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POLL: Who’s tired of the Political threads on this site?

Please vote - Who’s tired of the Political threads on this site?  

154 members have voted

  1. 1. Who?s tired of the Political threads on this site?

    • YES - I?m tired of them
    • NO - I like reading them

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I would have Voted YES but the Yes Vote is just as bad as what Congress does. Below is the Yes Vote. I highlited in Red what should have been left off. The Topics are in the "OFF TOPIC" Forum and the Topics are "OFF TOPIC" so they are where they belong.....in the "OFF TOPIC" Forum. I do think they should have there own Forum though.


Congress will have a Great Bill to vote on until someone puts stipulations on it that should not be there making the Bill worthless.


YES - I’m tired of them & wish they weren’t posted at all since they have nothing to do with our cars





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They don't bother me at all. Sometimes I respond, sometimes I don't. The nice part is no one has to click on the threads, nor read the threads, nor respond to them if they choose not to.


Besides, in 49 days or so it will all be over with and you will see a lot less of these threads anyway. It isn't like this will become a political site forever.

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They don't bother me at all. Sometimes I respond, sometimes I don't. The nice part is no one has to click on the threads, nor read the threads, nor respond to them if they choose not to.


Besides, in 49 days or so it will all be over with and you will see a lot less of these threads anyway. It isn't like this will become a political site forever.

See here where the confussion comes from... when a topic of a thread reads "Jesus was a community organizer..." that's Deceiving!

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See here where the confussion comes from... when a topic of a thread reads "Jesus was a community organizer..." that's Deceiving!



Are we talking about political threads or deceiving threads? I'm sure we could pull up hundreds if not thousands of car related threads here that have deceiving titles in them.

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I dont care much for the political stuff.....sometimes I read it, sometimes I dont.

I posted 6 new topics today in this section, all about cars. They quickly sunk as the politics rose back to the top. :cry:

So, indeed, it is a HOT TOPIC and alas must be endured for another 6 weeks.

Let the drivel continue................... :lurk:

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Before anyone decides to flame me, save your "if you don't like it, don't read it" BS for somebody else, I usually don't read it and the few times I have wandered in, I ended up wishing I hadn't.


I'm really not interested in slogging through all the political ranting and raving on this site..... it's a huge waste of time and bandwidth.


As a wise man once said "Never argue about politics or religion because you'll never win...there is no right or wrong, just beliefs"


I come here to talk about Shelbys, not deal with all the right wing or left wing rhetoric....


Good topic, glad I'm not the only one


Rant off....

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I agree Rarecat. This site is supposed to be fun. Carroll Shelby even said that when he talked about why there is a Team Shelby. All those topics do is get people rialed up and upset. This site is for fun and enjoyment of the Shelby hobby.

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They don't bother me at all. Sometimes I respond, sometimes I don't. The nice part is no one has to click on the threads, nor read the threads, nor respond to them if they choose not to.


Besides, in 49 days or so it will all be over with and you will see a lot less of these threads anyway. It isn't like this will become a political site forever.



Well said................. :)

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I do believe that a lot, and I do mean alot, of the Political Threads are the same as ones that were already started. Same Topics just different Threads, either bashing Obama or Bashing McCain.....why start a NEW Thread to do either of those, just put your Bash in a Thread that is already started. STOP Starting a Political Thread with the same topics as others.



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well I have been told not to click on political threads but how am I to know when someone purposely mis-titles a thread?



They "purposely" mistitled it??? :hysterical:


I don't know about you, but the second I seen "community organizer" in the title I knew it had something to do with Obama. Then if you clicked on it and read the first post the first three words were...."so was Obama".


I bet that hurt to have to just click right back out of that thread and move on if you didn't want to read it, huh? :hysterical:


This is getting more silly than some of those political threads.


BTW, even if they set up a seperate forum topic just for political threads they would all still show up under the new posts topic section if that is the section you normally read from. I agree with the other post. It IS in the off topic section where it belongs and it IS a off topic thread so it IS where it belongs. Some don't like the threads, some do. You can't please all the people all the time and you never will. That's the beauty of having free control over your own mouse. You can choose to skip over it if you don't like it and if stumble into a thread because you didn't understand or know what the topic was really about you can simply click right back out of it.


Do you like the idea of government getting in the middle of your personal life telling you what is better for you vs you telling yourself what is better for you? Isn't this topic basically the same thing? Trying to tell people what they should and should not post about about?


There are lots of unrealted car topics here that get posted. Some I read some I don't. So what? Why should this topic be any different than any other unrelated car topic? Because YOU decide you don't like it so no one else should post about it? Is that not what an "off topic" section is for? Subjects that are off topic that have nothing to do with the general topics here pertaining to cars?

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these threads serve a great purpose here, it gives you chance to to be heard, which is way more than the politicians will do for you.

the only time they want to speak to you is during election years, and tell us lies








till we outlaw politicians------- americans need to vent

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Since they are off topic in the off topic forum, I see nothing wrong with them. I can choose to ignore them, or I can choose to read or comment in them.


The only thing that bothers me is when people feel they need to insult others because they do not agree with them. IMHO that is childish and un-civilized. Not communicating in a civilized manner about this and other problems facing our society is exactly what's wrong with this country. We've lost the ability to compromise.

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