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Sexystang's sister has passed away

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Um, this thread is from 2008!


YES it is............ Here is Post #89 to explain why it was brought back to the front:



I cannot believe a year has gone by..... :cry: Please take a moment to say a prayer today for my Little Sis..... :angel:



Thank You..... :grouphug:

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Didn't catch that news...What happend to her nephew ?



Nothing. HCM is inheritted and sibblings and children of anyone that has HCM needs to be checked as well. 1-500 people have HCM, and because there's often no symptoms it's normally goes undiagnosed.




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where have I been. Just found this. We are so very sorry for your lose of your sisiter :cry: we will be praying for you and your family and keep your Dad also in R prayers that he will get some peace and rest that he needs to function right.


Im glad that they found the reason and I am glad that you and the family will have that test done to make sure none of you have it.


It is a silent killer if not found. Your sister paved the way for the rest of her family to be checked. she gave it all for the family that she loved so much. God bless her.


Again we are so sorry for your lose.


coming upon a year ago my son inlaws brother passed away from a sudeen heart attach. He also was 38. he was in the best of shapes just won the Chicagos body building championship for light weight div. could not beleive it. found out he had 4 plugged artiries. one morning he got done with his jogging at the GYM went in got on the tread mill fell down once got back up feel again and that was the last time. it is a very hard time for sure but you will never forget about it you will just learn how to cope with it.


God bless you and your family.

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Thank you everyone for your prayers, my nephew Jordan is doing well.... :happy feet: he's getting good grades in school, has signed up for the wrestling team and karate classes (probably to kick his Father's Wise @SS someday :hysterical: ) but all kidding aside Jordan is a lucky little guy because one thing I can say about his Father he has always taken very good care of my little nephew..... :happy feet: And My Father is doing very well after 3 months of counseling he's back to being my Dear Old Dad again.... :happy feet:


As far as I'm concerned, kind of pertaining to brianspony's article he posted, I haven't been feeling well for the last 6 months, I had my first Echocardiogram done in February of this year (due to my Sister's diagnosis of Cardiomyopathy, she had palpitations for months was on medication for it but had gotten to the point of severe chest pains which lead to sudden death) But the results of my Echo came out normal, which was a huge relief for me, but a few months after that I started not to feel well, can't eat or sleep, feeling extremely tired all the time, lightheaded with irregular heart beats, so I thought that this was all due to not enough nutrition, lack of sleep or just extremely stressed out (as you all know I've been through alot in the last 10 years) well I finally went back to the Doctor's a few weeks ago (after my Father scolded me to get my @ss back there :cry: ) I found out that it's "possible" that I could have a slight problem with my heart as well. I've been on a heart monitor for 2 weeks (1 more week to go) and it has detected a few incidents that need to be further evaluated. They want to put me on heart medication (not my choice at the moment) but also do a procedure on in me in the hospital, not sure what it's called, but they put a catheter in your vein that goes into the heart to check the rhythms, since it has been beating 100+ a minute more often than it should be, I've been monitored during both a stressfull situation AND relaxation but I just found all this out on Friday and will hopefully know more this week. My Doctor suspects "SVT" (Supraventricular Tachycardia). It can be quite common and treated but I'll keep you posted with updated news in my thread!!


My Mother passed away from Ovarian Cancer back in 1998 as soon as this "silent killer" cancer hit my family my Sister and I were tested every 6 months and taken care of but when it comes to the "Heart" that's nothing to play around with and can be caused by heredity therefore I will do whatever it takes to fight whatever this is on my own..... :happy feet:


Thanks again to my thoughtful TS friends ..... :grouphug:

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I hope you get good news Laurie after your Holster monitor testing has been completed. There are many reasons why your heart can beat irregular so be patient with your testings and try to deflect extra stress in your life. You can start today by knowing a great big Birthday greeting wish is on it's way down to you as you read this today. :happy feet:

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Sorry for the late prayers, Laurie, but you have them anyway. I also lost my sister unexpectedly in 2000. Let us know if we can help you or your family.



(Yeah, I missed this too somehow....I dont do the Non-auto area as much as I should I guess...)

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Deepest sympathy to you, Laurie.


My daughter was born with congenital heart defects, including holes in the walls of her heart. She had open heart surgery, and with the help of a pacemaker, she is leading a normal life, two kids and a happy husband!


But there were the scary times too, and I truly understand what you have endured recently.


I wish you and your family well.

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Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers at least I can count on my TS friends..... :grouphug: and "cobra2go" I am very happy your daughter turned out happy and healthy..... :happy feet: There are some people out there that think no one (like I said there are rude and uncaring people that live in this State) can get any physical problems just because they don't have any problems themselves and are leading a happy, healthy fulfilled life doesn't mean someone else is even at birth. Life is to short and I need to stay healthy and most of all become happy again!!!

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(like I said there are rude and uncaring people that live in this State) Life is to short and I need to stay healthy and most of all become happy again!!!


Hey SS - those people must have relatives up here too!


If I can share a little story ... let's see, which one ...


The hospital where my daughter had surgery has a large childrens' ward, and at that time, all the cancer kids, cardiac kids, CP and so on were all in the same ward. You would watch them all interact with each other, and not one was concerned about their own problems, to them they were all the same.


One day in the parents room, a distressed mom came in, crying because her son broke his arm. She had to make all kinds of arrangements so she could stay at his bedside during his short stay overnite. Suddenly, Jackie (her son had leukemia) left the room. I spoke with her later, and she was upset. She couldn't listen to this mom's 'ordeal' - at least she could take her son home in the morning. At the time, Jackie didn't know if her son would ever be able to return home.


Long story short - healthy people and farmilies don't know how really lucky they are! I learned so much about life, patience and humility from these children - they are amazing.


And you are right about staying healthy and happy - two of the most important things in life. We are all richer for it. Stay well and keep smiling!

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