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Obama's 500 person party

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Is it true that Obama is taking FIVE HUNDRED people to Europe with him for the G20 Summit????




Is this typical??? or perhaps wasteful???


What about the energy costs involved, and the millions of dollars this must be costing? Is it really necessary, especially considering the state of our economy, and when Obama is preaching to all of us and all the businesses to cut back, sacrifice, etc.?


Lastly, I wonder how may spare teleprompters he is bringing?




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As everyone else seems to say all the time........ "whats a few Million Dollars, it just a Drop in the Bucket compared to the Billions being Given out".


As I always say........ "Those Drops Add Up".......but know one listens........... :cry:

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"From now on................any refence to President Obama must be positve or you risk investigation for anti-government activities"





This message will be on billboards soon............................as soon as they ban our firearms and own big business.

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I normally stay clear of political discussion, but I will say that all children should read Animal Farm once they become old enough to vote...


I'm going to read it again as soon as I finish "1984" again. "1984" is fascinating, especially the language "newspeak", where the government is changing all the words to suit their agenda and hide meaning. Sort of like calling abortion "pro-choice", and terrorism "man-caused disaster", and "global war on terror" to "overseas contingency operation", and "Freedom Tower" to "One World Trade Center" and.....


edit - oh, and the latest - St. Patrick's Day is now being labled "Earth Day" by the liberals. They just can't bear the thought of a day being named for a Saint, and since everything on St. Patrick's Day is green, well, it's just a natural for them.

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Guest markham51
Is it true that Obama is taking FIVE HUNDRED people to Europe with him for the G20 Summit????




Is this typical??? or perhaps wasteful???


What about the energy costs involved, and the millions of dollars this must be costing? Is it really necessary, especially considering the state of our economy, and when Obama is preaching to all of us and all the businesses to cut back, sacrifice, etc.?


Lastly, I wonder how may spare teleprompters he is bringing?






Reminds me of George Bushes' "African Farewell" tour last year. My wife and I were in Tanzania on our way to Serengeti National Park when the 747 cargo planes started arriving days in advance of Airforce 1. And yes...he brought the limos and the copters. These things travel with the Pres whever he goes for security reasons. It was important to taxpayers im sure that George take that opportunity during the lame duck time out as president to say goodbye to all of those people over there.


One the flip side, this meeting is the largest gathering of government heads of state since the end of WWII. The US projects power when it arrives in style and security will need to be super tight. You should be proud that your President is well respected and that the US, dispite the failure of its Financial system and the resultant crash of markets world-wide that it caused, will arrive to take his spot on the world stage not afraid to defend America's policies in its own back yard and not be dependent on anyone for his safety. Im not even American and I get goose bumps when I see the Presidential motorcade and the Marines and Secret Service arriving at one of these meetings. What a proud moment!

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Don't forget all the Money that it costs us to continue to protect all of the EX-Presidents that are still living (and their Spouses). Several SS People each around the Clock for starters.............

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Reminds me of George Bushes' "African Farewell" tour last year. My wife and I were in Tanzania on our way to Serengeti National Park when the 747 cargo planes started arriving days in advance of Airforce 1. And yes...he brought the limos and the copters. These things travel with the Pres whever he goes for security reasons. It was important to taxpayers im sure that George take that opportunity during the lame duck time out as president to say goodbye to all of those people over there.


One the flip side, this meeting is the largest gathering of government heads of state since the end of WWII. The US projects power when it arrives in style and security will need to be super tight. You should be proud that your President is well respected and that the US, dispite the failure of its Financial system and the resultant crash of markets world-wide that it caused, will arrive to take his spot on the world stage not afraid to defend America's policies in its own back yard and not be dependent on anyone for his safety. Im not even American and I get goose bumps when I see the Presidential motorcade and the Marines and Secret Service arriving at one of these meetings. What a proud moment!


Typical liberal response!


First, flying into Africa does take a little more logistics than flying into London.

Second, the reason Bush visited Africa was to publicize his program to help with the aid to the continent. From your beloved Washington Post:


Bush Has Quietly Tripled Aid to Africa

Increase in Funding to Impoverished Continent Is Viewed as Altruistic or Pragmatic


By Michael A. Fletcher

Washington Post Staff Writer

Sunday, December 31, 2006; Page A04


President Bush's legacy is sure to be defined by his wielding of U.S. military power in Afghanistan and Iraq, but there is another, much softer and less-noticed effort by his administration in foreign affairs: a dramatic increase in U.S. aid to Africa.


The president has tripled direct humanitarian and development aid to the world's most impoverished continent since taking office and recently vowed to double that increased amount by 2010 -- to nearly $9 billion.


The moves have surprised -- and pleased -- longtime supporters of assistance for Africa, who note that because Bush has received little support from African American voters, he has little obvious political incentive for his interest.


