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Guest markham51

Mickey R was (is?) one messed up dude!


I remember when he first appeared on the Hollywood scene. The young stud who thought he was invincible, just didnt work out that way.


However, like most of us I like a good come back story. You know......potentially talented actor lets his initital success go to his head, becomes a drug addict and BS artist but through a bit if good fortune and a lot of hard work stages a come back. Many of us relate to that, the ups and downs of life.....


I am going to see the movie this weekend.


In interviews (Leno) he certainly comes accross as a person who has been humbled and who has learned his lessons. Drug addictions are a hard thing to break though....I hope he can stay on the good side of life.

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Mickey R was (is?) one messed up dude!


I remember when he first appeared on the Hollywood scene. The young stud who thought he was invincible, just didnt work out that way.


However, like most of us I like a good come back story. You know......potentially talented actor lets his initital success go to his head, becomes a drug addict and BS artist but through a bit if good fortune and a lot of hard work stages a come back. Many of us relate to that, the ups and downs of life.....


I am going to see the movie this weekend.


In interviews (Leno) he certainly comes accross as a person who has been humbled and who has learned his lessons. Drug addictions are a hard thing to break though....I hope he can stay on the good side of life.



He's Changed!!!


He had just drove up in 08SGT0004 from a test drove at Sunrise Ford in North Hollywood.


While our sales people were busy working our deals, we had been talking for well over an hour when he asked me how far did I drive to come see the car.


I told him about 2 hours, 3 with traffic. He paused for a sec... smiled... and said, "You know what? I'll find something else."

He later wrote down his address and phone number and invited me over "Fight Night". Although I had to ship out before then, I thanked him nevertheless.


In addition to autographing the driver's visor with a silver Sharpie, he also signed a black and white 8X11 gloss photo in full boxing gear.

He was totally down to earth, even called me on New Years Eve... asked about the car... etc...


Don't get me wrong... he's still a Bad Ass!!!. Make no doubt about... he pumped a lot iron up at Venice Beach.

You somehow sense, even at 50+... he could drop any man twice his size and half is age with a single punch.

After seeing the movie, I can honestly say he was on par with the likes of De Nero, Pachino and other greats.


As John Lennon once said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making plans."

We all hit a bottom at some point in our lives. It's how you pick yourself backup, dust yourself off and learn from past mistakes.


He's done that... with age comes wisdom.


I hope he does win "Best Actor of the Year" at the Oscars and not just because he signed my driver's-side visor, etc...


I hope wins because he's earned it!!!



p.s. ... though having him as part of the cars history is pretty sweet icing on the cake too also!!!


R/ J

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