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Midnight Tonight could be D-Day for Computers.......... or not....

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Tonight, when I get home, I will be logging off at 11:45 tonight and wont log back on till I get back to Work tomorrow Morning.



Tomorrow -- April 1 -- is D-Day for Conficker, as whatever nasty payload it's packing is currently set to activate. What happens come midnight is a mystery: Will it turn the millions of infected computers into spam-sending zombie robots? Or will it start capturing everything you type -- passwords, credit card numbers, etc. -- and send that information back to its masters?


No one knows, but we'll probably find out soon.


Or not. As Slate notes, Conficker is scheduled to go "live" on April 1, but whoever's controlling it could choose not to wreak havoc but instead do absolutely nothing, waiting for a time when there's less heat. They can do this because the way Conficker is designed is extremely clever: Rather than containing a list of specific, static instructions, Conficker reaches out to the web to receive updated marching orders via a huge list of websites it creates. Conficker.C -- the latest bad boy -- will start checking 50,000 different semi-randomly-generated sites a day looking for instructions, so there's no way to shut down all of them. If just one of those sites goes live with legitimate instructions, Conficker keeps on trucking.


Conficker's a nasty little worm that takes serious efforts to bypass your security defenses, but you aren't without some tools in your arsenal to protect yourself.


Your first step should be the tools you already have: Windows Update, to make sure your computer is fully patched, and your current antivirus software, to make sure anything that slips through the cracks is caught.


But if Conficker's already on your machine, it may bypass certain subsystems and updating Windows and your antivirus at this point may not work. If you are worried about anything being amiss -- try booting into Safe Mode, which Conficker prevents, to check -- you should run a specialized tool to get rid of Conficker.


Microsoft offers a web-based scanner (note that some users have reported it crashed their machines; I had no trouble with it), so you might try one of these downloadable options instead: Symantec's Conficker (aka Downadup) tool, Trend Micro's Cleanup Engine, or Malwarebytes. Conficker may prevent your machine from accessing any of these websites, so you may have to download these tools from a known non-infected computer if you need them. Follow the instructions given on each site to run them successfully. (Also note: None of these tools should harm your computer if you don't have Conficker.)


As a final safety note, all users -- whether they're worried about an infection or know for sure they're clean -- are also wise to make a full data backup today.


What won't work? Turning your PC off tonight and back on on April 2 will not protect you from the worm (sorry to the dozens of people who wrote me asking if this would do the trick). Changing the date on your PC will likely have no helpful effect, either. And yes, Macs are immune this time out.

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And yes, Macs are immune this time out.


Since there are ZERO, NONE, ZIPPO, ZILCH, viruses on the Mac, except a few "proof-of-concept", I'd say we're always immune!


It's great running with no cycle and resource hogging anti-virus software these past 5 years! That said when there is an "in the wild" virus for the Mac, and one day there will be, I'll worry until then...


:happy feet:

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Since there are ZERO, NONE, ZIPPO, ZILCH, viruses on the Mac, except a few "proof-of-concept", I'd say we're always immune!


It's great running with no cycle and resource hogging anti-virus software these past 5 years! That said when there is an "in the wild" virus for the Mac, and one day there will be, I'll worry until then...


:happy feet:



Educate me on the Mac.....why doesn't the MAC get Viruses?

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yes you will, you think they are going to call you and tell you to stay home just cause the computers are down? :hysterical:


Now, I should get to stay home fro srying out loud! :happy feet:



Stay home then you can't even type "fro srying out loud"......... :P




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They don't get them cause the Hackers spend time and effort on biggest hit (Microsoft) with easiest holes to invade!



The Mac has little if any impact in the global business community. Like a fart in the wind, it's not worth the hackers time or effort.

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I won't have to come to work tomorrow......... :yahoo: :happy feet:



Yes you will......you will just have to re-learn how to use that Rare #2 Pencil.........if you can remember what they look like and can find one............................ :hysterical:

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They don't get them cause the Hackers spend time and effort on biggest hit (Microsoft) with easiest holes to invade!





The Mac has little if any impact in the global business community. Like a fart in the wind, it's not worth the hackers time or effort.



OK...Thanks for the Info.

