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Obama's Gift to the Queen? An iPod!!

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Obama and his minions are really TOO MUCH. A friggen iPod for the Queen of England!!!!


That's it??? Jeez!


THIS after giving the British Prime Minister a bunch of Walmart DVD's that won't even work in the UK??


What a classy guy!! Hope and Change???? :hysterical::hysterical:


This from the "smartest administration, ever!". And if you don't believe me, just ask them and they'll tell you all about the great college degrees they have.


Unfortunely, not a one has any common sense.



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Obama and his minions are really TOO MUCH. A friggen iPod for the Queen of England!!!!


That's it??? Jeez!


THIS after giving the British Prime Minister a bunch of Walmart DVD's that won't even work in the UK??


What a classy guy!! Hope and Change???? :hysterical::hysterical:


This from the "smartest administration, ever!". And if you don't believe me, just ask them and they'll tell you all about the great college degrees they have.


Unfortunely, not a one has any common sense.



Hope it was at least an Ipod Touch :hysterical:

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This Obama administration has more than exceeded my expectations!!!!!


What a bunch of clowns - they're all EMBARASSING.

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I just wander what Songs he had loaded on it............................


Pink Floyd's Album "Dark Side Of The Moon"


Metalicas Black Album






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You are all so petty. Girls please!


Hardly. First, he disrepects his office with casual dress (well, that may not be the first, but let's start there). Then, DVD's for Brown. Next, he dissed the French Prime Minister. Now he gives an Ipod to the Queen of England. I mean, enough already! It's ridiculous and makes this administration look like they have no qualifications or experience....oh....wait a minute....


Plus, it's an embarassment! (I think I said that already)....


Maybe its not Obama's fault entirely; perhaps some tax-evading liberal assistant he hired is coming up with all these stupid gift ideas, but you would think Obama would wonder...is this really fit for a Queen??


This is no way to show one's respect for our most important allies, and don't worry, they'll remember it.

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The Ipod contains personalized videos of the Queen's 2007 visit to Virginia & Washington, and showtunes she is known to be fond of. She was also gven a rare songbook signed by Richard Rogers. Obama got a signed portrait of the Queen. Now using the logic (or lack thereof) of some of these posts, it is the Queen of England who should be embarassed. Also, imagine Obama gave her something like jewels or N. Dakota, something "fit for a Queen," then you'd be screaming about how he wasted tax-payer money. :headscratch:

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He should have given her something totally American.................... Shelby Chillie Mix (along with a batch of Chillie already made), Johnboy & Billy Grilling Sauce, A Harley Davidson Motorcycle (with Side Car)....................................

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The Ipod contains personalized videos of the Queen's 2007 visit to Virginia & Washington, and showtunes she is known to be fond of. She was also gven a rare songbook signed by Richard Rogers. Obama got a signed portrait of the Queen. Now using the logic (or lack thereof) of some of these posts, it is the Queen of England who should be embarassed. Also, imagine Obama gave her something like jewels or N. Dakota, something "fit for a Queen," then you'd be screaming about how he wasted tax-payer money. :headscratch:


N. Dakota :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:


Good one Tony.

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Guest markham51
Hardly. First, he disrepects his office with casual dress (well, that may not be the first, but let's start there). Then, DVD's for Brown. Next, he dissed the French Prime Minister. Now he gives an Ipod to the Queen of England. I mean, enough already! It's ridiculous and makes this administration look like they have no qualifications or experience....oh....wait a minute....


Plus, it's an embarassment! (I think I said that already)....


Maybe its not Obama's fault entirely; perhaps some tax-evading liberal assistant he hired is coming up with all these stupid gift ideas, but you would think Obama would wonder...is this really fit for a Queen??


This is no way to show one's respect for our most important allies, and don't worry, they'll remember it.


I rest my case....petty silly nonsense. His clothes, his gift, you are just soooo embarrased. Wow! Maybe Obama is just a real person who thinks a gift should be something more personal. Have you ever seen the Queens collection of jewels and trinkets given her over her 56 years as Queen. She is the richest woman in the world. Who are you to judge what she thinks is a nice gift. I gave my mother a collection of songs by Frank Sinatra and bands of the Swing Era one year and she told me it was one of the nicest gifts she had ever received. She was the Queens age. She listened to them weekly to the day she passed away. She said they reminded her of her younger, happier days. Do you really think with the economic problems of the world, starving children, people losing their jobs and houses that this story is somehow relevant? Or this just another "I hate Obama post". Its getting really old.


If you want to debate something, fine...make it worthwhile at least.

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Or this just another "I hate Obama post". Its getting really old.


If you want to debate something, fine...make it worthwhile at least.


I don't see this as "I hate Obama post".

