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Have you ever wondered what has happened to people's sense of responsibility and accountability? It has disappeared from our American Society. What caused Millions of people to purchase homes they could not afford when flexible interest rates rose. Are they accountable for poor judgment and decision-making?


Congressional finance committee leaders Barney Frank and Chris Dodd played key roles in encouraging, even forcing, unprofitable lending practices upon Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and various banking institutions. The public continues to re-elect them. Why ?


United Auto Worker, and all other large Union leaders behave as though it were still the 1950s. They have forced fixed costs upon the Big Three Auto makers and other large defense and private selector contractors, which they cannot afford, contributing significantly to their inability to compete.

Did we learn nothing from the destruction of the steel industry?


Keep ignoring FACTS, and watch millions of more jobs leave the country. UNIONS UNIONS UNIONS, TAX TAX TAX, REGULATIONS, REGULATIONS, ENVIRONMENTALISTS, etc. AND Now Here Comes OBAMA, PELOSI AND REED and Gang. BUSH Blew IT. But to Elect a Socialist/Marxist as a solution. Get serious.


Like most of the "DITTO HEADS" you are "HOPELESSLY HILARIOUS"!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:


The Dems never "WHINED" this much when the Repubs were in charge and :censored: ing up!!!!!!!! :doh:

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Have you ever wondered what has happened to people's sense of responsibility and accountability? It has disappeared from our American Society. What caused Millions of people to purchase homes they could not afford when flexible interest rates rose. Are they accountable for poor judgment and decision-making?


Congressional finance committee leaders Barney Frank and Chris Dodd played key roles in encouraging, even forcing, unprofitable lending practices upon Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and various banking institutions. The public continues to re-elect them. Why ?


United Auto Worker, and all other large Union leaders behave as though it were still the 1950s. They have forced fixed costs upon the Big Three Auto makers and other large defense and private selector contractors, which they cannot afford, contributing significantly to their inability to compete.

Did we learn nothing from the destruction of the steel industry?


Keep ignoring FACTS, and watch millions of more jobs leave the country. UNIONS UNIONS UNIONS, TAX TAX TAX, REGULATIONS, REGULATIONS, ENVIRONMENTALISTS, etc. AND Now Here Comes OBAMA, PELOSI AND REED and Gang. BUSH Blew IT. But to Elect a Socialist/Marxist as a solution. Get serious.


I'd say Bush kinda blew it!


Regulations? Seriously? The conservative forces had their way with pissing on regulation...allowing this crapstorm to develop!


People aren't bankers! Bankers are bankers. People should not have been so irresponsible, but, proper lending practices should have been the first line of defense. "Don't ask/don't tell" loans got us into this mess.

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I was recently told on facebook (by a childhood friend) that I was an idiot for being a huge fan and supporter of the GT 500..

Ultimately, I told him, it doesn't matter what my heritage (South African) is / was. I am now an American (naturalized) and I will support America.


Ford rocks, Shelby GT500 rocks even more!!!!


Support the USA, buy USA products!




People like you are inspiring.

America is a great country and it's detractors are usually jealous!





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Hi Mark, As I told you in the beginning I don't have anything against Canada. They are just like our next door neighbors. I think they always stand united together with us through the good and bad. I don't keep up with statictics on equal trade market however; I will have to agree with you. I would much rather see Canada than these other countries get work from these trades. I guess I will have to stand on what I said in the beginning, God first, family and country. Let's just say if I was in a bear fight, I would defend my home first, then I would be glad to help all my neighbors (like Canada). I feel as tho you feel the same way about your country. Due to the situation the politicians and CEO's have our country in at this time I feel that any work going out of the US is putting someone here out of a job. I have to stand behind my fellow Americans and their workforce first. I hope and pray you understand this is not an insult to you or Canada either one. I am an American who believes that our country and the people in it are worth standing up for. I stood up for my country during the Vietnam Era good or bad either way people take it. I took it as loving my country and also risking my life for the freedom of the people in America. Please don't take any offence I love all of God's people but I just had to express how I feel and take a stand on it.


Also, in reply to one quick pony I had the buy American motto ten years ago. I din't wait until now to decide on this. Like I say I don't mean to offend anyone but I can't help how I feel and I believe we all need to stand for something. I asked everyone once again not to take this personally but I just have to say I am American first born and bread! I will say Thanks to Canada for thier help in this bailout and I hope someday the American people can return the favor. God Bless both of these countries and may we all prosper.



