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My New Office

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The new office building is about 10 days away from move-in. The painters are done with the staining and will start the paint on Monday. Then plumbing and light fixture install and my firm will have a new home :happy feet: :happy feet:


The weather is absolutely perfect today so the family took the Shelby's out for a few photographs :camera:



Shot with E-500 at 2009-02-07


:ohsnap: That was the "Before" shot :doh:



Shot with E-500 at 2009-02-07



Shot with E-500 at 2009-02-07



Shot with E-500 at 2009-02-07

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Nice transformation. Would you call that a southwestern design?



It is based on the Spanish colonial revival architecture from early last century (roaring 20's). Think about San Diego to Houston 1910' & 20's.


So should we call it "Spanish colonial revival........errrr......revival" :headscratch: :P

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