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Well, I just got off of the phone a little while ago with my Manager and Human Resources...strange getting the news on the phone, but I guess that's what I get for being a remote home office employee...Oh well, it was a fun 2 years and 2 months...if anyone has any leads on computer software or hardware, let me know...spent 30 years in Law Enforcement and the last 8 in the computer software for law enforcement group...


Hopefully I can find something soon that will allow me to keep the SGT...otherwise, I'm gonna have to find her a good home...

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I am sorry to hear this. It seems this is happening all the time around here. I don't have any leads but was wondering if you were doing forensics work? One of my master's degrees is in Infrastucture Assurance and several of my fellow students came from the law enforcement community. There is a convergence of IT and Law Enforcement professions with all the computers (and their users) either perpetrating a crime or being the victim of a crime.


I will soon be retiring from the Army and am potentially interested in doing this kind of work. I have another master's degree in healthcare administration though and my first choice is to get back into telemedicine. I did that for a couple years and found it to be the most exciting and rewarding. The last few years I have been doing medical logistics information systems management which is ok but not as cutting edge.



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So sorry to hear this. I'll keep my ears open, but I got shut down by a recruiter who was looking for an SC for a software company. They went on a hiring freeze. Probably a good thing, cuz I'd have been pissed to quit my current job just to turn around and get laid off from the new one.

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Well, I just got off of the phone a little while ago with my Manager and Human Resources...strange getting the news on the phone, but I guess that's what I get for being a remote home office employee...Oh well, it was a fun 2 years and 2 months...if anyone has any leads on computer software or hardware, let me know...spent 30 years in Law Enforcement and the last 8 in the computer software for law enforcement group...


Hopefully I can find something soon that will allow me to keep the SGT...otherwise, I'm gonna have to find her a good home...


Sorry to hear about the Layoff. Did you loose your job because they transfered it over seas? If yes; see if your able to get TAA "Trade Adjustment Assistance"


Another place to look for our line of work is indeed.com.


I was laid off in Jan. of this year and learned alot in 37 days of being laidoff. I'm back at work now. If you have other questions send me a PM.



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Sorry to hear that you lost your job; we are just a # to most companies and another person to add to the ranks of the millions of unemployed americans. How about a job stimulus package Mr Obama AND get rid of Nancy Pelosi's Jet that cost the taxpayers 5.7 million a year in gas alone. :headscratch:


Good luck Carl,



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Good luck Carl!


I know the recession/repression/downturn or whatever it's called has finally hit home here as well. We just recently laid off all temps (about 40 this time around, about 80+ before Christmas) laid off some full timers, eliminated 2nd shift and everyone is on a 32 hour week and there will only be 24 hours next week, so far. Fortunately my dept is small and I still get to keep my two guys working.


I know you're in Odessa and this may not be any help at all but these guys are hiring like gangbusters - http://www.ntmwd.com/downloads/NTMWD_JOB_OPENINGS.pdf

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That's a bummer Carl. I knew you were retired from law enforcement but didn't know you still worked. Good luck with the job hunting. Hopefully something better will turn up. Keep the faith man, don't want to sell the Shelby.



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Hey Carl, good luck on the job hunt. I'm sure something will turn up soon. Don't sell that beauty yet!



Hey Carl, SORRY to hear about your being laid off too! NOT good; hang in there and as others have said I'd definitely hit the Government Links - there's a huge ongoing effort now to turn as many of our Contractor Workforce to and within DoD to DoD Civilians...a massive 180 Turn from years ago when the Gov't was OUTsourcing everything as cost savings; pendulum has come full swing now and they literally call this new initiative "IN Sourcing" literally turning off Contractor support and Hiring GS Civilians ASAP behind them...GS Gov Emp. get good benefits too -- in TX it shouldn't be to hard to get on something...Keep us posted on your car, sure HOPE you DON'T have to sell it! We FEEL for ya! (Our cars are our #1 "Stress RELIEVERS!" In many cases...that "end of the Day/Week or Month MORALE BOOST just to detail it up and go hit the Road/Cruise or Show!" GOT to keep that till the "Last Resort!" : >


BEST of luck to you!



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Sorry to hear about this Motorjock; I hope you find something else soon. Wish I could help you out, but in our company it seems that most all the computer jobs are outsourced to India!

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Carl, I am not going to say sorry! It is always darkest before the dawn. I too found myself in that situation a few years ago. 22 years of busting my butt, never home, long hours, and then the hammer. Guess what, I started my own company, and been doing doing well for over 7 years now. Yes we struggle sometimes, but that is what makes us better.


Obviously your a talented guy, you can do it!! Never a better time to seek out something you really would love to do and go do it.


Good luck, I'll keep my eyes open and send you any ideas I can.



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