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Guest markham51
Hi Mark, As I told you in the beginning I don't have anything against Canada. They are just like our next door neighbors. I think they always stand united together with us through the good and bad. I don't keep up with statictics on equal trade market however; I will have to agree with you. I would much rather see Canada than these other countries get work from these trades. I guess I will have to stand on what I said in the beginning, God first, family and country. Let's just say if I was in a bear fight, I would defend my home first, then I would be glad to help all my neighbors (like Canada). I feel as tho you feel the same way about your country. Due to the situation the politicians and CEO's have our country in at this time I feel that any work going out of the US is putting someone here out of a job. I have to stand behind my fellow Americans and their workforce first. I hope and pray you understand this is not an insult to you or Canada either one. I am an American who believes that our country and the people in it are worth standing up for. I stood up for my country during the Vietnam Era good or bad either way people take it. I took it as loving my country and also risking my life for the freedom of the people in America. Please don't take any offence I love all of God's people but I just had to express how I feel and take a stand on it.


Also, in reply to one quick pony I had the buy American motto ten years ago. I din't wait until now to decide on this. Like I say I don't mean to offend anyone but I can't help how I feel and I believe we all need to stand for something. I asked everyone once again not to take this personally but I just have to say I am American first born and bread! I will say Thanks to Canada for thier help in this bailout and I hope someday the American people can return the favor. God Bless both of these countries and may we all prosper.





No offense taken Bill.


Well said.



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What would you suggest the American people do that will have any real effect?



The problem is getting the American People to actually Ban together and DO it. You could come up with a GREAT Idea that would Fix all this mess if all Americans would pitch in but getting all americans to pitch in would never happen. Heck, getting 50% would never happen.

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Guest markham51
The problem is getting the American People to actually Ban together and DO it. You could come up with a GREAT Idea that would Fix all this mess if all Americans would pitch in but getting all americans to pitch in would never happen. Heck, getting 50% would never happen.



Exactly. Thats why government needs to take the lead. Individuals will only spend more when they feel safe to do so and until then they will keep their money in their wallets.

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Hey STL Shelby, Gosh I don't know the answer. I do know that there is nothing in this ole world free. Somewhere down the line it will always cost someone. Some Americans are satisfied with corporations that cause these problems receiving millions of dollars in handouts just as long as they receive a few hundred themselves. I would guess that we would have to start on our local level and stop the corrupt politicans from being so wasteful then keep going to the state then the federal level. It seems as though the pork bills are killing us, and have been for years. I took my stimulus last time and gave to an elderly lady in need, over a few months. The problem is agreeing. You can't even get 20 people to agree on where to eat out together. Anything the goverment says is free or a handout bailout or whatever, you can bet we will have to pay back somewhere down the road. AT this point in my life I really guess it shouldn't matter to me, I have more behind me than ahead of me but I care about people like you and the rest of the working class people in this nation. This is something that really lays heavy on my heart. Maybe Mark can have some imput. He has a business here and in Canada and seems to be a very intelligent and level headed person. He sounds like a person I sure wouldn't care to stand shoulder to shoulder with. We have enough technology in this country that we should be able to create jobs in any type crisis." They say the electronic run on the US banks withdrawals amounted to about 550 billion dollars" someone had to catch this in a hurry. This was supposedly the first thing that started us on the downward spirial. I can remember all my life that when we had devastation in our neighborhoods we always united together and helped each other and survived it. I guess that is what will have to take place now. Unite together and stand strong. I wish I had a solution to the problem that would fix everything but I don't. I just feel that we need to keep our jobs here in American and keep the politics out of it. (If we can)


