention to do so. Maybe JFK meant it, but its more likely that the "wise men" he was speaking about were his choice of "wise men". And who was he referring to by "controversial people", those that he didn't agree with? I do agree that "the Bill of Rights is the guardian of our security as well as our liberty"; so why are Democrats trying to take away our rights?

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Sounds good on paper, however, when JFK said that, was that similar to when Obama said that he would listen to both sides and be bi-partisan? Obviously, Obama has not fulfilled that promise in any way, shape or form and he and Pelosi / Reid have no intention to do so. Maybe JFK meant it, but its more likely that the "wise men" he was speaking about were his choice of "wise men". And who was he referring to by "controversial people", those that he didn't agree with? I do agree that "the Bill of Rights is the guardian of our security as well as our liberty"; so why are Democrats trying to take away our rights?


What rights are being taken away? Do you mean the right to privacy and not have the government listen in to your phone calls? oops, never mind that was the last Administration. You mean the right to habeas corpus? No, wait, that was the last Administration too! Oh yea! Allowing torture in secret off the books prisons? Noooooo, that was the other guy too. Ok, I give?!?!?


But hey, why after the election didn't the Republican leadership not go to the White House for the economy meeting? For example Boner said he had another commitment which I guess was somehow more important than in invitation from the President to work together. In his 3rd week in office the President made an unprecedented gesture to Congress and addressed a joint session asking for their help. Yet, not a single Republican voted to give the President what he felt was needed to fix things when he had been in the office less than 4 weeks. Not a single one could say "I might not like it, but I'll give him a chance and maybe we'll all live to fight another day".


I think these actions, and others, in the first month of the Obama Administration pretty much killed any illusion of bi-partisanship.


Now, having said that, Pelosi and Reid make my skin crawl. The President needs to get rid of these two ASAP. They are as much a poison to working things through as Boner, and people like him. We need more moderates that can come to some level of compromise and get things done. Another point where we agree! :happy feet:


Oh, BTW and I think Jack was talking about people like Goldwater, Rockefeller....etc.

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Not a single Republican voted to give the President what he felt was needed to fix things when he had been in the office less than 4 weeks. Not a single one could say "I might not like it, but I'll give him a chance and maybe we'll all live to fight another day".


You are kidding right? "I won, get over it" Remember I dont want my representative, republican or Democrat spending anymore money. So, no, lets not get stupid and "give it a try"


Now, having said that, Pelosi and Reid make my skin crawl. The President needs to get rid of these two ASAP. They are as much a poison to working things through as Boner, and people like him. We need more moderates that can come to some level of compromise and get things done.


Another point where we agree! :happy feet:


** cleaned up the post..- Jeff

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Yet, not a single Republican voted to give the President what he felt was needed to fix things when he had been in the office less than 4 weeks. Not a single one could say "I might not like it, but I'll give him a chance and maybe we'll all live to fight another day".


If you had a 10 year old son and he came up and said "give me the keys to your '72 Ferrari Daytona, I'm pretty sure I can drive it", would you give him the keys? Same thing here. You have a guy with 160 days experience working part time as a senator asking for all sorts of ludicrous spending. Nobody with any sense would look at his proposals and cooperate with him because common sense tells you they can't and won't work.


I think these actions, and others, in the first month of the Obama Administration pretty much killed any illusion of bi-partisanship.


Bi-partisanship is overrated. They throw that word around like it means something. Stupid is stupid. Having both parties sign on to something does not make it smart or wise.



Now, having said that, Pelosi and Reid make my skin crawl.


Agreed 1000%.

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I was talking with some Friends today and the subject turned to Obama, Bail Outs and Socialism. It was said that several Banks tried to give back the Money and Obama refused to take it back........has anyone else heard this? It was said that He wont take it back because he wants some control of them.

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I was talking with some Friends today and the subject turned to Obama, Bail Outs and Socialism. It was said that several Banks tried to give back the Money and Obama refused to take it back........has anyone else heard this? It was said that He wont take it back because he wants some control of them.


Look it up!


You'll find this all comes from a FoxNews story that didn't name the bank but said "sources". There are seven banks on record that have asked to return the money, four have returned it, and three are awaiting the guidance and direction of how the exchange will happen. Two of those three applied to do so within the last 15 days.


Yeah, Obama wants to control banks! That's worked real well so far hasn't it?



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What rights are being taken away? Do you mean the right to privacy and not have the government listen in to your phone calls? oops, never mind that was the last Administration. You mean the right to habeas corpus? No, wait, that was the last Administration too! Oh yea! Allowing torture in secret off the books prisons? Noooooo, that was the other guy too. Ok, I give?!?!?


I don't support or condone terrorists, their actions, or the actions used to combat them, especially considering that they attacked New York and killed over 3000 people on our shores.


