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Pretty sad what's happening in this country

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Don't ya hate the "Press One for English" BS Too!!! :banghead:


I was in a Wal-Mart Supercenter recently and an annoucement came over the PA system in Spanish only. :headscratch: I had no idea what they said. What if it was an emergecy message or something?

I was so mad I went to the store manager and asked what was up with that??. :nonono: He couldn't give me a suitable answer. He was surprised that I was even questioning it. :headscratch:


Like Andrew Dice Clay says, there should be a sign each airport arrival gate that says if you can't read the lanuage, get the F :censored: K OUT!


I also like the one that goes "Press 1 for English, press 2 to disconnect"



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Would this happen in any other country. If I was going to another country to live, legally or not, I would imagine I would would be SOL if I could not speak the language. This is the problem. We make it too easy for them.


How else do you expect the Democrats to maintain power? They need all the illegal votes they can get.

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What you're really not going to like is when there are more Spanish speaking folks in the US that English and we are forced to learn Spanish.

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I'm with you guys.

As many of you know I am Portuguese and worked in the US before.

Even though I was working in a Portuguese restaurant where there also were Brazilian guys, therefore speaking Portuguese, I allways asked all the staff to speak in English, especially because over the time there were a few Americans, South Africans and Australians working with us.

I remember when I got to the restaurant there were a few Mexicans who could only say in English yes or no.

I helped them learn English by always adressing them in English.

I kept telling them if they wanted to be someone in the US they had to speak English

When I left the restaurant after two years those guys were able to mantain a basic conversation in English.

Now this thing I'm watching here makes me sick.

Here, if you don't speak at least a little Portuguese, there's no way you can get a job.

On my last job here I was working with a lot of people from Africa and obviously they were speaking thier language among them but should they know no Portuguese they wouldn't stand a chance!

Now send the supervisor away and replace him by someone who speaks their language???!!!

Man, where is this gonna lead to? :headscratch:

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Why not build all spanish speaking teams with bi-lingual supervisors;make learning english a job requirement?give them so much time then intergrate the language grads into mixed units?

There has got to be a better solution,all this politically correct crap is ruining us.

Doc Scott

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Why not build all spanish speaking teams with bi-lingual supervisors;make learning english a job requirement?give them so much time then intergrate the language grads into mixed units?

There has got to be a better solution,all this politically correct crap is ruining us.

Doc Scott


There is a better solution, but unfortunately the majority of the US voted for the left. :cry:

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What you're really not going to like is when there are more Spanish speaking folks in the US that English and we are forced to learn Spanish.



AND....What you're really not going to like is when there are more Spanish speaking folks in the US Congress......................

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How else do you expect the Democrats to maintain power? They need all the illegal votes they can get.


It is Friday March 13th, 2009. Mark your calendars. I bet that before the next presidential election obama and corruption incorporated will attempt to have all of the illegals made legal. And given voting rights. And they will all register as democrats. 13 million more democrats. Just what we need.


Finally, if you want to feel better first thing every morning, try this:




1. Open a new file in your computer.


2. Name it 'Barack Obama'.


3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.


4. Empty the Recycle Bin.


5. Your PC will ask you: "Do you really want to get rid of 'Barack Obama?"


6. Firmly Click 'Yes.'


7. Feel better?




GOOD! - Tomorrow we'll do Nancy Pelosi

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Of coarse Republicans are on this Problem like "STINK ON :censored: "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:hysterical: Didn't think so as they also like the "CHEAP LABOR".............. :doh:


and democrats want the votes. Which will destroy this country. Congratulations for your part in the destruction of the greatest country in the world.

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It is Friday March 13th, 2009. Mark your calendars. I bet that before the next presidential election obama and corruption incorporated will attempt to have all of the illegals made legal. And given voting rights. And they will all register as democrats. 13 million more democrats. Just what we need.


Finally, if you want to feel better first thing every morning, try this:




1. Open a new file in your computer.


2. Name it 'Barack Obama'.


3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.


4. Empty the Recycle Bin.


5. Your PC will ask you: "Do you really want to get rid of 'Barack Obama?"


6. Firmly Click 'Yes.'


7. Feel better?




GOOD! - Tomorrow we'll do Nancy Pelosi



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and democrats want the votes. Which will destroy this country. Congratulations for your part in the destruction of the greatest country in the world.



Are you missing half of your brain?????????????? :hysterical:

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Friggin BS. Welcome to The United States of Mexico



Welcome to LIBERALISM!!!

The next requirement will be in order to secure a job in this country you will have to be a black Hispanic lesbian that looks Asian, loves animals, hate guns and has terroristic tendencies.

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Welcome to LIBERALISM!!!

The next requirement will be in order to secure a job in this country you will have to be a black Hispanic lesbian that looks Asian, loves animals, hate guns and has terroristic tendencies.




You forgot the "FAKE GREEN CARD"??????????? :doh:

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I left that out because since the borders are open a green card is no longer required for a job or ( soon to be) citizenship for that matter.


:censored: That does it!!!!!!!!!!!Im moving to Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:


Well, maybe just for the Spring/Summers??????????? :hysterical:

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