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Joined the ranks of the unemployed today

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Wow, sorry Tim. I'll say a prayer for you as well. Keep that positive attitude going. It will get you through this. Despite Washington's attempt to screw this up even worse, the economy will recover. It always does. One little saying that has helped me get through tough times: "It's always darkest before dawn". The sun will come out again.

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We have had 10 down turns', in our economy since 1900. The worst one 1929, with a loss of 87% of the stock market. However, as history has demonstrated, we ALWAYS re-bound and continue to grow as a Nation. It's the depth and duration of the 'low' in all Recessions, that's the challenge.


Personal relationships, and networking of business contacts and opportunities are crucial. Just like in the past recessions, the vast majority of business's continue to be solvent, through the recession. It is important to keep all doors open to those 'Solvent, prospering, business's, and to remember not to burn any bridges. It is foolish and arrogant to presume that any of us are immune, to the fallout of this Recession. In the mean time, there many job opportunity's, maybe not in your current field, but work is work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Ladies and Gents, I have made the decision to head back to school. I am in a 2 year Paramedic program. I love that work and I see no reason to continue in the Computer/Management industry. So far, I am a bit behind because I started a month into the class but becasue of my prior training, I should be able to catch up soon.

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Well Ladies and Gents, I have made the decision to head back to school. I am in a 2 year Paramedic program. I love that work and I see no reason to continue in the Computer/Management industry. So far, I am a bit behind because I started a month into the class but becasue of my prior training, I should be able to catch up soon.



Good luck Tim. I was a Paramedic for 14 years.

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Well Ladies and Gents, I have made the decision to head back to school. I am in a 2 year Paramedic program. I love that work and I see no reason to continue in the Computer/Management industry. So far, I am a bit behind because I started a month into the class but becasue of my prior training, I should be able to catch up soon.


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Good luck Tim. I was a Paramedic for 14 years.



Wanna take some of my tests :hysterical:


Actually, I am already an intermediate so this is a step up for me. And as far as lights on the Shelby, a red KIT??


I jst want to thank you all. The most touching things is having friends encouragement and especially those that pray for other :cry:

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Wanna take some of my tests :hysterical:


Actually, I am already an intermediate so this is a step up for me. And as far as lights on the Shelby, a red KIT??


I jst want to thank you all. The most touching things is having friends encouragement and especially those that pray for other :cry:


Wishing you the best on your career change my friend........... :)

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Obviously no ones immune. Life goes on and bigger opportunities lie ahead!


Sorry to hear this Tim. We've had our differences, but I dont like to hear of a fellow Shelby loving cheesehead hurting.

I have many friends up there that are in the same boat. Hang in there.


I would guess Wausau is hit harder than most cities because of the paper mills. Its a contracting industry even without the economic problems. I hope this turns around soon.




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