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Obama's Gift to the Queen? An iPod!!

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Do I really have to explain the irony here?


"Dr. Swiger" is insulting people who voted for Obama by using the term "rocket scientists" sarcastically, then he inadvertently offers the reader some insight into his own intellect... It is pathetic, if not a little amusing! I would have pointed it out, even if I wasn't insulted by him. I find it quite annoying when one disparages a group ( i.e. calling them inferior) because they disagree with them, and then display their own inferiority. I love to jump all over that. See what I'm getting at?

Perhaps I'm in a growing minority, but I still believe that proper grammar and spelling are important, and convey something about the writer's capacity.


I have disagreed with a lot of things (other than spelling). What are you talking about? FYI, I've seen the "spelling" argument used by folks from all sides in these political threads.


Good night!



What I see is that when you say "I love to jump all over that" after you comments, is that you are no better then he is. I will be the FIRST person to tell you that my Spelling SUCKS as does my Grammer, but that does not mean that I do not know what I am talking about or what I am trying to say. If you want to argue that Dr. Swiger" is insulting people who voted for Obama by using the term "rocket scientists" sarcastically, then do so, because shooting back a reply that he Miss Spelled a Word is so Fifth Grade, no mater who does it. Ok, I said my Peace................Carry On.

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What I see is that when you say "I love to jump all over that" after you comments, is that you are no better then he is. I will be the FIRST person to tell you that my Spelling SUCKS as does my Grammer, but that does not mean that I do not know what I am talking about or what I am trying to say. If you want to argue that Dr. Swiger" is insulting people who voted for Obama by using the term "rocket scientists" sarcastically, then do so, because shooting back a reply that he Miss Spelled a Word doesn't is so Fifth Grade, no mater who does it. Ok, I said my Peace................Carry On.


Um... that's what I did.


Let me make this clear: I am not picking on people who misspell. I'm certainly not perfect, either. I could care less, during all the casual posting, if people quick type out their thoughts without wanting to be subject to grammatical scrutiny.


I made a comment to DrSwiger because HE was insulting Obama supporters, basically saying they are "not smart", and then he goes and misspells. Just seemed funny to me. I guess not, in your view. Didn't I already explain this?


As far as the comments regarding other members' posts- I work about 80 hours/week. I have not read every single post. If you do, perhaps you should get a life.


Good day,



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There is a left-leaning and incredibly rude TS member who claims to have a 180 IQ and to be well grounded in mathematics, but he recently wrote "impirical evidence" rather than empirical evidence. Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of science would know the proper term - let alone that there is no such word as "impirical." Did you jump on his mistake and question his intelligence, or do you reserve your criticisms for those with whom you disagree?


Ahhh, just those I disagree with.


No, seriously, I didn't read that post. What is it with you people- do you all blindly assume that every member reads every post? If I had the energy and I had read the post, I may well have spoken up. As I said, I find it particularly aggravating when people claim to be so smart (especially online, when their identity is rather protected)... it just leaves them wide-open for criticism, should they make a gaffe.

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I must have missed your crusade post on this:


"Bush was "SMUG AND ARRAGANT" and cared about "WAR"!!!!!!!!!!"




As Church Lady would say from Saturday Night Live: "How convenient!"


This one, I think I did read. Do you not see the difference? DDT made no reference there regarding his superiority over others, before making his errors.

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Ahhh, just those I disagree with.


No, seriously, I didn't read that post. What is it with you people- do you all blindly assume that every member reads every post? If I had the energy and I had read the post, I may well have spoken up. As I said, I find it particularly aggravating when people claim to be so smart (especially online, when their identity is rather protected)... it just leaves them wide-open for criticism, should they make a gaffe.


That was an example, and I accept that you didn't read that particular post: however, in general, I have not seen you attack a left-leaning member for spelling errors...so I had to ask. I'm just trying to be fair.

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That was an example, and I accept that you didn't read that particular post: however, in general, I have not seen you attack a left-leaning member for spelling errors...so I had to ask. I'm just trying to be fair.


That's probably true... I don't think I've made a habit out of correcting anyone. I did correct somebody claiming to be an attorney, who didn't know how to spell "litmus test"! That made her appear suspect... and of course, "her" identity was later revealed! As a fellow doctor, I assume you caught that one, too! That is, certainly, if you read that particular thread.

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That's probably true... I don't think I've made a habit out of correcting anyone. I did correct somebody claiming to be an attorney, who didn't know how to spell "litmus test"! That made her appear suspect... and of course, "her" identity was later revealed! As a fellow doctor, I assume you caught that one, too! That is, certainly, if you read that particular thread.


No, I didn't see that thread.


I try not to worry about spelling and grammar of others, (unless they are being ass-hats and deserve it), not only because I make mistakes too, (usually from big fat fingers), but I've also known some brilliant people who couldn't write intelligently to save their life. Heck! I heard that Einstein would even forget where he was going if you stopped him on the street, and there's no legitimately questioning his intellect.

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No, I didn't see that thread.


I try not to worry about spelling and grammar of others, (unless they are being ass-hats and deserve it), not only because I make mistakes too, (usually from big fat fingers), but I've also known some brilliant people who couldn't write intelligently to save their life. Heck! I heard that Einstein would even forget where he was going if you stopped him on the street, and there's no legitimately questioning his intellect.


I agree whole-heartedly.


Wow- this thing got WAY off topic!

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