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Dealer Transfer Call

Michael Morris

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guy call for another ford dealer. i answer the phone to see if i can help him. he asks and i quote " you are showing to black KNOCK OFF shelbys and ask if i would work with him if he could sell one" i of course tell him i have both of the cars hes looking for and that if he aint careful he could really piss off someone by calling them KNOCK OFF shelbys. i didnt get into a fight with him or call him any names, but this is what im talking about when i say uneducated. we need to go to the other forum with that frame of mind. that we are there as educators. im thinking the guy will never sell a SGT because he has NO idea what hes selling. you have to have some passions to sell a car NO one knows about

michael morris

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guy call for another ford dealer. i answer the phone to see if i can help him. he asks and i quote " you are showing to black KNOCK OFF shelbys and ask if i would work with him if he could sell one" i of course tell him i have both of the cars hes looking for and that if he aint careful he could really piss off someone by calling them KNOCK OFF shelbys. i didnt get into a fight with him or call him any names, but this is what im talking about when i say uneducated. we need to go to the other forum with that frame of mind. that we are there as educators. im thinking the guy will never sell a SGT because he has NO idea what hes selling. you have to have some passions to sell a car NO one knows about

michael morris


Knock off's? WOW! :blink:

So would he consider the GT-H's knock off's?

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guy call for another ford dealer. i answer the phone to see if i can help him. he asks and i quote " you are showing to black KNOCK OFF shelbys and ask if i would work with him if he could sell one" i of course tell him i have both of the cars hes looking for and that if he aint careful he could really piss off someone by calling them KNOCK OFF shelbys. i didnt get into a fight with him or call him any names, but this is what im talking about when i say uneducated. we need to go to the other forum with that frame of mind. that we are there as educators. im thinking the guy will never sell a SGT because he has NO idea what hes selling. you have to have some passions to sell a car NO one knows about

michael morris


Do you still have the black Mustang GT with the stripes (and center fog lamps?)? Sounds to me that is what he really needs. Be a nice guy and "let him have it" for $35K...

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Do you still have the black Mustang GT with the stripes (and center fog lamps?)? Sounds to me that is what he really needs. Be a nice guy and "let him have it" for $35K...


LOL they would know the diff. another dealer called just now asking about one of them. his first question was did we have one and the second questions was what color is the stripe?

now i starting to see why some of yall had such a hard time getting an 07.

michael morris

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guy call for another ford dealer. i answer the phone to see if i can help him. he asks and i quote " you are showing to black KNOCK OFF shelbys and ask if i would work with him if he could sell one" i of course tell him i have both of the cars hes looking for and that if he aint careful he could really piss off someone by calling them KNOCK OFF shelbys. i didnt get into a fight with him or call him any names, but this is what im talking about when i say uneducated. we need to go to the other forum with that frame of mind. that we are there as educators. im thinking the guy will never sell a SGT because he has NO idea what hes selling. you have to have some passions to sell a car NO one knows about

michael morris




MM there is going to be some knock out / drag down "post" fights over there. These people who paid HUGE money for their GT500's are NOT going to lay down quietly, they want blood because their Shelby was NOT made at SAI but made at Ford and they know it now. SAI went through the same process with the GT-H manufacturing as they did with the SGT manufacturing, except the hood, so is that a "knock-off" too? They are just p*ssed off and there site shows it. Sorry but it's not going to be "reeducating" them it is going to be an argument right from the gate!

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MM there is going to be some knock out / drag down "post" fights over there. These people who paid HUGE money for their GT500's are NOT going to lay down quietly, they want blood because their Shelby was NOT made at SAI but made at Ford and they know it now. SAI went through the same process with the GT-H manufacturing as they did with the SGT manufacturing, except the hood, so is that a "knock-off" too? They are just p*ssed off and there site shows it. Sorry but it's not going to be "reeducating" them it is going to be an argument right from the gate!


if you were UNLUCKY enough to read some of my early posts most all of them were me DEFENDING ADMs. i still dont see a problem with them, but this has been debated until even im tired of debating it. i will debate anyone about the diff between a SGT and a GT500. if someone will give me an intelligent argument why one is better i will try to give them the same intelligent arguement back. just remember if someone starts that debate HOLD FAST HELP IS ON THE WAY. im the first to say i dont think one is better than the other. i think they are different for different folks. yes i think some will be upset that they paid a ADM, but some of the early SGTs were sold with ADMs. i dont believe that they will let it get out of hand over there so lets just ride it til it bucks us.

michael morris

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Got mine from Mr. Morris, and he even put the first scratch in it for me!




Randy i didnt scratch your car!!! or did i????

michael morris


All I am going to say is that I wish I had known about MM before I purchased my "knock off" I bet my next "knock off" comes from Ga!!! :(


i sure hope so.

michael morris


It will be the best move you will make. :)


you da man Roger. dont forget your wife needs a car!!!

michael morris

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MM......................I have 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 2007 SGT's that I will sell Or Dealer Transfer to you. I still don't know HOW MANY I HAVE STILL AT SAI.......j/k.........chirp chirp chirp .....I can'y get anybody to call me back from SAI.


A SGT/SC car will kick your GT500's A$$..........................my dad is bigger than........................WAIT WHERE WAS I GOING WITH THIS, I FORGET!!



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MM......................I have 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 2007 SGT's that I will sell Or Dealer Transfer to you. I still don't know HOW MANY I HAVE STILL AT SAI.......j/k.........chirp chirp chirp .....I can'y get anybody to call me back from SAI.


A SGT/SC car will kick your GT500's A$$..........................my dad is bigger than........................WAIT WHERE WAS I GOING WITH THIS, I FORGET!!




Roger the car did go to a GA dealer, but he is on the GA/AL line so the car could have went to AL.


Randy give me some VINS i will find them for you. i just need last 6. i know people who know people.

did you see on the dealer message board where the guy ask for a offer on his GT500. i told him MSRP and he got mad. said he had 8k offered. then other told him he was crazy. then the orginal goes into a triad about how WE dont know how to sell cars and that these car are selling for 10k over and so on. then some one asked him why he didnt just retail it? he said he would but though he would let other have it since it was just ordered. man these guys kill me. they love to brag about what they CAN do, but never seem to be able to do it in real life.

get me those numbers and ill find the cars.

michael morris

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MM....I like your idea about the spouse needing a ride, but I already convinced her that 2873 was her's. She keeps asking me when does she get to drive it.....I just keep telling soon dear....soon.....real soon.....


time for bed...leaving early for car show tomorrow.... ;)


have a great time at the show. i took a car to a show 1 time. just 1 time. took the boss9 to a small Ford show and most folks were respectful and didnt touch, BUT some would walk by and slide there hand down the side and had one guy tell me that my car wasnt correct. after he and i talked he realized that my car was correct and his was wrong(i ended buying his boss9 from him a few years later). so after that LONG day i pretty much gave up on car shows.

michael morris

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had a great time today...beautiful weather and beautiful cars! I know what you mean ...some don't have a clue when it comes to respecting someone else's car....right or wrong. I was hoping there would be a "show" in Perry...hint.....


think they said 100 cars/trucks today....of course we were in the Shelby '93 and newer class.....they did split the class cobras and shelbys due to the number of cars.....i was shocked w/ a 1st place! 2 weeks, 2 shows and 2 wins...but most of met a bunch of super people!!

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