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I am Running for President

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You need to educate yourself on the over 20,000 gun laws. These laws are meant for criminals not law abiding citizens. So if your going to take a stand on guns, make sure it is "aimed" for the criminals and not at the law aboding citizens. And don't arbitrarily make law abiding citizens, criminals. Here are some good links for gun laws







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You need to educate yourself on the over 20,000 gun laws. These laws are meant for criminals not law abiding citizens. So if your going to take a stand on guns, make sure it is "aimed" for the criminals and not at the law aboding citizens. And don't arbitrarily make law abiding citizens, criminals. Here are some good links for gun laws









Very Informative......Thanks. It looks like most of what I want is taken care of so I will make some changes.

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New Stance on Guns:


Gun Ownership is a major responsibility and should not be taken lightly or for granted. You have a right, as a Gun Owner to know how to not only use it, clean it and store it, but to know where it is at all times. If your Gun is stolen, then you have a duty to report it immediately. Failure to do so should be a punishable offence weather it be by a Fine, Charges or Both. All Guns must have Locks in place when not in use. To protect Past, Present and Future Gun Owners, all Guns that Fire Bullitt’s or Shells should have a Two Page Carbon Copy Title issued so if it is Sold, Traded or Gifted, the New Owner will have a Title to take with them to pay the Transfer Fee and the Ex-Owner will have a Proper Paper to prove the Gun has a new Owner. To Own any Gun that shoots Bullitt’s or Shells, you must Pass a Safety Course every 5 Years.

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So... How do the audits work?



Simple: The State is given X amount of Money for Projects. State spends X amount of Money on Projects. State better be able to prove it Spent X amount of Money on Projects.


If the State is having a Road Built using Fed Money, and they use some of it for a Driveway for a Senator, it can be discovered in an Audit.


The agency I work for gives many people Purchasing Cards to do Business (Credit Cards). It is also a great way to keep tabs on the Employees. If they use the Cards for anything other then Business they get caught because each purchase is Time Stamped and the Name of where it is used is on the Statement as well.

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New Stance on Guns:


Gun Ownership is a major responsibility and should not be taken lightly or for granted. You have a right, as a Gun Owner to know how to not only use it, clean it and store it, but to know where it is at all times. If your Gun is stolen, then you have a duty to report it immediately. Failure to do so should be a punishable offence weather it be by a Fine, Charges or Both. All Guns must have Locks in place when not in use. To protect Past, Present and Future Gun Owners, all Guns that Fire Bullitt's or Shells should have a Two Page Carbon Copy Title issued so if it is Sold, Traded or Gifted, the New Owner will have a Title to take with them to pay the Transfer Fee and the Ex-Owner will have a Proper Paper to prove the Gun has a new Owner. To Own any Gun that shoots Bullitt's or Shells, you must Pass a Safety Course every 5 Years.


Your missing the point. The 2nd amendment reads "a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

It is not the responsibility of the Federal government to regulate anything when it comes to the peoples rights. It is the States responsibility. It is the responsibility of the Federal government to make sure the State does not infringe upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms which would include unreasonable regulations and exorbitant fees just to name a few. As far as the regulation of the Militia (citizen force) clearly the amendment was written at a State level.

Being a part of the union of States does not mean a State has lost it's identity or the right to govern itself based on the Constitution it has agreed upon when joining.


It is the responsibility of the citizen to protect his or her country.


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I never said anything about Semi-Auto Guns.

Why on earth would you need to own more Guns then what I listed?

High Powered Rifles are for Snipers, why would you need a High Powered Rifle for Hunting when Regular Rifles will do?


This statement alone shows how much you don't know, but are willing to act on what you don't know.

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Your missing the point. The 2nd amendment reads [i]"a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."[/i]

It is not the responsibility of the Federal government to regulate anything when it comes to the peoples rights. It is the States responsibility. It is the responsibility of the Federal government to make sure the State does not infringe upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms which would include unreasonable regulations and exorbitant fees just to name a few. As far as the regulation of the Militia (citizen force) clearly the amendment was written at a State level.

