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Daily Drivers?


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Just gotta ask, how many of us use our Shelbys as daily drivers? I do and couldn't have more fun going anywhere! :D




Not everyday as I have an 80 mile round trip to work,But as often as the weather is decent and 2 or 3 days a week to work!

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Driving to work on average about 1 day / week, then of course I drive it a little on weekends whenever I can, usually in running errands, etc....but sometimes I'll just go for "a drive".

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Every day.

Although I AM looking for an SUV to drive when the snow hits.

I've had manual transmissions for years, and even living in Long Island (famous for traffic), I wouldn't have it any other way.




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I am afraid that my Shelby will lead a rather pampered life. Since I am retired after 37 years of going to work everyday, I do not have a daily commute. So, the car only gets to go out when the sun is shinning and its master needs a “Shelby fix.” We have very little traffic but sufficient numbers of those pesky troopers waiting to write an old guy a ticket. We do however have fun in those lower gears. It will be sequestered for the winter months.

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Everyday, Anyday..... :) Sorry for those with snow..... :unsure:


My kids say they don't want a Shelby will 100K on it. I say , Buy your own then, Cause im drivin the crap out of this one! :lol:



Buy your own!!!. Now thats funny! :lol:


Once, twice a week for me, Tuesday night dinner with the kids (100 miles round trip) and at least once each weekend.

I did put 1200 on her in 10 days for vacation into Mass/RI.

Snow & the junk they throw on the roads to combat ice will keep her in the garage over the Winter.....

.....minus the occasional blast ......got to keep the hair on the back of my neck guessing.

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Anybody driving their's in the rain?



Mine saw a drizzle the night I picked her up.....never driven in the rain yet.

And I forgot to mention, its only 4 miles to work, mostly highway, so driving it to the office isnt really worth it,

5 minutes in the car, hours worrying about some jemoke giving me a door ding!

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Anybody driving their's in the rain?



Every day driver- but not too much, 5 miles to/from work. And, like Fatboy and the mailman in rain, snow, sleet, sun, etc. Yes, Houston has seen snow (well, a few inches back in 2004). There is the occasional gulley washer that floods many of the roads around my area. Those I'll either avoid or just wait out. Bad part is that I don't really drive it as much as I'd like on weekends. That's usually reserved for our suburban as our weekend driving normally involves more passengers than the Shelby can handle.

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i drive it everyday. its the only vehicle i own. i drive it in the sun, the rain, the snow too when it gets here. i've got no choice lol. and i have no garage to park it under. lol



Yup I'm the same way. Whatever the weather I'll still drive the car. Its good to see that everyone drives em so much, not to many went to collectors!

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I suffer from the long work commute also (33 miles one way), but I try to claim 1 day per week, I do drive it on the weekends looking for "trouble". :D


No rain or snow for my Shelby....she lives, and will continue to live, a pampered life..........

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:lol: Seems like every time I drive mine lately...its raining...and soon, it will be snowing...and someday, 30 years from now, I'll drive it to a meet, a rusty, smoking hulk with a wavy scoop that says HELB on the back!!! :lol:


Sorry...I don't think I got enough sleep last night...

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