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Lie, after lie, after lie, after lie..........

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Remember what Ted Kennedy said about President Bush. Well here is yet another lie from the obama adminstation. Anything to violate the rights of Americans.





Lie after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie..........


Biden is already saying we have to do something to stop the violence.

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90% of the guns sampled for tracing were traced back to the US. Is every gun used in any crime in Mexico going to get origination tracing? Obviously not.

They sample the weapons, 6,000 to be exact, and of those over 90% originated in the US. Thousands of these guns had serial #'s removed intentionally, so that the origin would be untraceable.

Faux News says 17% of all guns. The Dems say 90%. The honest # is somewhere in the middle, IMO.



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Read the article again for the first time. 29,000 guns were recovered. Only 5,000 were traced back to the US. The rest are from China, Korea, Russia, etc. Read between the lines. That means they are AK-47's. And they stated the weapons were full auto so that means they did not come from the US. You can't buy full auto weapons in the US without a Class III license and the ATF is very, very strict on Class III's. You can buy full auto AKs in other countries for about 200 each.


When pushed to explain the ATF whores said that 90% of the weapons that were traced were traced to the US. But they did not send all to the ATF to be traced. Only 6,000 were sent to be traced. Of that 5K + came back to the US. There is no use in trying to trace a full auto Chineese or Russian, com bloc AK back to the US when they know it did not originate in the US.


They lied.

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That's the only way that they can sell the gun ban to the public, if they lie about it. I did hear one good thing though, 63 democrat congressman signed a petition saying that they will not support a assault weapon ban. A slap in the face for the Obama administration.

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And remember we sell full auto guns LEGALLY to the Mexican Military, they have had something like 150,000 of their forces go AWOL, some with their weapons. Persons who have a license to own full auto guns aren't going to sell them to thugs, they would loose that license.

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Those are some more valid points for sure. I guess I'm still just kind of skeptical that the current administration has such lofty and widely unpopular goals as to attempt an outright ban on guns. :headscratch:

I mean, is this really the end game for them, in your guys' opinions? Or are there more subtle changes they seek to make that I'm unaware of (related to weapons laws)? These are honest questions, by the way. I'm not antagonizing, I really just don't know the answers to them.



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Ken, I will not take it as antagonizing. Rather I interpret this as you are inquiring as to why some feel so much against obama and his administration when it comes to guns. First, I was watching a video of obama when he stated, during the campaign, that he supported the Washington DC gun ban. That was the most draconian ban in the United States. You were not allowed to own a handgun and any shoulder weapons had to be disassembled to prevent use. His Attorney General wrote an amicus brief on the D.C. v. Heller case and stated that citizens do not have the right to possess firearms. Eric Holder was a hold over from the Klinton administration and he was very anti gun in that administration also. In addition Kerry, Kennedy, Boxer, Feinstein, etc have called for complete bans of all firearms in the past. Ted Kennedy has called for a 10,000% tax on ammunition.


When Klinton passed the first assault rifle ban the DOJ admitted that assault rifles were responsible for less than 2% of the crime yet they were trying to ban. When they became legal again the crime rate went down. More guns, less crime. In states where CCW is legal they enjoy lower crime rates (Dr. John Lott, University of Chicago). Lott did a county by county comparison throughout the United States.


But again, we have heard the liberal democrats call for the complete ban of all firearms from Americans in violation of the Second Amendment. Everytime there is a mass shooting there are calls from the democrats for new gun control laws.

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And remember we sell full auto guns LEGALLY to the Mexican Military, they have had something like 150,000 of their forces go AWOL, some with their weapons. Persons who have a license to own full auto guns aren't going to sell them to thugs, they would loose that license.



Fox did point this out.

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