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Is there a doctor in the house?

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In all seriousness...It feels like someone is ripping my kidneys out of my abdomen...Im not a doctor, but I think I have a kidney stone...

I was just sore yesterday, but last night and this morning I can barely walk!


Anyone with this kind of experience...you think Im okay till Monday? I hate not being able to wait for my doctor. I do have plenty of pain meds from my gallbladder issue last year. :censored:

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If you have a Kidney stone, GO to the freaking Hospital NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In all seriousness. They'll do 1 of 2 things.. Abdominal Ultrasound or CT of the abdomen. Either way, you'll know what is going on.




What are you still doing here.




Could even be appendicitus.

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I hope you have gone to the hospital by now. I tell you what If you where passing a stone you would of gone to the hospital right then. TO MUCH PAIN from the stone tearing and cutting it way from your kidneys to your bladder then the good times start from your bladder down the urine track out you P#### in to a special screen the hospital gives you to catch the stone so the Doc can send it off to have it checked out to see what it is made of so they can tell you what you need to do so you do not have the attacks anymore. I have them every now and then I go to the hospital right away a get a couple rounds of Morphine and then sent home. From the sounds of it you might not have had a stone sure I was in LOTS of pain on my Left or right side and I could still walk but in PAIN. So what did the ER room say was wrong with you. SORRY you are having so much trouble. We will keep you in are prayers. God bless

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If you have a Kidney stone, GO to the freaking Hospital NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In all seriousness. They'll do 1 of 2 things.. Abdominal Ultrasound or CT of the abdomen. Either way, you'll know what is going on.




What are you still doing here.




Could even be appendicitus.





If it's appendicitus and you wait it could rupture and kill you. I had a ache in my gut and waited and mine started leaking. I could not walk and when I got to the hospital they took it out. I spent 10 days in the hospital on that one. Almost died because I waited.


2 weeks later I had to go back and spend another week in the hospital because the germs that got out of my appendics when it ruptured were not all removed and a big germ ball had began to grow in my stomac that had to be removed.


The 3 weeks in the hospital could of been avoided if I would of went in, but I thought I had the flu and was just sick to my stomac and stayed home.



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I hope you are in the Hospital by now....GO, GO, GO, GO, GO, GOOOOOOO!!!


There was an individual I know that had an appendicitus that ruptured on him. The germs caused and infection that resulted with him in a coma and a temperature above 110 for 24 hours. They acually had to run his blood through an ice bath to get his temperature down.


He survived but with side affects. (Only a few have survived temps in this range for that duration) His speach and coordination was greatly impacted.


I am not a doctor, but get help.

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av-11131.jpg R U OK



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Warren were all thinking about you and hope that if you didn't already go to the doctor that you have an appointment on Monday. Lets hope its something as simple as an infection.


Take care buddy and let us know what is going on

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Okay, so I went to a med clinic right after I posted, since I dont take chances on these kinds of things.


The doctor had me submit a urine sample, and said I didnt have any blood or evidence of a kidney stone.

She then gave me a prostate exam for the trouble...gee, if I ever had doubts about my sexuality, that has been laid to rest. I felt violated.

Just try to relax my a$$! Pardon the pun.. :hysterical:


She told me she thought it was deep musle spams or a pull...so she gave me flexerill muscle relaxer, and an anitinflamatory. I felt better over the rest of the day and and Sunday, but then I awoke last night to more of the pain i experienced Saturday morning. I took a sleeping pill and a pain pill, and that got me through the rest of the night. I feel okay right now, but I am not taking any chances. I have a doctor's appointment at 3pm today to see what the hell is going on with me. I'll let yall know...and thank you for the concerns and prayers.




On a side note- I did get some work done on my car Sunday...see the GT500 Mods section for more info... :happy feet:

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I had a kidney stone last year, it was miserable. Glad to hear you are doing better and it does not appear serious.


Do not be a tough guy and ignore pain in the stomach/abdomen area as it can be either something minor or something serious and life threatening if not treated.

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In all seriousness...It feels like someone is ripping my kidneys out of my abdomen...Im not a doctor, but I think I have a kidney stone...

I was just sore yesterday, but last night and this morning I can barely walk!


Anyone with this kind of experience...you think Im okay till Monday? I hate not being able to wait for my doctor. I do have plenty of pain meds from my gallbladder issue last year. :censored:


Is your wife angry at you ??? If so watch your food and see how you feel in the morning and don't take any baths. :hysterical: (toaster)


Feel better and I can ship some meds over to you :drool: if you like to drool alot.

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Is your wife angry at you ??? If so watch your food and see how you feel in the morning and don't take any baths. :hysterical: (toaster)


Feel better and I can ship some meds over to you :drool: if you like to drool alot.



Nah, I make her taste my food first...its good to be the king! I also have GCFI outlets in the bathroom, and the vacuum is too heavy to throw...Id see her coming. I dont keep weapons hidden around the house that she knows about and the gun safe is locked and she doesnt have the combination.


You GOT to keep your women in their place! :hysterical:

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Okay, so I went to a med clinic right after I posted, since I dont take chances on these kinds of things.


The doctor had me submit a urine sample, and said I didnt have any blood or evidence of a kidney stone.

She then gave me a prostate exam for the trouble...gee, if I ever had doubts about my sexuality, that has been laid to rest. I felt violated.

Just try to relax my a$$! Pardon the pun.. :hysterical:


She told me she thought it was deep musle spams or a pull...so she gave me flexerill muscle relaxer, and an anitinflamatory. I felt better over the rest of the day and and Sunday, but then I awoke last night to more of the pain i experienced Saturday morning. I took a sleeping pill and a pain pill, and that got me through the rest of the night. I feel okay right now, but I am not taking any chances. I have a doctor's appointment at 3pm today to see what the hell is going on with me. I'll let yall know...and thank you for the concerns and prayers.




On a side note- I did get some work done on my car Sunday...see the GT500 Mods section for more info... :happy feet:



It wasn't the Pills that made you feel better..........it was "THE" Finger............................ :hysterical:


Glad you OK man.

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