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March 21, 2009

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Are you going to meetings and working the program?


If not....you are on a dry drunk and it will not work. I have been around long enough to know this. Trust me on that!!!



I got meetings ya. They took the 12 step and made it een more god based ina totally differnt way. Its hard to explain but its not the trditional AA. It helps though. The pain in the ass part is bein young and havein all my friends doin the same stuff and im not in the loop. But they r supposrtive in their own way.

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I got meetings ya. They took the 12 step and made it een more god based ina totally differnt way. Its hard to explain but its not the trditional AA. It helps though. The pain in the ass part is bein young and havein all my friends doin the same stuff and im not in the loop. But they r supposrtive in their own way.


Not sure what program your doing but the 12 steps are key.


The big book will teach you about 3 things that you need to change or you will fail.


1. People.


2. Places


3. Things.


People, places and things.


You are wondering what does this Grabber guy mean? :headscratch:


Untill you change the people you hang out with, the places that you go, and the things that you do....you will not succeed.


It's not easy to do. It means changing you entire life, but trust me on this one.


If you don't do it...you will go in and out of the revolving door many times and might not come back.

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Not sure what program your doing but the 12 steps are key.


The big book will teach you about 3 things that you need to change or you will fail.


1. People.


2. Places


3. Things.


People, places and things.


You are wondering what does this Grabber guy mean? :headscratch:


Untill you change the people you hang out with, the places that you go, and the things that you do....you will not succeed.


It's not easy to do. It means changing you entire life, but trust me on this one.


If you don't do it...you will go in and out of the revolving door many times and might not come back.



:yup: 100%

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Its the celebrate recovery program. Its based on the twelve steps but doesnt use hte big book. I have been through the bog book and AA once as it was and all it did was make me want to drink more. This is something different. I think you can find the program on the web somewhere. This has been working pretty nice.

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Its the celebrate recovery program. Its based on the twelve steps but doesnt use hte big book. I have been through the bog book and AA once as it was and all it did was make me want to drink more. This is something different. I think you can find the program on the web somewhere. This has been working pretty nice.


All 12 step programs got the steps from AA.


All of them.


I'm glad your in a 12 step program.


Do you have a sponsor to help you and call you out on your crap when it's needed?

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March 21, 1987 was the day I joined AA.


There is not a day that does not go by that I don’t feel thankful for what God helped me do thru AA.


March 21, 2009 = One day at a time.....22 years clean and sober.


It’s time to put the 21 year coin in the frame with my others. th_MiscPhotos3127.jpg


This frame hangs in the back of my shop and I reflect on it often.th_MiscPhotos3135.jpg


Now my 22 year coin will be carried in my pocket every day for the next year to remind me that I’m just one drink away from a drunk. th_MiscPhotos3131.jpg


The back of the coin has a very important prayer on it. This prayer has helped me more than you can ever imagine.


angel.gifThe Serenity Prayer angel.gif



God grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change;

courage to change the things I can;

and wisdom to know the difference.








AWESOME. Thanks for sharing.



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Not yet.


If you don't get a sponsor You will fail.


A sponsor is someone with some time. Time takes time. Your sponsor needs to have some years.


He will show you how to work the steps. He will show you how fast to do them and tell you when you are ready to go to the next one.


You sponsor will help you when you need help. He will call you out on your shit from time to time, because we need that from time to time. Don't fool yourself.


My sponsor saved my life and I could of never have done it with out him.


Get a sponsor.

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Rob, congratulations! That's truly amazing. It seems like the experience, and the challenge you faced - and continue to face! - has given you a strength of character that's very rare these days. Though we've only met in person once, I consider myself very lucky to know a person like you. Your family is lucky to have you. You are truly a wonderful person.


All the best to your continued success. :shift:

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