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TV & Radio Commercials.....Do they ever Backfire?

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Commercials are supposed to entice you into buying the Products being Advertised BUT, has it ever backfired? Has a Commercial ever turned you away from the Company doing the Advertising. Example: I was considering switching my Car Insurance to Geico until I saw their latest Commercial………….. Geico can’t possibly think that THAT is a good Commercial, can they? A Stack of Money with plastic Eyes……. Give me a break. If they think that is a good Commercial, they don’t need to be handling my Insurance needs.

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I feel that way about the new Toyota commercial where the guys says he destroys all his stuff, his mountain bike, his Kayak, etc but he can't break his truck, and I'm thinking I've never admired people who don't appreciate and take care of their stuff--I sure as hell don't want to be like this guy, this version of a Toyota owner.


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I feel that way about the new Toyota commercial where the guys says he destroys all his stuff, his mountain bike, his Kayak, etc but he can't break his truck, and I'm thinking I've never admired people who don't appreciate and take care of their stuff--I sure as hell don't want to be like this guy, this version of a Toyota owner.




What about all the Toyota Truck Commercials where they do these stunts to show you how much Power the Truck has or how quick it can Stop or how it can Pull a huge Shipping Cantainer up onto the Platform after it Drop...........Then they put that Small Print at the bottom of the Screen telling you NOT to try this with YOUR Toyota....................


I hate when Manufacturers BRAG about what there Vehicles can DO but tell you not to Try it :censored:

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