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The AIG bonuses

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Somebody check me out, but if I did my math right, the AIG bonuses amount to .00022 of the 750B so-called stimulus package. If that's right, these bonuses equate to a nat's a-- on the universe of our financial crisis. We have much, much and many bigger fish to fry. In addition, I feel that the contracts, which were created before the recession, between these men and their company must be honored, whatever they say, and the Govt. has no business meddling in private affairs of these businesses. Do these men or women deserve their bonuses? That depends on what the contracts state.

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I wish people would stop saying "Its only a Drop in the Bucket". It doesn't matter if the Bonus is $1,000.00, $100,000.00 or $1,000,000.00, its the Principle. These guys ran it into the Ground and do not deserve a Dime. Plus: "A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned". Any Company accepting Bail Outs should NOT be giving Bonuses. If they can give out Bonuses then they didn't need the Money.

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I personally don't understand why Obama is raising so much hell. Isn't he doing the same thing? ( using the tax payers money for bullshit) His Spending accounts for a whole lot more than AIG's. No one is publicly raising hell bout that, wonder why?



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Somebody check me out, but if I did my math right, the AIG bonuses amount to .00022 of the 750B so-called stimulus package. If that's right, these bonuses equate to a nat's a-- on the universe of our financial crisis. We have much, much and many bigger fish to fry. In addition, I feel that the contracts, which were created before the recession, between these men and their company must be honored, whatever they say, and the Govt. has no business meddling in private affairs of these businesses. Do these men or women deserve their bonuses? That depends on what the contracts state.


Bonuses are supposed to be based on merit not for doing a good job ripping people off.


Those contracts were fraudulent when they were first written up from the onset.


That's their ace in the hole.


If UAW can renegotiate worker bee contracts reducing their pay and benefits so can AIG.


R/ J

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Bonuses are supposed to be based on merit not for doing a good job ripping people off.


Those contracts were fraudulent when they were first written up from the onset.


That's their ace in the hole.


If UAW can renegotiate worker bee contracts reducing their pay and benefits so can AIG.


R/ J




No one should be rewarded for making bad decisions that ran a company into the ground, and certainly not with taxpayer's money. If the taxpayer's hadn't given them the money then those "contracts" would only be worth their use as emergency toilet paper. The little people are losing their jobs or suffering cuts in pay left and right, and it's not fair to say those measures only apply to them.

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"NO SOUP FOR YOU!" ... these incompetent idiots are lucky to have a job let alone get HUGE bonuses.


I have an idea, instead of bonuses, AIG should send that money to their stock holders that took baths in the market.

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Somebody check me out, but if I did my math right, the AIG bonuses amount to .00022 of the 750B so-called stimulus package. If that's right, these bonuses equate to a nat's a-- on the universe of our financial crisis. We have much, much and many bigger fish to fry. In addition, I feel that the contracts, which were created before the recession, between these men and their company must be honored, whatever they say, and the Govt. has no business meddling in private affairs of these businesses. Do these men or women deserve their bonuses? That depends on what the contracts state.


So how long have you been working at AIG? :drool:

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I am waiting for my trillion dollar bonus :happy feet:

they said it was in the MAIL :dance:









































Good luck with that. In another life I was a commercial Credit Manager for 22 years. The check is always in the mail. :lurk:

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Somebody check me out, but if I did my math right, the AIG bonuses amount to .00022 of the 750B so-called stimulus package. If that's right, these bonuses equate to a nat's a-- on the universe of our financial crisis. We have much, much and many bigger fish to fry. In addition, I feel that the contracts, which were created before the recession, between these men and their company must be honored, whatever they say, and the Govt. has no business meddling in private affairs of these businesses. Do these men or women deserve their bonuses? That depends on what the contracts state.


Regardless if the amount seems significant, when the expendable income dries up there comes a time when one should stop looking for more money to support one's lifestyle and start looking at how to stop spending by PERSONAL sacrifice, not at the expense of others especially when it's ones own fault for the shape one is in. That is what responsible people do. AIG exec.'s do not come across as responsible or ethical.


I do not believe the gov. should be involved but in this instance, there is no one else who can put a check on these guys spending.


Of course not knowing the full behind-the-scenes details (as we in the general public probably never will as usual) it's difficult to have an informed comment. Right now all I am seeing is Enron, MCI, etc. all over again.

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I think it will set a very bad precedence if the govt. Starts interfering in private contracts. Also remember, we do not know what these contracts state about how these bonuses are earned. There are some instances where "bonuses" are actually most of a person's salary. I think we should see all the facts first

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I think it will set a very bad precedence if the govt. Starts interfering in private contracts. Also remember, we do not know what these contracts state about how these bonuses are earned. There are some instances where "bonuses" are actually most of a person's salary. I think we should see all the facts first


I highly doubt we will ever see all the facts. I blame the administration for not considering this very possibility and writing clauses in the bail-out agreement that circumvented this. But I guess that what happens when we rush to implement a complex solution. I do believe it was the left members on this forum that were vocalizing that we needed to rush into the bail-outs.