Being a part of the union of States does not mean a State has lost it's identity or the right to govern itself based on the Constitution it has agreed upon when joining.


It is the responsibility of the citizen to protect his or her country.




I will go far out on a Limb here, the Part I turned red........ I read that as what is now, the Military / National gaurd.

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I will go far out on a Limb here, the Part I turned red........ I read that as what is now, the Military / National gaurd.


"a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


Notice that there's a comma between "State" and "the right of the people,"and also not that it says "shall not be infringed" rather than saying it can be infringed at a later date if stuff changes.

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Well you lost my vote on the 2nd Amendment issue. Most will disagree with me, but i don't even believe in registration. To me when you have to register a firearm you are turning a right into a privilege, and privileges can be taken away. As far as i am concerned the 2nd Amendment is my gun permit. The problem is that thru years the Government has distorted and whittled away at it with laws such as the 68 Gun Control Act etc.. to the point even most pro gun people don't think anything of registration anymore.


I know it sounds hardcore, but that's the way i feel about it.


Good luck

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The problem is that thru years the Government has distorted and whittled away at it with laws such as the 68 Gun Control Act etc.. to the point even most pro gun people don't think anything of registration anymore.


I know it sounds hardcore, but that's the way i feel about it.


Good luck



IMO: I think it was the Criminals and the Idiots that whittled away at it and brought on the Registrations and Back Ground Checks.

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IMO: I think it was the Criminals and the Idiots that whittled away at it and brought on the Registrations and Back Ground Checks.


Gun laws don't keep guns out of the hands of criminals only out of the hands of citizens. Remember that

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I believe in Gun Ownership, always will be for it. I never said that you couldn't own Guns, I just want to Limit how many and what types. I believe in Personal Safety and Protection, Hunting and sport Shooting. I also believe that Every Gun should come with a Title.

To clear up some things........ to me, a High Powered Rifle is one that can Shoot 1000 Yards with little drop.

You do not need a Teck 9 to Hunt. You do not need a Machinegun to Hunt. You do not need a 32 Round Clip to Hunt. 16 Shot Clips are plenty.


Tes, first there are very few weapons that can shoot 1,000 yards with little drop compensation.


You mentioned that a 16 shot clip is plenty. First, there is a difference between a clip and a magazine and you must know the difference. Second, most magazines for the AR 15 are 30 rounds. You just made a felon out of tens of thousands of owners. How did you pick the arbitrary number 16? The high capacity magazine ban was lifted in 2004. Guess what? crime went down. You appear to be anti-gun and setting laws on guns for an unknown reason since there is obviously not data to support your stance.

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I will admit that I do not know much about Guns, but unless you are a Sniper in the Military, you do not need a Gun that will shoot 1.5 Miles, but yes, that is just MHO. I know that there are many people that feel that they do need a Gun that will shoot that Far........ Will you tell me why you must have a Gun that will shoot that Far please? I am Sincere and seriously would like to know.


Tes, high powered rifle shooting is a very competeitive sport demanding great discipline, skill and knowledge. Some people want to drive a golf ball hundreds of yards and put it in a hole. Others want to put a small piece of lead on target taking into consideration distance, terrain, temperature,wind velocity, ballistic coefficients, etc. You obviously, by your own admission, know little about firearms. Perhaps you should make arrangements to go to a gun club and at least talk to the people whose lives you are going to change. And remember, Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my current firearms combined. Guns don't kill people, People kill people. A firearm is only a tool.

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New Stance on Guns:


Gun Ownership is a major responsibility and should not be taken lightly or for granted. You have a right, as a Gun Owner to know how to not only use it, clean it and store it, but to know where it is at all times. If your Gun is stolen, then you have a duty to report it immediately. Failure to do so should be a punishable offence weather it be by a Fine, Charges or Both. All Guns must have Locks in place when not in use. To protect Past, Present and Future Gun Owners, all Guns that Fire Bullitt’s or Shells should have a Two Page Carbon Copy Title issued so if it is Sold, Traded or Gifted, the New Owner will have a Title to take with them to pay the Transfer Fee and the Ex-Owner will have a Proper Paper to prove the Gun has a new Owner. To Own any Gun that shoots Bullitt’s or Shells, you must Pass a Safety Course every 5 Years.