"I think the Bush administration deserves pretty high marks in terms of increasing aid to Africa," said Steve Radelet, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development.


Bush has increased direct development and humanitarian aid to Africa to more than $4 billion a year from $1.4 billion in 2001, according to the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. And four African nations -- Sudan, Ethiopia, Egypt and Uganda -- rank among the world's top 10 recipients in aid from the United States.


Beyond increasing aid to Africa, Bush has met with nearly three dozen African heads of state during his six years in office. He visited Africa in his first term, and aides say he hopes to make a return visit next year.


Although some activists criticize Bush for not doing more to end the ongoing genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan, others credit him for playing a role in ending deadly conflicts in Liberia, the Congo and other parts of Sudan. Meanwhile, Bush has overseen a steady rise in U.S. trade with Africa, which has doubled since 2001.


"He should be known for increasing -- doubling development assistance and tripling it to Africa after a period in which U.S. development assistance was essentially flat for decades," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in a recent interview with the Associated Press. "He should be known for the largest single investment in AIDS and malaria, the biggest health investment of any government program ever."


To many longtime Africa supporters, all of this is surprising for a president who is often criticized as lacking curiosity about much of the world and who heads a political party traditionally skeptical of the efficacy of foreign aid.


But attacking African poverty has become a growing priority of some of the religious groups at the core of Bush's political base, and some lawmakers credit them with stoking the president's interest in the subject.


"The evangelical community raised the awareness of HIV and AIDS to the president," said Rep. Donald M. Payne (N.J.), the top-ranking Democrat on the House International Relations subcommittee on Africa. "When the Bush administration came in, HIV and AIDS were not an overwhelming priority. Now we have seen a total metamorphosis."


Current and former White House aides and independent analysts say Bush's interest in Africa is rooted in the numerous humanitarian crises that continue to bedevil the continent, as well as in the growing importance of Africa in a world increasingly linked by economics and terrorist threats."


Of course, following your logic, we shouldn't have spent that money in Africa because it didn't directly affect us like the G20 conference does. Perhaps this is the promised change - we will only concentrate on our own self interests, not in foreign aid to an impoverished continent.


Too bad Markham - just doesn't fit the stereotype does it?

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Reminds me of George Bushes' "African Farewell" tour last year. My wife and I were in Tanzania on our way to Serengeti National Park when the 747 cargo planes started arriving days in advance of Airforce 1. And yes...he brought the limos and the copters. These things travel with the Pres whever he goes for security reasons. It was important to taxpayers im sure that George take that opportunity during the lame duck time out as president to say goodbye to all of those people over there.


One the flip side, this meeting is the largest gathering of government heads of state since the end of WWII. The US projects power when it arrives in style and security will need to be super tight. You should be proud that your President is well respected and that the US, dispite the failure of its Financial system and the resultant crash of markets world-wide that it caused, will arrive to take his spot on the world stage not afraid to defend America's policies in its own back yard and not be dependent on anyone for his safety. Im not even American and I get goose bumps when I see the Presidential motorcade and the Marines and Secret Service arriving at one of these meetings. What a proud moment!




WHAT?............you mean your not proud when the Canook PM rides by in his two wheel wood kart? :happy feet:

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Bush cared about the United States and the good and safety of the world.


Obama cares about....Obama.

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Bush cared about the United States and the good and safety of the world.


Obama cares about....Obama.


Bush was "SMUG AND ARRAGANT" and cared about "WAR"!!!!!!!!!!

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Bush is smug? That is rich coming from an Obama supporter. He thinks he is the coolest thing to hit Washington in ages! Talk about a nose stuck up in the air when he peers out between the teleprompters over the heads of his audience.


At least the British have his number - no more nice symbolic gifts for Obama! This time he gets a nice autographed portrait of the Queen and the Prince. :hysterical3:


Obama has been in for 3 months now and won't remove the troops from Iraq until 2011 AND he is sending more to Afghanistan so the net troops engaged in combat will be about the same. Doesn't sound like much of a change to me but then I don't get to see the world through the distorted LA smog......


Oh yeah, when is he going to close the prison at Guantanamo? Apparently Obama likes to grandstand about it but it's his actions that count.


So how's he doing compared to your so-called WAR president?


Leave the troops in Iraq for two more years - Check

Increase troops in Afghanistan and continue Predator attacks in Pakistan - Check

Leave the prison in Guantanamo open - check


That's the change reality I expected.......

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Bush was "SMUG AND ARRAGANT" and cared about "WAR"!!!!!!!!!!