As for rights being taken away (and I'm sure that I'm missing quite a few);


1. Obama has openly acknowledged that he is raising my taxes to redistribute wealth. This ignores my 5th amendment right which only allows my property to be taken for public just for just compensation (you may argue that this only applies to land - I don't agree).


2. There can be no denying that Liberals are doing all in their power to ban guns. They are being regulated more and more extremely. This is an infringement on my right to bear arms. (you may argue that its regulation only for safety or similar - I don't agree).


3. Liberals have fought to and have succeeded to successfully remove religious items from certain public buildings or areas under an imagined "separation of church and state" clause. There have been attempts in my state by liberals to eliminate any ties between Catholic churches and the Vatican (we successfully won on that one). Gay liberals and politicians are doing all in their power to destroy the definition of marriage. Pro-Abortion advocates are doing all possible, and I think may eventually succeed, in preventing medical professionals from excercising their conscience rights and force them to assist in or perform abortions (this will have terrible consequences). These are all attacks on and removal of my right of religious freedom.


4. Freedom of Speech - just last week the City of Philadelphia prevented a "Tea Party" gathering by proclaiming, at the last minute, the gathering to require some sort of silly permit, charging $8000 for it and thereby preventing the folks from being able to afford it or move elsewhere. Although Bush-bashing abounds freely and uninhibited, to do the same to Obama results in being called a "hater" and a "racist". There can be Bush figurines on the store shelves to joke about him, but oh my God put up an Obama Chia Pet and its suddenly banned from store shelves. Ridiculous! - and - no freedom of speech.


So, that's just a few. I'm sure I could come up with more if the family wasn't calling me for breakfast!


I am glad that we agree on Pelosi & Reid, however! :happy feet:

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Look it up!


You'll find this all comes from a FoxNews story that didn't name the bank but said "sources". There are seven banks on record that have asked to return the money, four have returned it, and three are awaiting the guidance and direction of how the exchange will happen. Two of those three applied to do so within the last 15 days.


Yeah, Obama wants to control banks! That's worked real well so far hasn't it?





And three of them were on Fox as well. Nice try Jeff, they are fair there but you wouldnt know.


And, Im glad we agree on something

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I don't support or condone terrorists, their actions, or the actions used to combat them, especially considering that they attacked New York and killed over 3000 people on our shores.


As for rights being taken away (and I'm sure that I'm missing quite a few);


1. Obama has openly acknowledged that he is raising my taxes to redistribute wealth. This ignores my 5th amendment right which only allows my property to be taken for public just for just compensation (you may argue that this only applies to land - I don't agree).


2. There can be no denying that Liberals are doing all in their power to ban guns. They are being regulated more and more extremely. This is an infringement on my right to bear arms. (you may argue that its regulation only for safety or similar - I don't agree).


3. Liberals have fought to and have succeeded to successfully remove religious items from certain public buildings or areas under an imagined "separation of church and state" clause. There have been attempts in my state by liberals to eliminate any ties between Catholic churches and the Vatican (we successfully won on that one). Gay liberals and politicians are doing all in their power to destroy the definition of marriage. Pro-Abortion advocates are doing all possible, and I think may eventually succeed, in preventing medical professionals from excercising their conscience rights and force them to assist in or perform abortions (this will have terrible consequences). These are all attacks on and removal of my right of religious freedom.


4. Freedom of Speech - just last week the City of Philadelphia prevented a "Tea Party" gathering by proclaiming, at the last minute, the gathering to require some sort of silly permit, charging $8000 for it and thereby preventing the folks from being able to afford it or move elsewhere. Although Bush-bashing abounds freely and uninhibited, to do the same to Obama results in being called a "hater" and a "racist". There can be Bush figurines on the store shelves to joke about him, but oh my God put up an Obama Chia Pet and its suddenly banned from store shelves. Ridiculous! - and - no freedom of speech.


So, that's just a few. I'm sure I could come up with more if the family wasn't calling me for breakfast!


I am glad that we agree on Pelosi & Reid, however! :happy feet:



And three of them were on Fox as well. Nice try Jeff, they are fair there but you wouldnt know.


And, Im glad we agree on something




This has been an interesting thread...


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And three of them were on Fox as well. Nice try Jeff, they are fair there but you wouldnt know.


And, Im glad we agree on something


Those three have NOT been refused there is "supposedly" a fourth unnamed bank that was turned down. None of these three, TCF etc., have been turned down they are awaiting the response from Treasury of how to do the transfer. Fox claims there is a "secret" bank that fears "retribution" if it's name was made public and that was "turned down". :headscratch:


Sorry nice try!

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I don't support or condone terrorists, their actions, or the actions used to combat them, especially considering that they attacked New York and killed over 3000 people on our shores.


As for rights being taken away (and I'm sure that I'm missing quite a few);


1. Obama has openly acknowledged that he is raising my taxes to redistribute wealth. This ignores my 5th amendment right which only allows my property to be taken for public just for just compensation (you may argue that this only applies to land - I don't agree).