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Hey STL Shelby, Gosh I don't know the answer. I do know that there is nothing in this ole world free. Somewhere down the line it will always cost someone. Some Americans are satisfied with corporations that cause these problems receiving millions of dollars in handouts just as long as they receive a few hundred themselves. I would guess that we would have to start on our local level and stop the corrupt politicans from being so wasteful then keep going to the state then the federal level. It seems as though the pork bills are killing us, and have been for years. I took my stimulus last time and gave to an elderly lady in need, over a few months. The problem is agreeing. You can't even get 20 people to agree on where to eat out together. Anything the goverment says is free or a handout bailout or whatever, you can bet we will have to pay back somewhere down the road. AT this point in my life I really guess it shouldn't matter to me, I have more behind me than ahead of me but I care about people like you and the rest of the working class people in this nation. This is something that really lays heavy on my heart. Maybe Mark can have some imput. He has a business here and in Canada and seems to be a very intelligent and level headed person. He sounds like a person I sure wouldn't care to stand shoulder to shoulder with. We have enough technology in this country that we should be able to create jobs in any type crisis." They say the electronic run on the US banks withdrawals amounted to about 550 billion dollars" someone had to catch this in a hurry. This was supposedly the first thing that started us on the downward spirial. I can remember all my life that when we had devastation in our neighborhoods we always united together and helped each other and survived it. I guess that is what will have to take place now. Unite together and stand strong. I wish I had a solution to the problem that would fix everything but I don't. I just feel that we need to keep our jobs here in American and keep the politics out of it. (If we can)




I don't know the answer either. The Federal Government has got to big and out of control. Maybe take a fleet of dozers to Washington and push the whole shittn mess into the Potomac and start over, i don't know. I was talking to a guy on a job i delivered to yesterday. He said everyone in this country that pays taxes should refuse to. Cut those crooks off at the knees. No more of our money till they learn how to use it for us. Sounds good in theory, but like you said you, can't get anyone to stick together. I am afraid the radical division in this country is whats going to help bring her down. There's no compromise or middle ground anymore. Everyone's all the way right or left, and it seems they intend to stay there. Hope i am wrong but i don't she's going to be a Republic much longer.



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How come there are over 4 Times the Number of House of Representatives then there are Senators? There is only 100 Senators but there is 435 House of Representatives.



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I for one am fed up with our politicans and CEO's. I don't mean in offence to the brothers and sisters in Canada but I have always been a firm believer in buying General Motors products. My Shelby is the first ford I have ever owned and I love it but I believe in the way I was taught God, Family and Country. In that order! We have sit on our fannies and let the politicans and CEO's run our country for way too long. General Motors is now taking the taxpayers money and sending it out of the country to make their 2010 Camaro's. Ridiculous!!! They sure can't say that it is to expensive to retool to keep the jobs here in the states because they are doing it on our backs anyway. I DO NOT like it that my kids and grandkids will have to foot the bill for this. I bought and 06 Tahoe and also an 08 Tahoe I know they make them in Canada as well as Jamesville, Wisconsin. Mine both came from Wisconsin. This ole boy has bought his last two general motors anything. I may have to go to all Mustangs because they are definately made in Michigan. I don't care that they make them in Canada when our people here are not struggling and out of work. We should reunite together and take ole Glory back from the politicans and CEO's of this country. I just had to get this off my chest I am so sick of the way our country is going right now. It seems to get worse each day. I am ready to stand up and defend it and the good people we have.

See the tag Las Vegas, Nevada? That is where I am putting my money from now on behind the man and the car!! I WILL HAVE TO GET ONE FOR A DAILY DRIVER ALSO!!!


Yes... One question pertaining to what CAN be done.


Did you write or call your Representative and/or Senator and tell them to vote no on the bail out/stimulous plan?

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Yes... One question pertaining to what CAN be done.


Did you write or call your Representative and/or Senator and tell them to vote no on the bail out/stimulous plan?


I told both my Republican Senator and Democrat Congressman that I would not vote for anyone who voted for the first bail-out. Neither cared. :banghead:

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I saw last night that "NO ONE", read that as "NOT ONE PERSON", including "OBAMA" has read the Bill. They have read parts of it, but thats all. They Slapped it together, Rushed it through and then Obama sat on it (without Reading it) for 4 Days before spending well over $600K just to make a Big Deal Signing it........(again, he never Read it).


Also, Obama made a Statement about how Americans are going to have to tighten their Belts and turn the Thermostats Down. The Reporter asked Why it was so Hot in Obama's Office and was told that Obama likes to think he is in Hawaii so he keeps the Temp at 80 degrees.


His new Moto must be "Don't Do As I Do, Do As I Say".

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Guest markham51
I saw last night that "NO ONE", read that as "NOT ONE PERSON", including "OBAMA" has read the Bill. They have read parts of it, but thats all. They Slapped it together, Rushed it through and then Obama sat on it (without Reading it) for 4 Days before spending well over $600K just to make a Big Deal Signing it........(again, he never Read it).