Obama must only care about war also, he wants to increase our troop strength in Afganistan and right now is asking other allies to increase the number of troops in country. Wasn't one of the "BIG" reason he was elected was his promise to end the war in Iraq and Afganistan? When you increase troop strength it dosen't sound like your getting out, ................oh, I see............first you say whatever it takes to get elected and then do the opposite. You as the site leading liberal should be very dissapointed in him, after all, isn't he following Bush's plan,.............and then again maybe it was a good plan and he finally realized it.

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Guest markham51
Typical liberal response!


First, flying into Africa does take a little more logistics than flying into London.

Second, the reason Bush visited Africa was to publicize his program to help with the aid to the continent. From your beloved Washington Post:


Bush Has Quietly Tripled Aid to Africa

Increase in Funding to Impoverished Continent Is Viewed as Altruistic or Pragmatic


By Michael A. Fletcher

Washington Post Staff Writer

Sunday, December 31, 2006; Page A04


President Bush's legacy is sure to be defined by his wielding of U.S. military power in Afghanistan and Iraq, but there is another, much softer and less-noticed effort by his administration in foreign affairs: a dramatic increase in U.S. aid to Africa.


The president has tripled direct humanitarian and development aid to the world's most impoverished continent since taking office and recently vowed to double that increased amount by 2010 -- to nearly $9 billion.


The moves have surprised -- and pleased -- longtime supporters of assistance for Africa, who note that because Bush has received little support from African American voters, he has little obvious political incentive for his interest.


"I think the Bush administration deserves pretty high marks in terms of increasing aid to Africa," said Steve Radelet, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development.


Bush has increased direct development and humanitarian aid to Africa to more than $4 billion a year from $1.4 billion in 2001, according to the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. And four African nations -- Sudan, Ethiopia, Egypt and Uganda -- rank among the world's top 10 recipients in aid from the United States.


Beyond increasing aid to Africa, Bush has met with nearly three dozen African heads of state during his six years in office. He visited Africa in his first term, and aides say he hopes to make a return visit next year.


Although some activists criticize Bush for not doing more to end the ongoing genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan, others credit him for playing a role in ending deadly conflicts in Liberia, the Congo and other parts of Sudan. Meanwhile, Bush has overseen a steady rise in U.S. trade with Africa, which has doubled since 2001.


"He should be known for increasing -- doubling development assistance and tripling it to Africa after a period in which U.S. development assistance was essentially flat for decades," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in a recent interview with the Associated Press. "He should be known for the largest single investment in AIDS and malaria, the biggest health investment of any government program ever."


To many longtime Africa supporters, all of this is surprising for a president who is often criticized as lacking curiosity about much of the world and who heads a political party traditionally skeptical of the efficacy of foreign aid.


But attacking African poverty has become a growing priority of some of the religious groups at the core of Bush's political base, and some lawmakers credit them with stoking the president's interest in the subject.


"The evangelical community raised the awareness of HIV and AIDS to the president," said Rep. Donald M. Payne (N.J.), the top-ranking Democrat on the House International Relations subcommittee on Africa. "When the Bush administration came in, HIV and AIDS were not an overwhelming priority. Now we have seen a total metamorphosis."


Current and former White House aides and independent analysts say Bush's interest in Africa is rooted in the numerous humanitarian crises that continue to bedevil the continent, as well as in the growing importance of Africa in a world increasingly linked by economics and terrorist threats."


Of course, following your logic, we shouldn't have spent that money in Africa because it didn't directly affect us like the G20 conference does. Perhaps this is the promised change - we will only concentrate on our own self interests, not in foreign aid to an impoverished continent.


Too bad Markham - just doesn't fit the stereotype does it?


Nothing but photo ops for Bush on his way out of office. A complete waste of money in my opinion.

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Nothing but photo ops for Bush on his way out of office. A complete waste of money in my opinion.


That's rich!

You mean like the 1st visit to Europe before Inaguration day or the beach shots in Hawaii?




What Obama is in the process of doing at G20 is to sell out American finance to the Europeans. I hope he thinks deeply before he acts.

Those heads of state are laughing in his face!

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Obama is a terrorist, mark my words.

His goals are to break the United States financially just like his brother Osama.

Buy guns and ammo, plant a big garden and learn to raise some chickens because it's going to get that bad.

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Facts are in line with the Truth......And remember......"THE TRUTH IS A MATTER OF OPINIAN"?????








THE HINT. :hysterical:

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Thats okay as I got the money for return trip.........


PM me with the info???????????? :hysterical:




















WITH YOU TO :hysterical:

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How about you take Limbaugh and all your "RIGHT WING NUT CASE" Buddies on a one

way ticket outta here as their getting voted out of office anyway??????????????????????? :hysterical:

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So would Sarah Palin as soon as she figures out who their President is??????????? :hysterical:



Hey Hey Hey......... Leave Sarah out of this................ she's a babe................ :happy feet:

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