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Fake GT500, like kissing your sister!


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Yesterday, out crusin with my boy, lookin for trouble we spotted a solid black GT500 Vert. Or so we thought.


Imposter was ahead of us a couple of car lengths, he burned some rubber leaving the stop sign ahead of us.

So, I wanted to get a closer look at this Mustang Marvel and tried to catch up to him. Finally got behind him and thought, hey from the back, his car looks like a regular GT. No stripe (I know stripe is not mandatory).


So I follow him a block up the next street (not to race, to observe) and he ducts into a donut shop. I went past and turned in the next entrance and double back through. He was at the front of the drivethru line so we could see his front. Pure GT500, and he had black wheels. Didn't get close enough to see badges.


Waited for him to pull out, he took a long look at my real Shelby, then he went out opposite exit from me.

He went up the street to do a Uey. I waited for him to come down the street.


Finally he was coming my way again so I pulled out so he could pass me. But he then ducted into a car wash.

His car was clean so I figured he was just avoiding me.


Convinced now that he had a fake GT500 and didn't want me to get close enough to confirm. What a putz.

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People that clone a GT500 or SGT are usually followers of the brand. They admire our cars enough to make one of their own because it is out of there reach. I believe that most of these guys would love to have a real one, but just can't swing it. I have met a few of these type of guys at informal car shows and found this to be true.

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Do you wear a fake Rolex?


No, but I don't have a problem if someone does.


If someone went out and built exact duplicate (a poser) of my 08 SGT, and paid thousands less than I will, it wouldn't bother me. I didn't buy a Shelby GT to be exclusive or to have some bragging rights that others won't have. I bought it because I wanted one.

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No, but I don't have a problem if someone does.


If someone went out and built exact duplicate (a poser) of my 08 SGT, and paid thousands less than I will, it wouldn't bother me. I didn't buy a Shelby GT to be exclusive or to have some bragging rights that others won't have. I bought it because I wanted one.




I've seen a couple Shelby clones-current Gt500 and vintage. If all that matters to someone is the look and not the heritage- and their budgets don't allow the real deal go for it. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery

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The gist of my post was mostly that Mr. Clone was not man enough to let me see his car. I like all Mustangs, vintage, real, and make believe. When did I say I had a problem with clones?



Well I think it was implied unless you like kissing your sister :blink:

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Sorry, I don't share your disdain for posers. Don't see anything wrong with it. Live and let live. Highest form of flattery...




I agree............... :)



Just don't try to convince me or other's that it is one, Just tell the truth, You liked the look and all and could not get one for what ever reason so you made a replica............No b/s............ :)

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Cloning will always happen. Yes, it is the highest form of flattery. I have no problems with it unless you are a dealer and build it to sell. :angry: -John


I was wondering if this would come up!Don't really know what you would consider what a local dealer has for sale.On the side stripe it reads GT500 C!You know the C stands for clone.Don't get me wrong this car looks good,Has all of the right pieces,Also has a Baer brake upgrade.So at 35k it seems to be a deal!I'm just not a clone fan!!!!!!!!!!

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I had found a fake sgt-h , we seen it parked and me and my wife stoped to check it out , just as we were looking at it a man walks up and looks at us weird cause i was looking in his windows ! i seen no badge when he walked up and i told him we got a Shelby and pointed across the street where our baby was and he said is it real? I laughed because i knew he was thinking we did the same ! he had rented a SGT-H and liked it so he bought a GT black on black ,and put the gold stripe and everything looked nice but fake!!!!!!!!

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I had found a fake sgt-h , we seen it parked and me and my wife stoped to check it out , just as we were looking at it a man walks up and looks at us weird cause i was looking in his windows ! i seen no badge when he walked up and i told him we got a Shelby and pointed across the street where our baby was and he said is it real? I laughed because i knew he was thinking we did the same ! he had rented a SGT-H and liked it so he bought a GT black on black ,and put the gold stripe and everything looked nice but fake!!!!!!!!



At Roger's BBQ in August, there was a guy from the LI Mustang Club (I forget his name) that had a s197 he turned into a GT-H on his own BEFORE the 2006 Hertz cars were announced & built. It was his own little tribute to the original GT-H's. I thought it looked great.

Although I would obviously have a problem with a dealer creating a clone and trying to pass it off as real.

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At Roger's BBQ in August, there was a guy from the LI Mustang Club (I forget his name) that had a s197 he turned into a GT-H on his own BEFORE the 2006 Hertz cars were announced & built. It was his own little tribute to the original GT-H's. I thought it looked great.

Although I would obviously have a problem with a dealer creating a clone and trying to pass it off as real.




Thats the only problem i have, is the "Passing it off as real" part........................... :angry:


Other then that, have at it.................... :)

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Cloning will always happen. Yes, it is the highest form of flattery. I have no problems with it unless you are a dealer and build it to sell. :angry: -John




I don't understand your logic in that.


What is the difference in a dealer taking a stock GT Mustang and changing it out with FORD parts and making it look like a GT500 or a SGT VS SAI taking a stock GT Mustang and changing it out with FORD parts and making it a Shelby GT? They are all made with FORD PARTS!


