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You can blame Pelosi for Democrats' stumbles

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Well, that didn't take long. Three weeks into the new administration and the Democrats are squandering their advantage and threatening to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Credit House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for getting the ball rolling. Under her leadership, House Democrats excluded Republicans from having any voice in crafting the stimulus package.



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I just pulled up the headline news. I see where the Senate just passed the stimulus plan. The next 2 headlines were equally troubling to me. :hide:


1) Our all of our Utah State employees are facing furlows followed by pay cuts and benefit cuts when and if they return. We are short 1 billion in our budget due to lower tax revenues partly because unemployed people and people in foreclosure don't spend money or buy as much gas. Empty homes don't pay proprty taxes :(


2) The stock market is now down 329 points today so far. :(


Hopefully there will be more debate before this new stimulus deal is forced down our throats. I guess I could be considered one of those right wingers who isn't sold on this whole deal. Do Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed forget that not everybody voted for the Dems.


The last plan hasn't worked as layoffs and foreclosures continue because banks won't free up the money they received unless its for junkets to Vegas, new furniture, CEO bonuses and buying other banks. They won't even tell us what they did do with OUR money. So now the Dems want to give them more :spend: Smart, real smart :headscratch:


I'm glad to see questions being raised and the demand for accountability as we move forward. :lurk::lurk:

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Get the cry'n towels out :cry: why would the stock market take such a dive.............because the money is not going to stimulate the economy but make the government a larger monster than it already is.

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Thanks Jeff, That's all us right wing waco's have been trying to say. Politics as usual and, its time the American people stand up and say, No more, no mater who you are or what party you are in


I think it would take an act of God for that to happen. I have seriously lost my faith in the mentality of our so called leaders, not to mention a lot of people in this country. They/we have had it to easy for to long, and think no one can or will take it away. Anyone with half a brain knows, this so called stimulus package is one of the biggest shams ever put over on the people of this country.


SURPRISE! :spend:

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Jeff, I appreciate the fact that you posted that article. Now, Obama could gain some credibility with me if he would veto this garbage and tell them to trim the pork, like he promised to do in his election campaign!!!


This country isn't going to suddenly fall apart and become like "The Day the Earth Stood Still" if these people would just take a week or two longer, truly work for the good of the American people and make this a true, cost effective stimulus bill. Obama needs to stop with the fear-mongering and work to assure US citizens that this is getting done right the first time at least cost to taxpayers.

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Well, that didn't take long. Three weeks into the new administration and the Democrats are squandering their advantage and threatening to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Credit House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for getting the ball rolling. Under her leadership, House Democrats excluded Republicans from having any voice in crafting the stimulus package.




You know, it wasn't the Speakers fault 4,8 years ago...

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But she certainly did not help matters


I posted that with tongue firmly placed in cheek.

1 year, 4 or 8 years ago, there was only one place that blame fell; the Executive office.

Obama had a good framework set and then relinquished it to Pelosi and Dodd. Any problems and blame falls short of where, I believe, it belongs.

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Do Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed forget that not everybody voted for the Dems.


They don't care. They think they know what's best and we are all just insignificant serfs in their view. It's "na na na na na We Won You lost" to them. As long as they can get their beaks wet they don't care what happens to the country or the regular citizens. People need to stop looking to these morons for leadership. They couldn't lead hungry wolves to raw meat.

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The executive does NOT write law, congress does. Barry is finding this out rather quickly.


That's true, but the executive can write bills.


Definitely a rude awakening. I don't know why anyone would want that job... Can't be just for the money (present and future earnings), can it?

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That's true, but the executive can write bills.


ER . . . NO, the Exectuive signs them, or not, but has no real influence on what goes into them. Exectutive Orders are different. A President can "propose" all he wants but gets no say in a bills language, he either signs or vetoes.

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Well, that didn't take long. Three weeks into the new administration and the Democrats are squandering their advantage and threatening to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Credit House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for getting the ball rolling. Under her leadership, House Democrats excluded Republicans from having any voice in crafting the stimulus package.




Nancy Pelosi scares the $h!t out of me.

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