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Yes you will......you will just have to re-learn how to use that Rare #2 Pencil.........if you can remember what they look like and can find one............................ :hysterical:



The computer entails my whole job... :stats::play: get with it regarding the latest technology..... :club:

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Since there are ZERO, NONE, ZIPPO, ZILCH, viruses on the Mac, except a few "proof-of-concept", I'd say we're always immune!


It's great running with no cycle and resource hogging anti-virus software these past 5 years! That said when there is an "in the wild" virus for the Mac, and one day there will be, I'll worry until then...


:happy feet:


hate seeing you left out :hysterical:

new today from SANS

--Proof-of-Concept Exploit Code Published for Mac OS X Kernel Flaws (March 27, 2009) Proof-of-concept exploit code for five kernel vulnerabilities in Mac OS X has been published on the Internet. The first vulnerability is a remote heap overflow flaw in the AppleTalk networking stack that could be exploited to create denial-of-service conditions. The second and third vulnerabilities involve a local kernel memory leak that could result in the kernel running out of memory. The fourth vulnerability involves a race condition in the HFS vfs sysctl interface and could be exploited to cause kernel memory corruption. The fifth vulnerability involves a local arbitrary kernel memory overwrite in the HFS IOCTL handler and could be exploited to execute arbitrary code with kernel level privileges.


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Worried about the Conficker worm striking on April 1st? A few simple steps can protect you.


Target: All users of Windows XP and Windows Vista.


If you’re worried about the Conficker worm striking on April 1st, don’t be.


On April 1st the Conficker worm will simply start taking more steps to protect itself. Beginning on April 1st the worm will use a communications system that is more difficult for security researchers to interrupt.

The Conficker worm, sometimes called Downadup or Kido has managed to infect a large number of computers. Specifics are hard to come by, but some researchers estimate that millions of computers have been infected with this threat since January.

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Since there are ZERO, NONE, ZIPPO, ZILCH, viruses on the Mac, except a few "proof-of-concept", I'd say we're always immune!


It's great running with no cycle and resource hogging anti-virus software these past 5 years! That said when there is an "in the wild" virus for the Mac, and one day there will be, I'll worry until then...


:happy feet:


Keep drinkin' that Kool Aid

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Worried about the Conficker worm striking on April 1st? A few simple steps can protect you.


Target: All users of Windows XP and Windows Vista.


If you’re worried about the Conficker worm striking on April 1st, don’t be.


On April 1st the Conficker worm will simply start taking more steps to protect itself. Beginning on April 1st the worm will use a communications system that is more difficult for security researchers to interrupt.

The Conficker worm, sometimes called Downadup or Kido has managed to infect a large number of computers. Specifics are hard to come by, but some researchers estimate that millions of computers have been infected with this threat since January.



So, your saying don't worry because there is a good chance that my Computer has already been infected since January?

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Sounds to me like "Y2K" all over again!!


I haven't had a virus affect me since I've worked with or had computers since the mid 80's - but - I guess there's always a first time.


Sometimes I think, however, these things are invented by the same companies that sell the anti-virus software.


edit - oh yeah, my wife has a Macbook, and can't wait until it gets old so she can buy a new Windows PC.

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All, just make sure that your PC is up-to-date by installing the latest updates from Microsoft and your anti-virus software. Microsoft has released patches that have been sent to everyone on the internet via 'Windows Update' which will resolve the vulnerability. If you are not sure, click 'Start,' 'All Programs' and then select 'Windows Update.' Microsoft will scan your PC to make sure it has all the updates. If not, it will prompt you to install them. Then open your antivirus program and check the antivirus definition date. It should be a recent date.


Heres some info on the Conficker worm


Most of these come from other countries.

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The computer entails my whole job... :stats::play: get with it regarding the latest technology..... :club:


Latest Technology???????? I bet you still don't know how they get the Lead inside the Pencil................... :hysterical:


The Problem with New Technology is that the latest Generation does not know how to do Office Work with out a Computer. How many of you could do your Job if all of the Servers Crashed?

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Latest Technology???????? I bet you still don't know how they get the Lead inside the Pencil................... :hysterical:


The Problem with New Technology is that the latest Generation does not know how to do Office Work with out a Computer. How many of you could do your Job if all of the Servers Crashed?



ME...... :happy feet: and of course I know about pencil's I used to fill in the bubbles back in high school with #2's.... :hysterical:

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