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Ford, GM to cover car payments if buyer loses job

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Guest markham51
It takes some sacrifice to get out of the terrible situation the big 3 are in. Most of these people who are going to ask for a credit under these terms are going to see their personal situation screened more seriously than it was in past years I believe, so not that many of them will end up jobless for long time.


Today, sales is a matter of death or life, otherwise banckruptcy is around the corner. If this happens, expect that your next car may well be made in Asia, meaning also that there will be less tax payers in the US. Not so good.


Another thought: I see on TS many complaints on the new administration. This is not specific to US and I see it here also. Well let's not forget how lucky we all are to live in a democracy. Downside of that is that not all decision are in line with our way of thinking. Respect to democracy means acceptance of that, otherwise the road is wide open to the kind of regime that put in jail anyone thinking differently. Stop moaning and if it really matters to you, enroll in politics to make things change your way. Just my 2c.



Good points, especially the one about cars form Asia. Korea already ships 700,000 cars each year to the US and only imports 7,000 back the other way. Japan is even worse. Doesnt sound like free trade to me. Whats wrong with this picture? Is it that we cant build cars competitively or is it taxes on imports, currency manipulation, etc? Why cant we resolve these inequities? It reminds me of buzzards picking over a carcass.

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