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POLL: Who’s tired of the Political threads on this site?

Please vote - Who’s tired of the Political threads on this site?  

154 members have voted

  1. 1. Who?s tired of the Political threads on this site?

    • YES - I?m tired of them
    • NO - I like reading them

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As long as we have an 'off-topic' forum, there will be political and other threads about current events that certain members want to vent about, provide opinions or voice concerns. Whether I like those discussions or not, I think it would be a mistake to censor or ban the political discussions unless people become too verbally abusive towards one another. The election just happens to be a very hot topic at the moment and it will be over in less than 2 months. Plus, no one on the internet can force you to click on any link if you don't want to read it.

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WOW People.................. The Photo was for Fun, to lighten the Mood in this thread.......... I did not mean to stir the Pot so I removed it. Sorry if it affended anyone. party on....................... :happy feet:



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There is no getting around Politics...................... it will always come up. I just wish people would stop creating a new Thread to say or ask something when it will go in a Thread that is already created. HINT HINT HINT



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I have an Idea.................. Re-Name the "OFF TOPIC" Forum "OFF TOPIC-NOT CAR RELATED" that way people will know that most of what is in the Off Topic Forum is NOT Car Related even though the title "OFF TOPIC" should tell them that.



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I like to call them "Keyboard Commando's". :hysterical:



Which Key launches the Computer to Computer Missals ........................ :hysterical:



A SMART Missal.................... you down load a Photo in the Warhead and press send................... the SMART Missal then seeks out the image through the Network......................... :spiteful:



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You know, at first I was really annoyed by the political threads, and some of the crazy things stated just pulled me right in to the frey....


Just like the quit paying taxes thread, or the buying american thread....


You know, the truth is, I open up my opinions and thoughts to you all more than my own family or friends...we never talk about this kind of stuff.


This site is filled with an insight into our deepest thoughts and feelings, and even though we came into this site to talk about our shared passion of Shelby, it is much more, no, we are much more than just that. I voted yes on the poll, but I vote no to keeping it ALL cars.


I went to a law school party the other night to see some people I went to school with, and you know I couldn't talk to any of them for more than 2 minutes. All we ever had was stupid law school stuff to vent about. But the more I think about it, the more I realize I could never call any of them my friends.


I certainly think I have friends here. So I say- let your opinions out. Just remember this- You are either revealing how brilliant you can be; or how ignorant you generally are. :hysterical: I feel I belong to the latter most of the time.

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You know, at first I was really annoyed by the political threads, and some of the crazy things stated just pulled me right in to the frey....


Just like the quit paying taxes thread, or the buying american thread....


You know, the truth is, I open up my opinions and thoughts to you all more than my own family or friends...we never talk about this kind of stuff.


This site is filled with an insight into our deepest thoughts and feelings, and even though we came into this site to talk about our shared passion of Shelby, it is much more, no, we are much more than just that. I voted yes on the poll, but I vote no to keeping it ALL cars.


I went to a law school party the other night to see some people I went to school with, and you know I couldn't talk to any of them for more than 2 minutes. All we ever had was stupid law school stuff to vent about. But the more I think about it, the more I realize I could never call any of them my friends.


I certainly think I have friends here. So I say- let your opinions out. Just remember this- You are either revealing how brilliant you can be; or how ignorant you generally are. :hysterical: I feel I belong to the latter most of the time.



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I generally don't read many off-topic threads, political or otherwise. If I do, I'll read the first post or two and, if I am interested, I might follow along for awhile. If I can make a meaningful, intelligent contribution, I might even post once or twice. I rarely ever read the obviously political threads, unless I'm suckered by a misleading title. Like Son of GT, I get my political information elsewhere. But I have no problem with the political threads being kept here in the "Off-Topic" forum.