Also, Obama made a Statement about how Americans are going to have to tighten their Belts and turn the Thermostats Down. The Reporter asked Why it was so Hot in Obama's Office and was told that Obama likes to think he is in Hawaii so he keeps the Temp at 80 degrees.


His new Moto must be "Don't Do As I Do, Do As I Say".



Here is an interesting story....




People have been compaining for years "we dont get enough time to read the bills" etc.


These bills are essentially huge legal documents whihc often reference other huge legal documents. Nobody reads them because the average person wouldnt be able to make much sense of them anyway. Is there a danger in that? Yes, there is risk, lots of it. There should be at least some reasonable amout of time for review except in cases of emergency. There are well documented cases of silly things getting through just as there is in the story above.


Now if you think Obama should have read the 1,000 pages of lawyer speak to make sure its all correct, you have at least have one thing right. He is the smartest President in the White House in a long time, he might even be able to do it! As to whether he should or not, why dont you get a copy and read it yourself. Its on the internet and its just facinating reading!

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Here is an interesting story....




People have been compaining for years "we dont get enough time to read the bills" etc.


These bills are essentially huge legal documents whihc often reference other huge legal documents. Nobody reads them because the average person wouldnt be able to make much sense of them anyway. Is there a danger in that? Yes, there is risk, lots of it. There should be at least some reasonable amout of time for review except in cases of emergency. There are well documented cases of silly things getting through just as there is in the story above.


Now if you think Obama should have read the 1,000 pages of lawyer speak to make sure its all correct, you have at least have one thing right. He is the smartest President in the White House in a long time, he might even be able to do it! As to whether he should or not, why dont you get a copy and read it yourself. Its on the internet and its just facinating reading!


+1 In the timeframe given it's impossible to read and absorb over 1,00 pages, and I think the President doesn't have time to read every line of every legislation. That's why there's teams of people to do it for him so that they can bullet-point the bill to him.

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The Link that I Posted (Post 49) is I believe the Bill. It is only 407 Pages. I know you need all the Legal Speak in the actual Bill, thats a given, but how hard would it be to do a Bill to write a "Simple English" version so it could be understood explaining as to what is in the Bill?

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Guest markham51
The Link that I Posted (Post 49) is I believe the Bill. It is only 407 Pages. I know you need all the Legal Speak in the actual Bill, thats a given, but how hard would it be to do a Bill to write a "Simple English" version so it could be understood explaining as to what is in the Bill?



Simple really...because then the lawyers who wrote the bills would have to understand them! :hysterical:

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Kind of like Real Estate transactions...who reads that stack of crap...seriously.


Lawyers and Insurance companies...and petty speeding tickets...banes to the human condition.



Sounds like someboby got pulled over recently....................................... :peelout:






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That was great! Way to be part of the problem, rather than solution :happy feet:


Congrats to the last eight years of pillaging, corruption and murder as well!

Murder? WHo, where, when?



Like most of the "DITTO HEADS" you are "HOPELESSLY HILARIOUS"!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:


The Dems never "WHINED" this much when the Repubs were in charge and :censored: ing up!!!!!!!! :doh:




I did also, and of course they don't care. If they did, we wouldn't be where we are today. :angry2:



So true...

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I will say Thanks to Canada for thier help in this bailout and I hope someday the American people can return the favor. God Bless both of these countries and may we all prosper.




What exactly has Canada done to help us in this bailout?


The way I see it...the "Big 3" decided to build vehicles in Canada. Therefore, shouldn't Canada pick up some of the bailout? I would expect Mexico and Brazil to be equally as responsible.


It is ironic how the automakers have been outsourcing jobs for decades, destroying communities and eliminating hundreds of thousands of jobs...and now they want the same people they have let-go save their asses :headscratch:

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Guest markham51
What exactly has Canada done to help us in this bailout?


The way I see it...the "Big 3" decided to build vehicles in Canada. Therefore, shouldn't Canada pick up some of the bailout? I would expect Mexico and Brazil to be equally as responsible.


It is ironic how the automakers have been outsourcing jobs for decades, destroying communities and eliminating hundreds of thousands of jobs...and now they want the same people they have let-go save their asses :headscratch:



Canada had loaned the Auto companies 4 billion dollars so far and is expecting to fork over more. It is proportional to our share of North American production. On a per taxpayer basis that is 2X what Americans are on the hook for.



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