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Once again: It's ok when WE do it

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No they dont they are dumb enough to put it right out there while they screw us over and all the teeny boppers who listen to mtv go on cheering for your saviour teh anti christ. More ignorance from the demys.....


And you arent getting responses from them cuz they got nohtin intelectual to say. They know they f'ed up and they dont know what to do cuz through all their pissin and moanin now they got what tehy wanted and we r so screwed. But they wont admit that. Nope they will just keep diggin it deeper. I love that the fed thinks now that neither bailout will be enough. So lets spend more i guess. Retarded.

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The Democrats will not call it what it is, however, a war on terror. They will use a different phrase, such as "war on extremists" or something like that, to make some people think that its a different sort of war, somehow. They're fighting in Afganistan in lieu of Iraq - rrright. That's becuase GW pushed the terrorist back to Afganistan.

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Guest markham51

He "pushed them back to Afganistan! " Wow you really dont follow the news do you.


They are all in Pakistan! Pakistan is 97 pct Muslim. The Taliban just established domination/Sharia law over an area 100 miles fom the capital of Pakistan. You know Pakistan dont you, the country with 60 nuclear warheads. Bush drove them back alright! Right into the nuclear age....


And Iran, you know Iraqs natural enemy? Well they just launched their first military satellite. They did that less than 2 weeks after US military intelligence announced Iran was 2-3 years away from having that capability.


Yes, things certainly seem to be under control! Just like the banking system and the economy!

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Yes, things certainly seem to be under control! Just like the banking system and the economy!


You can thank the democrats for that!

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He "pushed them back to Afganistan! " Wow you really dont follow the news do you.


They are all in Pakistan! Pakistan is 97 pct Muslim. The Taliban just established domination/Sharia law over an area 100 miles fom the capital of Pakistan. You know Pakistan dont you, the country with 60 nuclear warheads. Bush drove them back alright! Right into the nuclear age....


And Iran, you know Iraqs natural enemy? Well they just launched their first military satellite. They did that less than 2 weeks after US military intelligence announced Iran was 2-3 years away from having that capability.


Yes, things certainly seem to be under control! Just like the banking system and the economy!


+ google

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