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Layed OFF !!!!

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Hi All


Well my mods have come to a sudden and abrupt STOP !!! :doh:


I've been practicing medicine since 2003.. This is the first time I get the boot! The physician I worked for lost contract after contract, So my work kept dropping off... The office manager called me Thursday afternoon to ask me about some paperwork! I knew some thing was up, I thought , I'm going to cut your compensation or something of the sort...


Well the worst happened, no notice no warning, no hey start looking for a job... and then, those words.. I was told to tell you, I have to let you go! :cry: from 163K a year to ZERO!!!! !@#$%^&* :censored:



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sorry to hear that you got laid off. I hope you find work soon. I thought I was going to get the ax last week, but I made it during the first round of cuts. I landed a 4 month job....so I'm safe for a short spell.


I hope this economy turns around soon.

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Reserves.. I used about 50 k last year when I was dancing with my old boss negotiating... I also spent about 7K last month on the KB and other mods!! I have some green , but I will have to cut all non essentials!!! Hopefully, I will have some thing in the next couple of weeks ! I was told by one of my friends who is medical director of a big ER a few miles from my house, he might have some thing for me..

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Well , unfortunately we live off peoples health insurance.... the more layoffs around the country the more uninsured people we see, we still see everyone, we just don't get paid...



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I have don't know what it's like to make six figures, but I do know that everyones safety net varys. I guess the key is to make sure the net will hold you when you fall into it, and hold you for about a year just in case. Being in construction...this is something that has been ingrained into my long range plans for 20 years.


I'm ready for the storm when it comes, and it's commin. -_-

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I can live any where and yes KS is beautiful!! people are real nice too!!! the problem is the wife, she is an ex- new yoker an is hooked on Miami... Problem is people sell there ass cheap here because of the weather.. No unions no rights for the worker etc... no sources of employment in Miami other than the usual stuff!!


I'm think of going active duty... There is something about big green that I love!! always had, only thing is the pay takes some getting use to...


Active duty Cpt pay is a third of what I make, Lots of choices... I need to make some real soon..



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Sorry about being laid off. Come up to Louisiana, we're always looking for doc's in this area. And the compensation isn't to bad either.


of course I work for Radiologists not ER Doc's.


Goodluck with your job search.. I'm sure there are a number of positions available.



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Wow, I thought there was a shortage of Doctor's everywhere ( I assume that's what you are). Best of luck to you, I think (and hope)you should be able to find something fairly quickly.


Most of us have the same job loss potential, and it is a scary thing.

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Doctors and RN's are both in high demand in the Carson City and Reno, Nevada area. They both command signing bonuses right now. Of course it would be different moving from all that sunshine to the cold winter part of the country.


I love Vegas... I had a friend who went to school with me and she lives in Henderson, so I definitely know the area... I'm speaking with some folks now.. I going to see what the Army offers for active duty... Lots of nice places! Vegas is definitely on my list.. lets see what the wife says.. I'm ready for a change of scenery..


Thanks to everyone for the warms wishes. I've definitely made some friends here :happy feet:




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Sorry to hear about the layoff, unfortunately I have a feeling the next few years are going to be much harder than most people and the media think. Owning an auto repair business everyone says it should be good for us. So far however business is way down because people are not servicing their cars unless something catastrophic happens.


Best of luck to you.

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I love Vegas... I had a friend who went to school with me and she lives in Henderson, so I definitely know the area... I'm speaking with some folks now.. I going to see what the Army offers for active duty... Lots of nice places! Vegas is definitely on my list.. lets see what the wife says.. I'm ready for a change of scenery..


Thanks to everyone for the warms wishes. I've definitely made some friends here.



Army, Vegas. Army, Vegas. :club: does that help any? :hysterical:

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I can live any where and yes KS is beautiful!! people are real nice too!!! the problem is the wife, she is an ex- new yoker an is hooked on Miami... Problem is people sell there ass cheap here because of the weather.. No unions no rights for the worker etc... no sources of employment in Miami other than the usual stuff!!


I'm think of going active duty... There is something about big green that I love!! always had, only thing is the pay takes some getting use to...


Active duty Cpt pay is a third of what I make, Lots of choices... I need to make some real soon..






Have you tried Baptist Health of South Florida? How about the VA in downtown? Baptist has just anounced that they will be building another small hospital in West Kendall. Word is Jackson South is cutting people to keep the main Jackson going. If you are interested in something down in the Homestead area I can get you the right numbers, PM me. Also if you go to the VA, I kn ow it looks like a dump but the benefits are pretty good there. Urgent care is where Miami is going to now, Baptist is opening those all over South Miami. Good Luck,sorry to hear about your circumstances.



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Man ed good luck. I know how it feels to lose six figures. Unfortunaly it was my own fault with the help of virginia. But in all seriousness The VA is a good place to work. U should check into that before makin a rash decision and goin green. I am a combat vet. If you wanna play in the sand and dodge hodgjiess lead then go for it but im tell u the wife better learn that if she wants to make it she needs to sacrifice her fun in the sun and go with ya wherever u can get a job. Good luck bud.

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Sorry about your recent misfortune. What is your profession? PA, NP, RN ? You said you worked for an MD... I could always use some car guys around me at my practice in SD! Dermatology isn't as exciting as ER work, though (for most people).

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Sorry for the job loss Ed. If your into gray skies, lots of drizzling rain and very little sun check out Western Washington State!

Lots of work in the medical field ans lots of military.

Good luck with the job search.

+1 My mom is an RN in SW Washington and says the market is great up there for healthcare pros.

Good luck Ed. I'm sure you'll pull through it.



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Hi All


Well my mods have come to a sudden and abrupt STOP !!! :doh:


I've been practicing medicine since 2003.. This is the first time I get the boot! The physician I worked for lost contract after contract, So my work kept dropping off... The office manager called me Thursday afternoon to ask me about some paperwork! I knew some thing was up, I thought , I'm going to cut your compensation or something of the sort...


Well the worst happened, no notice no warning, no hey start looking for a job... and then, those words.. I was told to tell you, I have to let you go! :cry: from 163K a year to ZERO!!!! !@#$%^&* :censored:



Sorry to hear that !! It's scary out there people losing their homes and becoming homeless. But what amazes me is how Local, state, Gov, spend crazy money on crap. If anyone lives in the upper hudson valley all the towns combined spent 132,000 for a conference in NYC some towns spent over 500.00 on breakfast. They also stayed down in the city to far to drive 50mins one way which, I did for 16yrs their answer you have to spend big to get big. Imagine if you said that to the I.R.S you would be in jail once again we lose they feast !!!


Good luck ED wish there was something that can be done for everyone maybe cut the salary's of the sports players who can't live on 5 million a year or all these high payed government agencies. Even better local and village official salary's, I know people that work in a small village and make over a 100,000 and bored out of their minds.

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