TES, why should there be a transfer fee. That is just a tax. Yet another tax. Why should a firearm have to have a lock when not in use. If you need the weapon for self defense, even in the home, you do not have time to find the key and unlock, then load the weapon. That renders the weapon useless for self defense. Accidental shootings by children have dropped dramatically since firearms education classes started. And there should not be registration. That only serves as a collection list when they are made illegal. And yes, that is what they have done in other countries.

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New Stance on Guns:


Gun Ownership is a major responsibility and should not be taken lightly or for granted. You have a right, as a Gun Owner to know how to not only use it, clean it and store it, but to know where it is at all times. If your Gun is stolen, then you have a duty to report it immediately. Failure to do so should be a punishable offence weather it be by a Fine, Charges or Both. All Guns must have Locks in place when not in use. To protect Past, Present and Future Gun Owners, all Guns that Fire Bullitt’s or Shells should have a Two Page Carbon Copy Title issued so if it is Sold, Traded or Gifted, the New Owner will have a Title to take with them to pay the Transfer Fee and the Ex-Owner will have a Proper Paper to prove the Gun has a new Owner. To Own any Gun that shoots Bullitt’s or Shells, you must Pass a Safety Course every 5 Years.


Does a car owner have to know how to use the car, clean it and store it? Most people cannot change their own oil!!! Does an auto owner have to pass a safety course every 5 years? Why are you so fixated on firearms. More guns has led to less crime. Firearms are used million times a year to deter crime without firing a shot.

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I will go far out on a Limb here, the Part I turned red........ I read that as what is now, the Military / National gaurd.


Tes, if you read the history of the United States and the history of the Constitution, you will learn that the militia consisted of all of the people. A WELL REGULATED MILITIA "Who are the militia?" They consist of the whole people, except a few public officers."- GEORGE MASON


BEING NECESSARY TO A FREE STATE- "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenver you give up that fore you are ruined... The great object is that every man be armed. Wveryone who is able might have a gun.- PATRICK HENRY


THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS- "The Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the people of the United States, who are peacable citizens, from keeping their own arms."- Samuel Adams.


SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED- No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."- THOMAS JEFFERSON.



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TES, something to think about.


Published in The Orlando Sentinel on December 7, 1999.


The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor killed about 3,000 Americans. On the day before the anniversary, the Institute of Medicine released a report that states doctors and hospitals kill 44,000 to 98,000 Americans per year by mistake.


Well, well, well, what do you think of that? Apparently American medicine is more dangerous than firearms. Firearms accidents (read mistakes) kill about 1,400 people. In fact the death toll from accidents, homicides and suicides is lower than the low-end number killed by medical mistakes.


Yet, many doctors have the gall to join the propaganda campaign against private ownership of firearms -- one of those rights that Americans fought to preserve in World War II. It is absurd to live under a government that says to its citizens, "We will train and equip you with lethal weapons, but as soon as you are discharged from the service, we cannot trust you to own a private firearm."


It is even more absurd for a medical profession, in dire need of cleaning up its own act, to self-righteously and erroneously assert that murder is a public-health problem. No, murder is a moral problem. Getting killed by doctors' errors is a public-health problem. Doctors allowing pharmaceutical corporations to turn them into drug salesmen is a moral problem. Doctors participating in so-called clinical research for a drug while taking money from the drug company is a moral problem.


And here's a tip for wolfishly hungry trial lawyers: If a gun manufacturer is liable for the criminal misuse of a firearm, then certainly a pharmaceutical manufacturer must be legally liable for the fatal misuse of its products by doctors. And talk about deep, deep pockets, the pharmaceuticals have them. Sic 'em, boys.


Come on, now folks. An official study has just shown you that doctors and hospitals are three to five times more lethal and dangerous than the nation's murderers. The odds of surviving a criminal encounter are much higher than the odds of surviving a visit to your doctor and hospital.