Premature babies? I'm there. Forum mates caught in Mother Nature's wrath? How can I help. Somebody's birthday? I'll say "Congrats". Political tussles where there are lots of opinion and not much hard fact? As JeffIsHere would say, "Nothing to see here. Move along." Just not interested. Not gonna click. Just skip over it and go to page #2 to see what got moved down the list.


So how should I answer the poll?


Can't vote yes - can't get tired of something you don't get involved in? Can't get tired of shoveling snow since I don't shovel snow.


Can't vote no - I don't read them at all. Don't like reading them and don't not like reading them beacause I just don't read them.


So I will not take the poll until there is an option for me: C - Don't care if they are there or not.


I have a favorite restaurant. Everything was fine until they put liver and onions on the menu. Yuck! Should I stop going to this great restaurant just because they have one unappealing item on the menu. Wait! I know what I'll do. I just won't order the liver and onions. I'll just skip right over that section and go to my favorite sections and consume all the good stuff and leave the rest untouched.

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I have rarely ever voted for a Republicrat. Ronald Reagan was the only one I have ever voted for. I will vote for the one who most closely represents me, usually it's a Libertarian. Surrounded by good advisors in the key areas of governmental management (economics, foreign policy, defense, etc.), any one of us could do a better job than the folks we have sent up to the hill in the last 20 years. Since this poll if for entertainment value only, I don't feel compelled to vote since my view is not represented on the list of options.

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So does this mean if you don't like any person running for office like McCain, Obama or Ron Paul that you don't Vote come November too because you don't like the choices given?


You say that like it would be a bad thing. If you don't like any of the choices, how would you vote?


Should they just vote for who someone else tells them they should?


Lets face it...sometimes 2 choices doesn't cover ALL the demographics of a society...


Me, Im voting for someone, but I can see why someone wouldn't vote if they didnt have a representation for their viewpoint.


(Before yall flame me for how unamerican that is, realize that the voter we speak of is probably a communist or anarchist- who do you think they would vote for if provoked)

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If you don't vote in any Presidential or Local elections when it's time, then you have absolutly no voice or right to complain about the curent local/state/USA problems. what your doing is leaving it up to the rest of us to pick the lesser of the 2 or 3 eveils when given a choice. May I suggest you go stay in China or some other country for awhile where the people don't have any rights & then come back here to the Good Old USA where you have freedom & the right to vote.

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Last post in this thread and I am still not voting until I get something that more closely matches my viewpoint.


The only thing I wanted to add to CWHR post (which I agree with) was that I don't just see voting as a right but, more like jury duty, a responsibility. In California, there are around 10 choices for each for Pres/VP, Senator and the higher offices in state government. The choices decrease as the level of power/responsibility goes down. Surely, one of those ~10 choices will closely represent you. None of the choices are ever perfect for me but they are close enough on the most important issues that I can confidently say "This guy/gal will represent me." I think too often people are focused on voting for the winner so they can say "I voted for the winner". I know that the person I vote for is very unlikely to win. Some say my vote is wasted but I think that if enough people voted for people who truly represented them, this country would be a much better place.

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Hey...I believe that this forum is turning political.



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Last post in this thread and I am still not voting until I get something that more closely matches my viewpoint.


The only thing I wanted to add to CWHR post (which I agree with) was that I don't just see voting as a right but, more like jury duty, a responsibility. In California, there are around 10 choices for each for Pres/VP, Senator and the higher offices in state government. The choices decrease as the level of power/responsibility goes down. Surely, one of those ~10 choices will closely represent you. None of the choices are ever perfect for me but they are close enough on the most important issues that I can confidently say "This guy/gal will represent me." I think too often people are focused on voting for the winner so they can say "I voted for the winner". I know that the person I vote for is very unlikely to win. Some say my vote is wasted but I think that if enough people voted for people who truly represented them, this country would be a much better place.

I agree


Hey...I believe that this forum is turning political.




:rant2: DAMIT!




I'm just tired. Period. :lurk:

Then take a NAPPY GRANDPA :boring:

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