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POLL: Who’s tired of the Political threads on this site?

Please vote - Who’s tired of the Political threads on this site?  

154 members have voted

  1. 1. Who?s tired of the Political threads on this site?

    • YES - I?m tired of them
    • NO - I like reading them

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If you don't vote in any Presidential or Local elections when it's time, then you have absolutly no voice or right to complain about the curent local/state/USA problems. what your doing is leaving it up to the rest of us to pick the lesser of the 2 or 3 eveils when given a choice. May I suggest you go stay in China or some other country for awhile where the people don't have any rights & then come back here to the Good Old USA where you have freedom & the right to vote.



You might want to use some country other than China in your example. The USA is becoming more and more like China everyday. For example, in China the government owns the banks. In the USA the government owns the banks that go under. Also, in China the wealthy party members get richer.

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You might want to use some country other than China in your example. The USA is becoming more and more like China everyday. For example, in China the government owns the banks. In the USA the government owns the banks that go under. Also, in China the wealthy party members get richer.

Does a middle class worker in China drive a car? What's the average sq.ft. of their house? Etc.

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Let's see when I was their the workers in the plant made $2.50 a day, had to walk, ride a train, bicycle or even a moped in any combination to get to work & only the rich owned cars over their. yeah that sounds the USA alright....NOT



The similarity is in the banks. In China, the government owns all the banks. That's the direction we are headed in this country.

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We should be more concerned with the vanishing middle class in this country. It looks to me like the economy of China is growing much more rapidly than ours.


China is killing its people and its future. They are growing at the expense of the environment and the health and safety of their people. They're economy is based upon exports not consumption where the people making good can't afford to buy them. This means as they rob more of the world's jobs using unfair practices, and as the other world economies, such as the US have issues, China's fortunes will quickly change with no one buying the goods they sell. In the meantime they will have killed their lakes and streams, their air will be polluted, and all those big factories will begin to close for lack of buyers.


China's economy is built on a house of cards...and in doing what it is to other economies it's biting the hand that feeds it and sowing the seeds of it's own economic stumble.



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Does a middle class worker in China drive a car? What's the average sq.ft. of their house? Etc.


They just put playing cards in their spokes, and pretend! :hysterical:


My wife did a research paper about ethics in China for Senior Seminar, and uncovered a lot about business practices over there. Deplorable, to say the least. They have an ungodly amount of people dying every year over there from pollution from the factories, and nothing to keep the workers safe.

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They just put playing cards in their spokes, and pretend! :hysterical:


My wife did a research paper about ethics in China for Senior Seminar, and uncovered a lot about business practices over there. Deplorable, to say the least. They have an ungodly amount of people dying every year over there from pollution from the factories, and nothing to keep the workers safe.


I saw a special on television about an engineer from the US that went to China to establish an off-shore oil drilling rig. They got the rig established but were told they must use Chineese labor on the rig once built. So they brought peasants on board and the engineer said we must conduct safety classes and they must have the proper safety equipment, including steel toed boots. The Chineese liaison said the Chineese would work as they were equipped, and bare foot. The engineer said I don't want to see someone lose a foot. The Chineese liaison said China has many feet. Implying that they will just replace the injured workers with another.

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  • 1 month later...

I sometime go over some of these political threads but mostly, I stick to car topics. I' can't say that I'm "tired" of these threads per se; after all, if I don't like or am not interested in a thread, I'm not forced to read it. However, the sheer number of these political threads, on a car site, surprises me quite a bit, as does the level of passion (sometime even hatred) displayed by some on both side of the political spectrum. As someone looking at this election from the outside, it is certainly not for me to pass judgement on either of the two candidates. I don't feel that I'm qualified to do so. However, we recently had a Canadian election and I don't remember seeing threads about it on any Canadian car site that I visited during the campaign. I guess it shows a different level of interest (and passion) for politics between Americans and Cannadians.


That being said, although passion can be a good thing, it can also be a divisive one. What unites most of us and brought us here in the first place is our love for a common car brand and the man behind it, our deisre to learn more about these cars, share our own ownership experience and ultimately make new friends. Based on the few political threads that I looked at on this site, the tone is generally quite nasty, even agressive. I find it sad to see in a sense, as there is nothing to be gained by anyone in these types of arguments. Those who are strongly for or against a candidate won't be swayed in their political beliefs by these threads, so what's the point starting them? What's being accomplished by these threads at the end besides some hurt feelings? I know all about free speech but because someone has a right to say something does not mean saying it is always the best thing to do under the circumstances. Maybe I'm just missing something here but that's my opinion.

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Am I tired of them? Sure, particualry the ugly crap spouted by a few. Do I think they should be allowed? I say YES, because its a free country and stating political points are important, even on this site, as long as its kept in the off topic area. If it gets into the other areas I say melt 'em.




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I sometime go over some of these political threads but mostly, I stick to car topics. I' can't say that I'm "tired" of these threads per se; after all, if I don't like or am not interested in a thread, I'm not forced to read it. However, the sheer number of these political threads, on a car site, surprises me quite a bit, as does the level of passion (sometime even hatred) displayed by some on both side of the political spectrum. As someone looking at this election from the outside, it is certainly not for me to pass judgement on either of the two candidates. I don't feel that I'm qualified to do so. However, we recently had a Canadian election and I don't remember seeing threads about it on any Canadian car site that I visited during the campaign. I guess it shows a different level of interest (and passion) for politics between Americans and Cannadians.