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I think it will set a very bad precedence if the govt. Starts interfering in private contracts. Also remember, we do not know what these contracts state about how these bonuses are earned. There are some instances where "bonuses" are actually most of a person's salary. I think we should see all the facts first


The Govt, acting on my behalf as my representative, most certainly should be involved in this "public" matter. And yes it is a public matter simply because it is paid with public funds.


However, our so called GOVT is behaving like a rookie in a poker game... they are in such a rush to get the AGENDA funded, they are making terribly AMATEURISH errors and letting these bailout CEOs behave like criminals.


Hopefully, AMERICANS will wake up, smell the f*ing coffee soon, and this too shall pass at the end of a single term. Unfortunately, too many will still believe they did the right thing voting this inexperienced junior Senator to the Presidency.


Can't wait to see what the next gaff will be? But you know it's coming...


well that didn't take long -- now our Veterans Healthcare is being threatened.

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However, our so called GOVT is behaving like a rookie in a poker game... they are in such a rush to get the AGENDA funded, they are making terribly AMATEURISH errors and letting these bailout CEOs behave like criminals.


Good post.


Personally, I don't think it's that big of a deal. There are certainly larger issues. This is another straw man to keep the publics' eye off the ball. I wonder if this was proposed in the morning conf call between Rahm and his MSM pals...

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No, they do not deserve their bonuses. The Fed is giving them taxpayer money, and has every right to insist on how it be spent. Spending my tax dollars to give a bonus is BS.


If the Fed did not give AIG the money, no bonuses would have been paid because AIG would have gone under, and they would be unemployed. Taxpayer dollars paying for bonuses and retreats is obscene.

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Well, here's a shocker!!!!!!


AIG gave far more campaign contributions to the Dems by over a 3 to 1 margin.


And who got the most, you ask??


Well, #1 is none other than Chris Dodd (D-CT). The same Dodd that slipped in the provision PROTECTING these same AIG bonuses.


And #2? Well, Obama himself. Hmmmm What a co-winka-dink!!



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Can't wait to see what the next gaff will be? But you know it's coming...



Agreed! Hey maybe he'll invade a small country under the guise of finding WMD and after $1 TRILLION, 4000 US solider deaths and tens of thousands wounded, and six years, we'll instead have found none but instead emboldened a neighboring country to gain nuclear weapons all the while taking our eye off the real problem area to the north.


Oh wait... :headscratch:


We do agree at least on one thing, medical care for veterans is more important today than ever before....unfortunately.

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Agreed! Hey maybe he'll invade a small country under the guise of finding WMD and after $1 TRILLION, 4000 US solider deaths and tens of thousands wounded, and six years, we'll instead have found none but embolden a neighboring country to gain nuclear weapons!


Oh wait... :headscratch:


We do agree at least on one thing, medical car for veterans is more important today than ever before....unfortunately.



Damn it! I posted again!


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If I was inherently dishonest and did not give a :censored: about our society and economy

than I would also want to be an "AIG" "EXECUTIVE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Also "WALL STREET INSIDE TRADER" "CORPERATE BANKER" "CORPERATE CEO" and any one of the majority so called

"represent the people" Congressmen and Senators in Government.............. :banghead:


Capitalism at it's best?????????????

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Agreed! Hey maybe he'll invade a small country under the guise of finding WMD and after $1 TRILLION, 4000 US solider deaths and tens of thousands wounded, and six years, we'll instead have found none but instead emboldened a neighboring country to gain nuclear weapons all the while taking our eye off the real problem area to the north.


Oh wait... :headscratch:


We do agree at least on one thing, medical care for veterans is more important today than ever before....unfortunately.



Yeah, that's crazy..... that would be like some inexperienced, unvetted guy that can only make teleprompter speeches, traveling the country to attend events to glorify himself and waste precious resources, acting like a Hollywood celebrity and appearing on such shows as the Tonight Show and Saturday Night Live, all while taking his eye off of the entire world dangers at the moment - trying to talk nice to Iran and Russia while Iran continues to build its nuclear capability and threaten Israel, making friends with Hamas and while Russia is moving warplanes into our back yards, while hiding socialist programs and agenda under the guise of so-called stimulus packages while our economy goes down the tubes and telling our veterans that they have to come up with there own medical insurance, unable to fill critical government posts due to his nominees being corrupt in various manners.......


Oh wait..... :headscratch:


And speaking of Veteran's medical care....



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Agreed! Hey maybe he'll invade a small country under the guise of finding WMD and after $1 TRILLION, 4000 US solider deaths and tens of thousands wounded, and six years, we'll instead have found none but instead emboldened a neighboring country to gain nuclear weapons all the while taking our eye off the real problem area to the north.


With the full approval of Sens' Clinton, Kerry, Kennedy, Dodd, Feinstein, Schumer......etc., etc. etc.


