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Little League season underway

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I manage one little league team and assistant coach another. Our season got underway Friday, and we started the season off with a win. The game was close until the 4th inning, when my daughter broke the game wide open with a bases clearing double. She is 9, and has been playing "boys" baseball since she was little. She has two older brothers.


She played one season of girls softball when she was 4. She said it was boring and she wanted to play baseball like her brothers. I put her in boys T-ball, and she played one season and then said she wanted to play real baseball, not "baby boy" baseball. She started playing with mostly 7 and 8 year old boys when she was 6, and has resisited any efforts to move her over to softball with the girls.


This year she is 1 of only 3 girls in her league. I figure that the experience will serve her when she is older, as it has given her a great deal of confidence and will make it easier for her to hold her own with men as she gets older and pursues a career.


Sweet moment of the day: Her oldest brother (who turns 27 next week) was coaching first base when she hit the ball into the gap between left and center, so as she hit the first base bag and headed to second it was her older brother yelling to her to "take two, take two" and then high fiving her when the inning was over. A nice family moment.

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Hi Bob,


Great write up. You can see from my avitar that I am an umpire. I work Little League exclusively and love it because of the kids. I will never forget an All Star game three years ago. I was behind the plate and one team had a girl on it. As it was, I had worked a game with that team earlier in the year and knew how good she was. There were runners on second and third with two out. When the defensive team saw that it was a girl, they brought their outfielders in a good bit. What they did not know was that this young lady (age 12) had gone yard in the game I did earlier. I remember thinking, "Oh boy, that is a mistake." I saw her choke up on the bat about an inch and I KNEW what was coming next. Sure enough, she hit a line drive into left center field that got past the outfielders ONLY because they were playing in. Two runs scored and her team won the game. Thanks for sharing your daughter's story. I look forward to more.



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