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Communist OBAMA takeover of General Motors

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Socialist/Communist OBAMA takeover of General Motors

Socialist/Communist takeover of GM destroys GM car resale's


Socialisum/Communisum, so it Could or would never happen to The United States of America. Well it can happen, and it is happening, right out in the open on the 6 o'clock news. The Socialist Party of the USA and the American Communist Party, have succeeded through Barrack Hussein Obama, where others, (Russia, Castro, Marx,China, North Korea) could not. NOT even at a time of war.


The far Left Socialist/Communist wing of the Democratic Party has begun the destruction of the United States. The Obama Communists are dismantling, 'Americas Free Market Economy', dismantling, the private ownership of property,passing laws to end freedom of speech, ending the right to own arms, the right of free travel and association, All of this and more,even as our brave soldiers are dying to defend the Freedoms that the United States has held dear for Century's.


Well, you Leftist, America hating, well fare poachers, all blamed Bush, for everything, and now you Bast,,ds, and your comrade Obama and his Communist regime are going to start a Civil War in your own Country. I am on the road again, and meeting hundreds of Americans that are, Mad as Hell, and are not going to let your Hatred of Bush, and your envy and jealously of others accomplishments and property, allow a communist and his thugs to take over the United States.


Your on one side or the other. Either you are an American Patriot or an Obama Communist. There is no other choice.



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We never thought that it would come from within, were thinking more like a Russian invasion.


On Sunday, June 2, 1957 Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev appeared on the CBS public affairs program “Face the Nation” and made the bold prediction for the estimated ten million U.S. viewers* that “your grandchildren in America will live under socialism.” The incendiary statement lived on for years as a rallying cry and as fundraising copy for the anti-Communist cause.

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Communist OBAMA takeover of General Motors

Communist takeover of GM destroys GM car resale's


Communisum, so it Could or would never happen to The United States of America. Well it can happen, and it is happening, right out in the open on the 6 o'clock news. The Communists and the American Communist Party, have succeeded through Barrack Hussein Obama, where others, (Russia, Castro, Marx,China, North Korea) could not. NOT even at a time of war.


The far Left socialist/Communist wing of the Democratic Party has begun the destruction of the United States. The Obama Communists are dismantling, 'Americas Free Market Economy', dismantling, the private ownership of property,passing laws to end freedom of speech, ending the right to own arms, the right of free travel and association, All of this and more,even as our brave soldiers are dying to defend the Freedoms that the United States has held dear for Century's.


Well, you Leftist, America hating, well fare poachers, all blamed Bush, for everything, and now you Bast,,ds, and your comrade Obama and his Communist regime are going to start a Civil War in your own Country. I am on the road again, and meeting hundreds of Americans that are, Mad as Hell, and are not going to let your Hatred of Bush, and your envy and jealously of others accomplishments and property, allow a communist and his thugs to take over the United States.


Your on one side or the other. Either you are an American Patriot or an Obama Communist. There is no other choice.




"USELESS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

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"USELESS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:



So, your obviously OK with this country being socialist. We get that. We are not and, you will find those of us that have spent a large ammount of our lives protecting this country are willing to stand in your way when you try to toss out our constitution. Useless? I think you will find we are very good at what we do.

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Joe McCarthy is alive and brain-dead.



It was reported this morning that a small financial institution was told it would sell shares to the government or suffer FDIC audits for years. (which cost millions to that small institution) This institution did not want nor ask for bailout money.



So, where is Joe

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