2. There can be no denying that Liberals are doing all in their power to ban guns. They are being regulated more and more extremely. This is an infringement on my right to bear arms. (you may argue that its regulation only for safety or similar - I don't agree).


3. Liberals have fought to and have succeeded to successfully remove religious items from certain public buildings or areas under an imagined "separation of church and state" clause. There have been attempts in my state by liberals to eliminate any ties between Catholic churches and the Vatican (we successfully won on that one). Gay liberals and politicians are doing all in their power to destroy the definition of marriage. Pro-Abortion advocates are doing all possible, and I think may eventually succeed, in preventing medical professionals from excercising their conscience rights and force them to assist in or perform abortions (this will have terrible consequences). These are all attacks on and removal of my right of religious freedom.


4. Freedom of Speech - just last week the City of Philadelphia prevented a "Tea Party" gathering by proclaiming, at the last minute, the gathering to require some sort of silly permit, charging $8000 for it and thereby preventing the folks from being able to afford it or move elsewhere. Although Bush-bashing abounds freely and uninhibited, to do the same to Obama results in being called a "hater" and a "racist". There can be Bush figurines on the store shelves to joke about him, but oh my God put up an Obama Chia Pet and its suddenly banned from store shelves. Ridiculous! - and - no freedom of speech.


So, that's just a few. I'm sure I could come up with more if the family wasn't calling me for breakfast!


I am glad that we agree on Pelosi & Reid, however! :happy feet:


So trying to weed through your post I think the jist of it is that you fear gay liberals, but I guess Log Cabin Republican's are ok, and enjoy a nice cup of Earl Gray. Did I get it right? :hysterical:


I'm not going to argue these with you! These are your beliefs! I'm not going to change your mind and you're not going to change my mind! So hang in there and hold out of the mid-terms and hope your party gets it's :censored: together by then! I had to put up with Bush for 8 years and I, and America, made it though...you will too!


Have a happy Easter with the family!

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So trying to weed through your post I think the jist of it is that you fear gay liberals, but I guess Log Cabin Republican's are ok, and enjoy a nice cup of Earl Gray. Did I get it right? :hysterical:


I'm not going to argue these with you! These are your beliefs! I'm not going to change your mind and you're not going to change my mind! So hang in there and hold out of the mid-terms and hope your party gets it's :censored: together by then! I had to put up with Bush for 8 years and I, and America, made it though...you will too!


Have a happy Easter with the family!


Jeff, it may not be a matter of holding on for 2-4 years. obama has already said he wants to legalize 13 million immigrants. That means they will vote. And vote democrat. The conservatives will never be able to overcome an additional 13 million votes. Socialism is not just coming it is here. Then those 13 million plus other groups know they can vote themselves a pay raise whenever they want. Just by voting democrat. What the democrats could not do by obtaining legal votes they have done through acorn and now 13 million out of network votes. Sama analogy as when the president did not like the supreme court rulings and thretened to just add more justices until he stacked the vote in his favor. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

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So trying to weed through your post I think the jist of it is that you fear gay liberals, but I guess Log Cabin Republican's are ok, and enjoy a nice cup of Earl Gray. Did I get it right? :hysterical:


I'm not going to argue these with you! These are your beliefs! I'm not going to change your mind and you're not going to change my mind! So hang in there and hold out of the mid-terms and hope your party gets it's :censored: together by then! I had to put up with Bush for 8 years and I, and America, made it though...you will too!


Have a happy Easter with the family!


Jeff, to clarify one thing - I don't fear them. I just fundamentally disagree with the attacks that they are making against my beliefs and rights, and will do all that I can reasonably do to stop them. I'm not sure what you mean by "Log Cabin Republicans" and "Earl Grey" though. Maybe you're just kidding there, but that's not important.


I can't argue with the need for the Republican party to get its act together, from the standpoint of finding a viable and qualified candidate to oust this current fellow out of office in 4 years. I'll keep praying for that one!


edit - oh, by the way and just to be clear - I don't believe in torture either, so I believe that you and I can agree on that one also.

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Jeff, to clarify one thing - I don't fear them. I just fundamentally disagree with the attacks that they are making against my beliefs and rights, and will do all that I can reasonably do to stop them. I'm not sure what you mean by "Log Cabin Republicans" and "Earl Grey" though. Maybe you're just kidding there, but that's not important.


I can't argue with the need for the Republican party to get its act together, from the standpoint of finding a viable and qualified candidate to oust this current fellow out of office in 4 years. I'll keep praying for that one!


edit - oh, by the way and just to be clear - I don't believe in torture either, so I believe that you and I can agree on that one also.


Yes, I was making a joke, about Tea...Earl Gray is a "proper" british tea...sorry bad joke!


I think if you and I were talking face to face over a beer there would be more things we agreed on than disagreed on.

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