That being said, although passion can be a good thing, it can also be a divisive one. What unites most of us and brought us here in the first place is our love for a common car brand and the man behind it, our deisre to learn more about these cars, share our own ownership experience and ultimately make new friends. Based on the few political threads that I looked at on this site, the tone is generally quite nasty, even agressive. I find it sad to see in a sense, as there is nothing to be gained by anyone in these types of arguments. Those who are strongly for or against a candidate won't be swayed in their political beliefs by these threads, so what's the point starting them? What's being accomplished by these threads at the end besides some hurt feelings? I know all about free speech but because someone has a right to say something does not mean saying it is always the best thing to do under the circumstances. Maybe I'm just missing something here but that's my opinion.



Well said!!! (Just another Canuck oint of view)

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I sometime go over some of these political threads but mostly, I stick to car topics. I' can't say that I'm "tired" of these threads per se; after all, if I don't like or am not interested in a thread, I'm not forced to read it. However, the sheer number of these political threads, on a car site, surprises me quite a bit, as does the level of passion (sometime even hatred) displayed by some on both side of the political spectrum. As someone looking at this election from the outside, it is certainly not for me to pass judgement on either of the two candidates. I don't feel that I'm qualified to do so. However, we recently had a Canadian election and I don't remember seeing threads about it on any Canadian car site that I visited during the campaign. I guess it shows a different level of interest (and passion) for politics between Americans and Cannadians.


That being said, although passion can be a good thing, it can also be a divisive one. What unites most of us and brought us here in the first place is our love for a common car brand and the man behind it, our deisre to learn more about these cars, share our own ownership experience and ultimately make new friends. Based on the few political threads that I looked at on this site, the tone is generally quite nasty, even agressive. I find it sad to see in a sense, as there is nothing to be gained by anyone in these types of arguments. Those who are strongly for or against a candidate won't be swayed in their political beliefs by these threads, so what's the point starting them? What's being accomplished by these threads at the end besides some hurt feelings? I know all about free speech but because someone has a right to say something does not mean saying it is always the best thing to do under the circumstances. Maybe I'm just missing something here but that's my opinion.

You're missing something. :lurk:

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I sometime go over some of these political threads but mostly, I stick to car topics. I' can't say that I'm "tired" of these threads per se; after all, if I don't like or am not interested in a thread, I'm not forced to read it. However, the sheer number of these political threads, on a car site, surprises me quite a bit, as does the level of passion (sometime even hatred) displayed by some on both side of the political spectrum. As someone looking at this election from the outside, it is certainly not for me to pass judgement on either of the two candidates. I don't feel that I'm qualified to do so. However, we recently had a Canadian election and I don't remember seeing threads about it on any Canadian car site that I visited during the campaign. I guess it shows a different level of interest (and passion) for politics between Americans and Cannadians.


That being said, although passion can be a good thing, it can also be a divisive one. What unites most of us and brought us here in the first place is our love for a common car brand and the man behind it, our deisre to learn more about these cars, share our own ownership experience and ultimately make new friends. Based on the few political threads that I looked at on this site, the tone is generally quite nasty, even agressive. I find it sad to see in a sense, as there is nothing to be gained by anyone in these types of arguments. Those who are strongly for or against a candidate won't be swayed in their political beliefs by these threads, so what's the point starting them? What's being accomplished by these threads at the end besides some hurt feelings? I know all about free speech but because someone has a right to say something does not mean saying it is always the best thing to do under the circumstances. Maybe I'm just missing something here but that's my opinion.



No wonder, look what we had to pick from. :barf:


Just my Canadian opinion. :shrug:

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I haven't been on much lately but I got to say, the political threads are getting numerous,it is a political season so I don't mind.Besides isn't that what this country is founded on"free forums" LOL



Hey KR, Where the heck have you been bud...Stick around for awhile. :)

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OK...ELECTION IS OVER WITH........ :censored:


even though their "off-topic".....just simply move them to a forum/thread under "politics" and everyone is happy. Frankly, i'm just tired of weeding through the pages of them to find the posts that interest me.


Hey moderators.....let's get a grip here...... :banghead:

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OK...ELECTION IS OVER WITH........ :censored:


even though their "off-topic".....just simply move them to a forum/thread under "politics" and everyone is happy. Frankly, i'm just tired of weeding through the pages of them to find the posts that interest me.


Hey moderators.....let's get a grip here...... :banghead:

After interacting with other members, we have concluded that creating a non-automotive forum for people to post in is indeed the best solution. This thread is now being moved there :happy feet:

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But what are we going to post about if not political? It seems most members don't care about Tech information which is why I joined this board even though I am guilty of posting the political stuff too.


Oh well other boards are pretty much void of any real new performance updates or new combinations as well these days. It must be a sign of the times?


We do get the occasional update on the cool new products coming out but seems not many are buying and if so they don't post.


The site venders don't even post much, either they made all the money they can use or they are not doing much or they don't want to get caught in the political threads? :hysterical:

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