In fact, when you compare American fatalities in World War II, American doctors and hospitals kill more Americans in a comparable time period than the Japanese and German armies did in 1941-45 if we use the high end of the Medical Institute's estimate. It would be a sour turn of events indeed for an American fighting man to survive a war only to come home and get killed by his doctor.


In all seriousness, folks, it is clear that what can be rightfully called a public-health crisis is caused, at least in part, by the following factors:


Pharmaceutical companies have way too much influence in organized medicine and literally bombard doctors with advertising and new nostrums. This goes back to the days when the Rockefellers, heavily invested in pharmaceuticals, got into cahoots with the American Medical Association and managed to convince the world that allopathic medicine (treatment with drugs) was the only legitimate form of medical care.


Doctors try to treat too many patients.


Government regulations place too great a burden on doctors and hospitals while not placing nearly enough of a burden on the price-gouging pharmaceutical industries.


Americans have been indoctrinated by both their doctors and commercial advertising into the false belief that whatever ails them can be cured by popping a pill or sipping and sniffing a liquid drug. Why is anyone surprised that the war on drugs has been a failure?


So, there is a lot of work to do to correct medical errors. In the meantime, you doctors should lay off attacking the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. My guns are less of a threat to my safety than you are.

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Does a car owner have to know how to use the car, clean it and store it? Most people cannot change their own oil!!! Does an auto owner have to pass a safety course every 5 years? Why are you so fixated on firearms. More guns has led to less crime. Firearms are used million times a year to deter crime without firing a shot.



I am not Fixated on Guns, I was asked a Question and I ansered it, that is all, how is that being Fixated ?


Every body running for President runs on his/her beliefs and personal opinions. They make decisions the same way but they also have a Staff that will guide them sometimes and supply them with the Facts. I do not have that, Yet, so I am going on my beliefs of personal opinions. Unlike most of those running for President, I will not sugar coat my answers or just say what I think you want to hear. All of this Info on the Gun Issue is helping, I really appreciate it a lot. If nothing else, I am open minded.

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Every body running for President runs on his/her beliefs and personal opinions. They make decisions the same way but they also have a Staff that will guide them sometimes and supply them with the Facts. I do not have that, Yet, so I am going on my beliefs of personal opinions. Unlike most of those running for President, I will not sugar coat my answers or just say what I think you want to hear. All of this Info on the Gun Issue is helping, I really appreciate it a lot. If nothing else, I am open minded.


Thank you for being open minded. Its not like we dont have the next 2 years to change your mind, and we will. :happy feet:

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TES, only make or render an opinion when you have the necessary information. Since you do not have experience with firearms talk to those that do. Go out to a gun club. Tell the people you are going to run for office. Solicit their input. Learn why people have guns. It is the same with Horsepower. We all know there are people that say why do you want 400-500 or more HP when the speed limit is 55, or 65 or 70. So they make an arbitrary decision to tell you what HP you can have based on their beliefs. You pulled numbers out of the air re magazine (not clip) capacity. Have data that supports your statements and beliefs.


BTW- you know that when you run for office someone will use the statements you have typed showing you have flip-flopped or to define you.


Good Luck

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TES, only make or render an opinion when you have the necessary information. Since you do not have experience with firearms talk to those that do. Go out to a gun club. Tell the people you are going to run for office. Solicit their input. Learn why people have guns. It is the same with Horsepower. We all know there are people that say why do you want 400-500 or more HP when the speed limit is 55, or 65 or 70. So they make an arbitrary decision to tell you what HP you can have based on their beliefs. You pulled numbers out of the air re magazine (not clip) capacity. Have data that supports your statements and beliefs.


BTW- you know that when you run for office someone will use the statements you have typed showing you have flip-flopped or to define you.


Good Luck



he is right, next week or next year, or even 3 years from now WHATEVER YOU SAY OR HAVE SAID IT WILL BE used against you!!

so if you are serious about public office, i would refrain from making statements about shit that might hurt later on,

and i would go back thru every post that was made on any forum and edit the crap out of it or it will come back and crap on your parade!!!

when you least expect it

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