Oh wait, "He fooled us again with the WMD's".....wahhhhh some one call the WAAAHH bulance!!!!!

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I personally don't understand why Obama is raising so much hell. Isn't he doing the same thing? ( using the tax payers money for bullshit) His Spending accounts for a whole lot more than AIG's. No one is publicly raising hell bout that, wonder why?




Whoa there...let's not forget the first $350 billion dollars that Dick Paulson spread about recklessly...with no accountability.

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Yeah, that's crazy..... that would be like some inexperienced, unvetted guy that can only make teleprompter speeches, traveling the country to attend events to glorify himself and waste precious resources, acting like a Hollywood celebrity and appearing on such shows as the Tonight Show and Saturday Night Live, all while taking his eye off of the entire world dangers at the moment - trying to talk nice to Iran and Russia while Iran continues to build its nuclear capability and threaten Israel, making friends with Hamas and while Russia is moving warplanes into our back yards, while hiding socialist programs and agenda under the guise of so-called stimulus packages while our economy goes down the tubes and telling our veterans that they have to come up with there own medical insurance, unable to fill critical government posts due to his nominees being corrupt in various manners.......


Oh wait..... :headscratch:


And speaking of Veteran's medical care....




Some highlights of Bush’s time away from the office:


– Attended 95 sports-related events.


– Made 74 trips to his Crawford ranch, for a total of 466 days.


– Made 142 trips to Camp David, for a total of 450 days.


– Attended 327 fundraising events for Republican candidates and causes.


Over the course of his presidency, national catastrophes have taken shape while Bush has been on vacation. When he was in Crawford before 9/11, Bush ignored an infamous memo about an impending bin Laden attack. Similarly, Bush brushed off warnings of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 while at the ranch.


He is also the all-time record holder of vacation days as a President.

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Well, here's a shocker!!!!!!


AIG gave far more campaign contributions to the Dems by over a 3 to 1 margin.


And who got the most, you ask??


Well, #1 is none other than Chris Dodd (D-CT). The same Dodd that slipped in the provision PROTECTING these same AIG bonuses.


And #2? Well, Obama himself. Hmmmm What a co-winka-dink!!


But it turns out that AIG is one of the largest donors to McCain's pet think tank, the comically named "Reform Institute," which he co-founded in 2001 "in direct response to the millions of Americans who, during the 2000 presidential campaign, expressed profound disillusionment with corrupt fundraising activities."


McCain's campaign co-chair, Rick Davis, served as the president of the nonprofit Reform Institute for three years, earning $395,000 in salary.


Could it be another co-winka-dink??

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Some highlights of Bush’s time away from the office:


– Attended 95 sports-related events.


– Made 74 trips to his Crawford ranch, for a total of 466 days.


– Made 142 trips to Camp David, for a total of 450 days.


– Attended 327 fundraising events for Republican candidates and causes.


Over the course of his presidency, national catastrophes have taken shape while Bush has been on vacation. When he was in Crawford before 9/11, Bush ignored an infamous memo about an impending bin Laden attack. Similarly, Bush brushed off warnings of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 while at the ranch.


He is also the all-time record holder of vacation days as a President.



HAHAHAHAHAHA.....did bush plot hurricane katrina over chilli dogs and rubing his hands together over his evil weather machine of death? Must be. He is takin blame for this and u know what, i was right near LA when katrina hit. They had four days notice to get out. Sorrry but get off that soap box already. As for the other stuff. Sure it might have happened but wheres the memo? I get some great sun at my ocean fron property right over in phoenix if you are gonna believe everything you hear. Bush doesnt control the weather though. It was gonna slam them no matter what he did. And you know what when i have a live feed of people partyin on bourbon street when they have been told to get out, i got no remorse. It sux that poeple lost everything but i gotta tell you when i was stationed in pensacola i got slammed by ivan preetty bad, but no one heard about it cuz no one in the area was blamin everyone for mother nature. They werent beggin for handouts. They rebuilt and kept their mouths shut about it.


And jeff i think we might have already fronted a little more than a trillion bucks on these "stimuli" packaes. Buuuuuut where is it? Im a combat vet too bro. Waiting on my claim. So i wont argue that i disaree with the war cuz i do, but cant blame big GW for a trillion over years when we blew through that in two months. U dont need to wrrite back i see youre on strike lol.

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Some highlights of Bush’s time away from the office:


– Attended 95 sports-related events.


– Made 74 trips to his Crawford ranch, for a total of 466 days.


– Made 142 trips to Camp David, for a total of 450 days.


– Attended 327 fundraising events for Republican candidates and causes.


Over the course of his presidency, national catastrophes have taken shape while Bush has been on vacation. When he was in Crawford before 9/11, Bush ignored an infamous memo about an impending bin Laden attack. Similarly, Bush brushed off warnings of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 while at the ranch.


He is also the all-time record holder of vacation days as a President.


I got news for you....Obama's out to break that record, and FAST!! :hysterical:

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