Is SAI the only one allowed to change around the looks of a factory stock mustang and call it something else?


Why does SAI offer parts being sold to the public that are parts being used to make the cars you convert into Shelbys? So you are saying it is OK for individuals to make their cars look like a Shelby just as long as dealers don't do it? Huh?


Now if a dealer was making it look like something else and then trying to pass it off as being that and selling it that way then THAT I could see having a problem with.


Also, for the record. The term "clone" is being used as a loose term. Seems most people don't understand what a clone really is.


Changing the exterior appearence of a mustang to just look like a GT500 for example, is NOT a CLONE!


In order for that to be a CLONE you have to change out every part and match it up with every part the GT500 has in order to LEGALLY call it a clone.


Taking the exterior and/or the interior parts and changing them out to look like a GT500 is NOT a clone. LEGALLY you can not advertise it as a clone.


In order for a DEALER to legally advertise it as a clone, the motor, trans, suspension, brakes and every part has to be changed out with every part on a GT500 in order to legally call it a clone.


The best term I could use to describe a GT Mustang that has had the exterior parts swapped out to make it look like a GT500 is "GT500 Appearence Package". Calling it a clone is false advertising since ALL the parts have not been replaced to completely duplicate every part that comes on the GT500. You can't juswt change SOME of the parts and call it a clone. You have to change 100% of all the parts to legally call it a clone.


A clone is an exact duplicate of the real thing. Not a partical duplicate.


I myself did not realize this until recently and even I have called some of these clones when in fact they are far from being a clone.

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I don't understand your logic in that.


What is the difference in a dealer taking a stock GT Mustang and changing it out with FORD parts and making it look like a GT500 or a SGT VS SAI taking a stock GT Mustang and changing it out with FORD parts and making it a Shelby GT? They are all made with FORD PARTS!


Is SAI the only one allowed to change around the looks of a factory stock mustang and call it something else?


Why does SAI offer parts being sold to the public that are parts being used to make the cars you convert into Shelbys? So you are saying it is OK for individuals to make their cars look like a Shelby just as long as dealers don't do it? Huh?


Now if a dealer was making it look like something else and then trying to pass it off as being that and selling it that way then THAT I could see having a problem with.


Also, for the record. The term "clone" is being used as a loose term. Seems most people don't understand what a clone really is.


Changing the exterior appearence of a mustang to just look like a GT500 for example, is NOT a CLONE!


In order for that to be a CLONE you have to change out every part and match it up with every part the GT500 has in order to LEGALLY call it a clone.


Taking the exterior and/or the interior parts and changing them out to look like a GT500 is NOT a clone. LEGALLY you can not advertise it as a clone.


In order for a DEALER to legally advertise it as a clone, the motor, trans, suspension, brakes and every part has to be changed out with every part on a GT500 in order to legally call it a clone.


The best term I could use to describe a GT Mustang that has had the exterior parts swapped out to make it look like a GT500 is "GT500 Appearence Package". Calling it a clone is false advertising since ALL the parts have not been replaced to completely duplicate every part that comes on the GT500. You can't juswt change SOME of the parts and call it a clone. You have to change 100% of all the parts to legally call it a clone.


A clone is an exact duplicate of the real thing. Not a partical duplicate.


I myself did not realize this until recently and even I have called some of these clones when in fact they are far from being a clone.



I think we agree, although I really didnt take the time to dysect the terminology.....the issue I think any of us would have is in the attempted passing off of a clone or otherwise altered Mustang as a Shelby. If the dealer advertises it as a clone and not a real SGT or GT500, fine, but we both know there will be dealers trying to convince someone its a real SGT. Maybe someone who duznt know enough to look for a dash plaque or csm no.

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I think we agree, although I really didnt take the time to dysect the terminology.....the issue I think any of us would have is in the attempted passing off of a clone or otherwise altered Mustang as a Shelby. If the dealer advertises it as a clone and not a real SGT or GT500, fine, but we both know there will be dealers trying to convince someone its a real SGT. Maybe someone who duznt know enough to look for a dash plaque or csm no.




The GT500 does not come with a dash plaque or CSM no.


A dealer can not legally sell a car by telling the customer it is a real Shelby or any other type of real vehicle if in fact it is not.


The customer would have a good lawsuit against the dealer for doing that, not to mention the manufactuer of that vehicle would also have a valid lawsuit against the dealer.

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The GT500 does not come with a dash plaque or CSM no.


A dealer can not legally sell a car by telling the customer it is a real Shelby or any other type of real vehicle if in fact it is not.


The customer would have a good lawsuit against the dealer for doing that, not to mention the manufactuer of that vehicle would also have a valid lawsuit against the dealer.




Unfortunately, most of what is discussed with a dealer is discussed, not put in writing. (they hope)

So, if you resort to a lawsuit, you already lost. If you have been anywhere near a courtroom in the last decade, you would know that. Forget about the cost TO YOU for the legal action.

And if things being illegal kept them from happening, what a wonderful world this would be.

Unfortunately again, Disney World is in Orlando, not New Jersey. Good Luck.


and your comment about the dash plaque and/or csm no. supports MY point, thank you.

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