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Midnight Tonight could be D-Day for Computers.......... or not....

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Looks like another doomsday false alarm.........WOW WHAT A SURPRISE! :hysterical:



It could have a Delay Timer and just when we are all back to normal (as Normal as this group can be) BAM, it hits.




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who ever wrote this is very smart . this bug has upgraded itself twice since it was first released. the last upgrade it did only retained 15% of the code from the first upgrade. this thing is using the latest MD6 encryption to hide its code. I don't believe this guy is targeting any nation in particular he just wants to build a botnet. I believe it did do what is was supposed to do ( find the one web site in 50,000) get its direction and then wait to execute them (what ever they are).I don't believe you are out of the woods yet.

all that being said; it will be sunny tomorrow lets all get our for a ride :happy feet:

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So who is being affected by this alleged virus? I have not seen or heard of anyone being damaged by it on the news. I'm not denying it, but, I just haven't seen any new on it.

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Last night, Conficker -- the computer worm that's had every computer user in a tizzy for weeks -- finally began to show signs of life. What exactly it's doing, no one's quite sure.


Here's the scoop: On April 8, Conficker began updating itself via Internet download, a process which became possible on the April 1 launch date. Before April 8, Conficker had been searching for updates but hadn't found any such instructions. Now they are finally being delivered.


What's in those instructions, though, remains a bit of a mystery: The downloaded programs are heavily encrypted, so they can't be analyzed in detail. We do know that, after installation, the instructions we can see are relatively benign: They tell the computer to check one of five random websites -- MySpace, eBay, AOL, CNN, and MSN -- in order to verify the computer has internet access. It then confirms the date and time.


After this, the downloaded software seemingly deletes itself, along with every trace that it had ever been installed (right down to the registry keys).


That doesn't mean it does delete itself, though. Some speculate that the downloaded software installs an as-yet undetectable rootkit on the machine that leaves the computer open for further compromise.


Curiously, the payload also includes instructions for Conficker to delete itself and stop running on May 3, though compromises already introduced -- and additional ones that may be downloaded over the next few weeks -- will leave any infected machine vulnerable to attack.


Research into exactly what's going on -- made difficult due to the encryption on the worm -- continues. (Trend Micro has more technical details if you're interested.) Stay tuned for more updates.

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