I see it as a post to set up debate about the behavior of our Commander in Chief.

All of this was fair game for the last 8 year. If GW did half of the stuff that has beeen done in the last, what 70 days, what would the reaction have been? If GW gave DVD's and I-pods, what would the reaction have been?


What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I agree that it is tired. I though it was tired pre-Obama.


Not to hijack thhis thread, I think Obama's aunt should get a visa for as long as she wants to stay, too. Talk about riiculous! He IS the President, after all.

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I just wander what Songs he had loaded on it............................


Pink Floyd's Album "Dark Side Of The Moon"


Metalicas Black Album


Who knows. I doubt if he's heard of either band. Personally I think she would have been happier with a "slap chop" or maybe the "Big City slider station".

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Obama and his minions are really TOO MUCH. A friggen iPod for the Queen of England!!!!


That's it??? Jeez!


THIS after giving the British Prime Minister a bunch of Walmart DVD's that won't even work in the UK??


What a classy guy!! Hope and Change???? :hysterical::hysterical:


This from the "smartest administration, ever!". And if you don't believe me, just ask them and they'll tell you all about the great college degrees they have.


Unfortunely, not a one has any common sense.



Obama and his whole administration have about as much class as Larry Flint.

If all the rocket scientists who voted for Obama aren't scratching their heads and second guessing themselves a little bit by now, then the end is truely near.

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Obama and his whole administration have about as much class as Larry Flint.

If all the rocket scientists who voted for Obama aren't scratching their heads and second guessing themselves a little bit by now, then the end is truely near.


Irony: misspelling "truly" in your insulting statement regarding Obama-supporters.


Dr. Brunner

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Irony: misspelling "truly" in your insulting statement regarding Obama-supporters.


Dr. Brunner



What is it with you guys? Your answer to everything you disagree with is, you cant spell.

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What is it with you guys? Your answer to everything you disagree with is, you cant spell.


Do I really have to explain the irony here?


"Dr. Swiger" is insulting people who voted for Obama by using the term "rocket scientists" sarcastically, then he inadvertently offers the reader some insight into his own intellect... It is pathetic, if not a little amusing! I would have pointed it out, even if I wasn't insulted by him. I find it quite annoying when one disparages a group ( i.e. calling them inferior) because they disagree with them, and then display their own inferiority. I love to jump all over that. See what I'm getting at?


Perhaps I'm in a growing minority, but I still believe that proper grammar and spelling are important, and convey something about the writer's capacity.


I have disagreed with a lot of things (other than spelling). What are you talking about? FYI, I've seen the "spelling" argument used by folks from all sides in these political threads.


Good night!

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Do I really have to explain the irony here?


"Dr. Swiger" is insulting people who voted for Obama by using the term "rocket scientists" sarcastically, then he inadvertently offers the reader some insight into his own intellect... It is pathetic, if not a little amusing! I would have pointed it out, even if I wasn't insulted by him. I find it quite annoying when one disparages a group ( i.e. calling them inferior) because they disagree with them, and then display their own inferiority. I love to jump all over that. See what I'm getting at?


Perhaps I'm in a growing minority, but I still believe that proper grammar and spelling are important, and convey something about the writer's capacity.


I have disagreed with a lot of things (other than spelling). What are you talking about? FYI, I've seen the "spelling" argument used by folks from all sides in these political threads.


Good night!


There is a left-leaning and incredibly rude TS member who claims to have a 180 IQ and to be well grounded in mathematics, but he recently wrote "impirical evidence" rather than empirical evidence. Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of science would know the proper term - let alone that there is no such word as "impirical." Did you jump on his mistake and question his intelligence, or do you reserve your criticisms for those with whom you disagree?

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Just to get off the subject here but have you guys noticed what a phat a$$ the first lady has? She's got alot of junk in the trunk go'in on there. :headscratch:

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Do I really have to explain the irony here?


"Dr. Swiger" is insulting people who voted for Obama by using the term "rocket scientists" sarcastically, then he inadvertently offers the reader some insight into his own intellect... It is pathetic, if not a little amusing! I would have pointed it out, even if I wasn't insulted by him. I find it quite annoying when one disparages a group ( i.e. calling them inferior) because they disagree with them, and then display their own inferiority. I love to jump all over that. See what I'm getting at?


Perhaps I'm in a growing minority, but I still believe that proper grammar and spelling are important, and convey something about the writer's capacity.


I have disagreed with a lot of things (other than spelling). What are you talking about? FYI, I've seen the "spelling" argument used by folks from all sides in these political threads.


Good night!


I must have missed your crusade post on this:


"Bush was "SMUG AND ARRAGANT" and cared about "WAR"!!!!!!!!!!"




As Church Lady would say from Saturday Night Live: "How convenient!"

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