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Prayer help!!

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Hi all-


I've been absent for the last week to 10 days. I had a major bombshell dropped on me. My wife of 14 1/2 years, mother of my 7 and 3 year old children,my significant other for the last 17 years, my best friend for the last 19 years and friend for the last 20 informed me that she isn't sure she wants to be married anymore! I am completely and totally devastated. :cry: I love her with all my heart-she is my one great love- and have been reaching out to try to save it and she isn't sure she wants to try.


I could use all the prayers I could get to help Gail find it in herself to not throw this all away. Please keep us in yours if possible.


I am miserable already!



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Larry, you and your wife will be in my prayers. Hopefully she'll realize that's an awful lot to throw away until you've both given it your all. Good luck and may God bless.



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Larry, you and Gail are in my prayers. Surely with the love of God and family you have there, there must be a way to resolve it.

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I have been married for 30 years, and I can say that I too would be devastated if this were to happen to me. All I can say is that damn near every couple goes through periods of questioning their marriage like this to some degree. The fact that you shared something like this on a forum speaks of your feelings for Gail, and I pray that she comes to the understanding of just how lucky she is to have someone in her life who feels that way about her. The world is full of singles searching for what she's entertaining the idea of throwing away. Hopefully, she'll realize this before it's too late. Stay strong man.

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Hi all-


I've been absent for the last week to 10 days. I had a major bombshell dropped on me. My wife of 14 1/2 years, mother of my 7 and 3 year old children,my significant other for the last 17 years, my best friend for the last 19 years and friend for the last 20 informed me that she isn't sure she wants to be married anymore! I am completely and totally devastated. :cry: I love her with all my heart-she is my one great love- and have been reaching out to try to save it and she isn't sure she wants to try.


I could use all the prayers I could get to help Gail find it in herself to not throw this all away. Please keep us in yours if possible.


I am miserable already!





I'll pray for you guys...Hope everything works out for you're family bud...Take care.

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Larry, Prayers are sent for you and Gail...If you have time, go to your nearest Christian Book store and buy a book called The Love Dare...it is a 40 day program that asks you to do one thing each day for the person that you love and want to be with. Follow the book carefully during the 40 day period, pray about each day, and believe that God will do what he says he will do...always remember P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens)




P.S. There is also a movie called Fireproof that goes along with this book...perhaps you can get Gail to watch it with you and you both will receive the blessing of the movie.

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thanks for the kind words and support. Things aren't looking too good right now, she doesn't even seem willing to try to work it out. I've been praying and hoping she gives us a chance, but it's not looking good-I am mentally and emotionally exhausted at this point. My family is all 400 miles away, and I don't feel like I can do this alone-I am lost. :cry:

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thanks for the kind words and support. Things aren't looking too good right now, she doesn't even seem willing to try to work it out. I've been praying and hoping she gives us a chance, but it's not looking good-I am mentally and emotionally exhausted at this point. My family is all 400 miles away, and I don't feel like I can do this alone-I am lost. :cry:


Hey, I feel for you been divorced also !! I'd pray for you but lost my faith along time ago and I'm a pro at being lost we all know that here. From experience family is the best support they have kept me going when friends turn there back on you, But, I'm here 24/7 since I don't work if you like to chat to a crazy guy :drool: . I still have good advice from my P.D days.

I also have to say its great to see so many praying, I will try if he will listen.

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I hope that someday you will let him into you Heart again. All I can say is that, God does not make bad things happen, He is there for you WHEN bad things happen. When talking about this, I have a very hard time putting it into words so I will say this about it, "Spiritual Enlightenment, it is a great indescribable feeling".

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I hope that someday you will let him into you Heart again. All I can say is that, God does not make bad things happen, He is there for you WHEN bad things happen. When talking about this, I have a very hard time putting it into words so I will say this about it, "Spiritual Enlightenment, it is a great indescribable feeling".


I will try that's a promise!!! But will tell you and others what really turned me away was my church in staten island. The first incident was my kid sister 6yrs young than me and in Catholic school which one and same as are church. One day they pulled my sis into there office and made her call my parents she told them to come down with a check or she was kicked out. The schools reasoning the lack of envelopes given at church, my father was working 3 jobs already to pay for her school. He had to cut a check for 1000.00 to make things right. Another time, I was getting married in Yonkers, NY and was 10 minutes last for my rehearsal we travel from S.I, NY 50 minute trip. The priest flipped out and had a hissy fit, screaming and yelling told me we have to leave. He did even care about say sorry my father walk over handed him 500.00 he and acted like nothing happened.

None of this is a lie this my black cloud but here is the kicker and you can say I'm full of it or not the same priest that married me was from my area S.I. When, I first sat down with and never him my ex-wife grilled me on what to say. I walk shook hands with we talked and he dropped the bomb he stated I'm staten island too the church sent me up. He goes hey maybe you know my brother he wasn't that good had tough times. The priest turns the photo around and my jaw dropped and I said thats your brother his name Victor. He's one of the reasons, I became a cop !!! He use to give Lady's free coke get them hooked and make them sleep with his coke Buddy's and whatever else he needed. He screwed up 2 girlfriends of mine. The priest was shocked but defending his brother that he got help and he's a better person, I said to the priest that I beat his brother and his friends on a regular bases.


THIS ALL TRUE NO LIES MY WILL VERIFY ALL OF IT !!! It my luck that I don't have

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We were raised Catholic as well and it was a similar thing that caused my Mom to stop going to that Church.


I do believe in God !! If he came before me and asked of anything, It would be done no matter what he asked of me.

But sometimes, I think he's angry at me. I always help people thats one of the reasons that I became a cop and did my share of scaring bully's off and the low life. Even gave money out of my pocket to victims and children.

But one I see a nun broken down so, I boost her with my rmp and take her to my buddies garage. It turns out to be a battery and I offer to pay she insist the church will pay him. She thanks me, Now off duty heading my parents house to watch my granny. I'm on the NJ turnpike with my favorite road bike of 13yrs I come to the toll plaza there's about 18 cars in front. No one is moving so, I take my seatbelt of get comfortable. Then, I decide to lean out my window to look at myself in sideview mirror and the next thing someone is shaking me awake in my car. I was the last car in line and a chevy suburban reared me at about 40mphs and hour. I hit the car post and it took me out had to got hospital car got impound my bike was crushed. A concussion and 100.00 later for my smashed car and headache the guy said he was in a rush. A blessing or just jaded??? The only good was I got 3,000.00 from for my car and my bike.

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Hi all-


I've been absent for the last week to 10 days. I had a major bombshell dropped on me. My wife of 14 1/2 years, mother of my 7 and 3 year old children,my significant other for the last 17 years, my best friend for the last 19 years and friend for the last 20 informed me that she isn't sure she wants to be married anymore! I am completely and totally devastated. :cry: I love her with all my heart-she is my one great love- and have been reaching out to try to save it and she isn't sure she wants to try.


I could use all the prayers I could get to help Gail find it in herself to not throw this all away. Please keep us in yours if possible.


I am miserable already!




Hi Larry,


Thats a hard thing to be going through. I hope it all works out, you may want to ask her to see if she wants to go to a marriage counseler



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Larry, I will pray for you and the misses.


My wife and I just watched Fireproof the other day. I did not realize that there is a 40-day program like Motorjock mentioned. The actors are not top notch, however it was a movie that had meaning and I think could have value. It made me appreciate what I have.


It really may have some value if you could have her watch it with you. I am sure you will relate if you watch it.


Good luck.

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As others have noted, the study guide will help you to think things through in a different manner, and focus on things in a different way. Know more than anything, you are never alone! And our prayers are with you and your family as well!

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