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Bill Passed to Let Obama Decide EVERYBODY's Salary

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You HAD to see this coming. We are WAYYY down that slippery slope.


That very credible Bawney Fwank's bill passed committe that would allow the government to determine everybody's pay at companies that took bailout funds.

AND the best part is that it's retroactive. So everyone's current pay is null and void!!


Good thing, too. Government has such a steller reputation when running things!


How long will it be before they decide to control the pay of everyone in the country? Afterall, they DO know better than we do! We are in good hands. :hysterical:



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Hummmmmmm.....All NEW Taxes to help the Economy should be considered a Government Bail Out "FROM THE TAX PAYERS" and therefore the Tax Payers should be able to dictate how much the Government Pay Checks are................................

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If you come to the American tax payer for a bail-out the government should be able to dictate all of the tearms. No sympathies here.





Stop the socialism! No more money to these companies that have no one to blame but themselves!

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America said they wanted change. We are certainly getting it.



I think what Pisses me off MOST is, the People that are so PRO OBAMA, they refuse to see ANYTHING wrong in what he is doing and just say the Media is twisting it all up and lying. One of my best friends is very PRO OBAMA and refuses to see the light.

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unhhhh...that would be "no"? :headscratch:


Saying a "bill has passed" has a VERY specific meaning. Thousands of crazy bills come out of committee and go no where each session. Using terms like that is meant to imply that this close to seriously becoming law.


That said, it wouldn't bother me! If you come to the teat of the public dole you have to live by the rules to get it! So you're thinking these guys that drove these companies into the ground should be able to get money from us to make up their losses and still get their fat checks and bonuses?


So why do we take the little guy that paid his taxes, worked hard, but got laid off, and slap all sorts of conditions on them for unemployment benefits at less than 50% of their pay, yet they were responsible for none of this? :headscratch:


It can't be because the Republican party wants to give the same blank check to "Joe the Plumber" on unemployment as 11 Republican Governors have refused additional unemployment money because it would expend benefits to these lazy people that should be out looking for jobs. No better idea, give these rich guys what they need to keep their salaries, and brainwash people to say we won't get good people to manage them going forward. HELLO! These are the morons that got them into this mess! There are a lot of smart laid off people in the auto and finance industries, I think they'll manage.


If not... go out of business! Seems to have been the only option for a few of my friends companies, no one bailed them out!

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I think what Pisses me off MOST is, the People that are so PRO OBAMA, they refuse to see ANYTHING wrong in what he is doing and just say the Media is twisting it all up and lying. One of my best friends is very PRO OBAMA and refuses to see the light.



What does Obama have to do with this? :headscratch:

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What does Obama have to do with this? :headscratch:

Your serious?


I know what he meant. I did not think that this was close to passing.


And personally I think the government should stay out of private enterprise. They failed so let them fail. Would it suck yes. Would it give another company a chance to make a go at it, yes. Don't care which party is in control, but with each bail out we get that much closer to socialism.

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Now it passed the house! On to the Senate!


I hope it passes and the President signs it!


Maybe this will keep these companies from coming to the taxpayers for $$$$!



Whose to say he will stop at Big Business that took the Money? He could then go after Government Employee's, Wal Mart Employee's, Baby Sitters, Dog Walkers, ETC.................

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Whose to say he will stop at Big Business that took the Money? He could then go after Government Employee's, Wal Mart Employee's, Baby Sitters, Dog Walkers, ETC.................


Because it would be a sure fire way to lose the majority in the next elections, and ensure that the Dummycrats never occupy the presidency again. Governments work by pissing off a relatively few people at a time. Not enough to swing most voters. Piss off too many at once and you get thrown out.

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Now it passed the house! On to the Senate!


I hope it passes and the President signs it!


Maybe this will keep these companies from coming to the taxpayers for $$$$!





Will you be that happy when they cut your wages?

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Because it would be a sure fire way to lose the majority in the next elections, and ensure that the Dummycrats never occupy the presidency again. Governments works by pissing off a relatively few people at a time. Not enough to swing most voters. Piss off too many at once and you get thrown out.

I hear ya Doc but he sure is on his way to pissing more and more people off.

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Because it would be a sure fire way to lose the majority in the next elections, and ensure that the Dummycrats never occupy the presidency again. Governments work by pissing off a relatively few people at a time. Not enough to swing most voters. Piss off too many at once and you get thrown out.


I do not think he is worring about that at all............ I think he is set out to do as much Damage as possible in his 4 Years. I think he knows he only has 4 Years.

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I do not think he is worring about that at all............ I think he is set out to do as much Damage as possible in his 4 Years. I think he knows he only has 4 Years.


Perhaps, but he still cannot write a bill and sign it into law without the legislature who do not have term limits.

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Stop the socialism! No more money to these companies that have no one to blame but themselves!



Your starting to worry me. You are starting to sound like a conservative :headscratch:

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