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Joined the ranks of the unemployed today

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Man that sucks, we got some bad news today on our #1 customer, if they go we will surely follow, so you may not be alone. All's I can say is keep your chin up, sounds like you have a good attitude so maybe something will pop up. What were you doing? maybe I can help in some way. If nothing else if I get the pink slip we could get together and have some beers at my place, I can't drink much (one beer a day....doctors orders) but I'm a great bull$hitter.

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Sorry to hear that Tim.


Things here in Wi are starting to get a little tough, everyday I have customers coming in telling about how many people just got laid off were they work and they were hoping that they are not in the next round.


I still am having a hard time figuring out how this economy is going to improve if the bulk of the work force.......doesn't work?


Wish you luck Tim, hopefully you can find something before too long so summer can still be fun.

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Thanks Guys, I go out knowing I did a great job for them. My client is a bit perplexed. While this is not the most comfortable place to be. I am exited for new possibilities. Hopefully, I can hang on to the Shelby but, even that would not be something that would kill me. Thanks again for being a part of my family!

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I am very sorry to hear that. I deliver block and brick for a major Masonry manufacturer. Supplying brick for new home construction was about 30% of our work. That fell off to nothing the middle of last year. Now commercial and landscape are doing the same thing. Half of our drivers are laid off till further notice, as well as half our yard men. The last few months i have only worked a few days here and there. Then last week it picked up and i have been working overtime. I am hoping things will hold out and get better as i am within 6 years of retiring. These fools in Washington are probably going to have everybody in the soup line before it's over with though.

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