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Summary of Hood Scoop Issues...

jaydub Mach1

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Well .. I still have a headache over the scoop issue .. I'm on my 3rd , and waiting for another one . My dealer told me about the fix , I saw my old scoop ,4 bolts uner the hood 4 under the insulation All I was told is the new fix is more rivets . I told them if the next scoop that comes in isnt perfect, then I want my original back .. it only stuck up on the left side about 4 inches, It wasnt that bad, I could live with it if I had to !! But we paid for the SHELBY name .. we shouldn't have to settle !!

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Guys, I think I said this somewhere, we have a fix, its the rivits, but a lot of dealers cant or wont do it. Its an easy fix, and we have even sent out the rivits to some to do themselves. we are working on something else for the dealers, we are testing it now. Its a newer fasteners setup. We are focusing on getting this done, so all are happy

I agree with Blue, We will not sit here and be insulted, there is no need for that. we are listening and we are working on these items. I am sorry I haven't been on here as much, I should be and will try to do this more.

AmyPS, greengiant, you need to tone it down, this car is njot cheap, all first year production cars have some issues, we are fixing them. TONE IT DOWN






I don't believe I've ever insulted anyone. Including you. In fact, many times I have complimented the car, and complemented folks like John and Bud when warranted. I have not ever personally attacked anyone on this forum. When I needed new hood pin plates they were sent out immediately and without any questions.


I've said many times I love the car, and the performance offered. That said, there has been a lack of communication on this issue and that is all I have asked for.


I regret it has taken several posts, not just by me that are a bit irritated in nature to finally hear that something is coming.


The fact of the matter is that this has been and continues to be an issue. I understand now that there is a fix being looked at.


The other fact of the matter is that Ford, GM, and other US based companies are also on thin ice with many consumers. This car was my first US built car purchase in quite some time. 40k is a lot of money, and this hood scoop thus far is not right for a car of that caliber.


I'm happy that a fix is being worked on.


However, I don't believe that I should be told to tone it down for speaking my opinion, and in particular when what I have stated is my perception of how things have gone.


I've re-read several of my posts on this issue. I really don't think I personally insulted anyone. IF I have I apologize.


I'd prefer not to get booted off the boards, but if that is what I get for speaking my opinion so be it. Part of what you buy with a car like this is a "good feeling" about owning it. From the dealer to the company. Call it pride of ownership and being a part of something. Being yelled at for speaking my opinion is a bit of a bummer.


Amy, again if you feel I insulted anyone, at any time on the boards I apologize. That said I am bummed about the scoop, and I'm not the only one. Perception is reality in the eyes of most consumers.


I'm glad there is another fix being looked at. But I also have questions about the rivet fix that many have asked.


1. Is it warranteed? Additional holes drilled in my hood are potential spots for rust, and if it's not done right the first time, no question a new hood will be necessary.


2. What happens down the road if the fix doesn't hold, this is similar to the first question but important?

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FYI, the hood is aluminum. No chance of rust.



Nice, that explains why I have not seen any concerns over the drilled holes for the hood pins showing bare metal. Thought something should have been done about that. But, if its aluminum, Cool!



Sorry if I insulted anyone in this post.

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Nice, that explains why I have not seen any concerns over the drilled holes for the hood pins showing bare metal. Thought something should have been done about that. But, if its aluminum, Cool!

Sorry if I insulted anyone in this post.



I purchased my SGT almost 2 months ago and have not even picked it up yet. The hood scoop may or may not be an issue when picked up or later. But it is obvious to me that SAI is trying to resolve the problem. They did not just take our money and run. In addition Ms. Boylan, Bud and John provide incredible technical advice and information FOR FREE on this website.


How many other CEOs do you see answering emails from customers. Do you think the CEO of Procter and Gamble or Ford, or GM are answering emails, and at 2 and 3 in the morning? We should be thankful for the attitude displayed by SAI that they are working on a solution and have not just abandoned us.


Patience is a virtue! And do you think the quality control of the 66 GT 350 and later model GT 500 models were exceptional? In an answer no and I am old enough to remember. SAI is working with us. We need to work with SAI. Again, Bud and others take the time to not only answer questions but to give detailed advice on how-to projects. That information is priceless!



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I have # 471, and while my scoop is kinda bumpy it does not seem too bad. I have noticed a little daylight sometimes through the scoop when driving it. I too am waiting for an offical fix. I am planning on going to SAI for a s/c and hopefully at that time I can get the scoop updated.


All the anger about the scoop is sad and diappointing, these are great cars. If you really want to see problems buy a new RV or worse yet a new Yacht, these guys spend over a milion bucks and have more problems than I have had with my scoop.


Custom modified cars equal custom problems :D


The scoop is what it is. My bigger issue with it is that it does nothing but look good :D Seriously, it is kinda poser to have a scoop that does not flow air to the engine. The other hood collects water so being a Seattle car I guess I am cool with the scoop on it.


Special note to SAI crew: Thanks again the SGT is the coolest car going to most importantly me the owner (who has NEVER wanted any new car for my daily driver) and the many many people I get accosted by (I almost could not eat my lunch due to one die hard who had spotted my car around town but had not been able to find me until I was trapped at a table...really funny), as I drive it almost every day and believe me not one negative comment yet and NO one has noticed the minor scoop bumps at all! Even my most die hard car folk friends. The die-hards did ask if it functions though :) Thats when I take em for a test scare haha.............Thanks for reading my 2 cents.

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guys, my fault for not posting more often, I will not let that happen again.


The rivit are warranted, so if you want to try them, I will ok it, if you get your dealer to do it even better


GG, your were a bit over the line, I will not remove you, but I need you to just assume we are trying, and not assume we dont give a crap.


If you are on multiple scoops stop, only the rivit solution or the new one we are working on will work.

if your close enough to vegas bring it by I will fix it.

I always appreciate the suppoters and I appreciate the ones that keep us doing the right thing. We will always support you. I will never turn my back on you, this scoop thing is making us just as angry,


I am meeting with the team in the morning I will follow up




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guys, my fault for not posting more often, I will not let that happen again.


The rivit are warranted, so if you want to try them, I will ok it, if you get your dealer to do it even better


GG, your were a bit over the line, I will not remove you, but I need you to just assume we are trying, and not assume we dont give a crap.


If you are on multiple scoops stop, only the rivit solution or the new one we are working on will work.

if your close enough to vegas bring it by I will fix it.

I always appreciate the suppoters and I appreciate the ones that keep us doing the right thing. We will always support you. I will never turn my back on you, this scoop thing is making us just as angry,


I am meeting with the team in the morning I will follow up





Fair enough Amy.


Honestly, the guys have been outstanding (John and Bud) whenever I have needed them. In talking with them I know you guys care. It was the lack of communication that was getting to me.


My frustration was out of lots of different thoughts on the fix, like ones available but rumored to be "unauthorized". Sometimes the internet is still the wild west...


All I want to know is that a fix is on the way, and that someone will stand behind the fix.


I still love the car, and I do appreicate the fact you along with others are out here. It's good to know you guys are angry over the scoop also.



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guys, my fault for not posting more often, I will not let that happen again.


The rivit are warranted, so if you want to try them, I will ok it, if you get your dealer to do it even better


GG, your were a bit over the line, I will not remove you, but I need you to just assume we are trying, and not assume we dont give a crap.


If you are on multiple scoops stop, only the rivit solution or the new one we are working on will work.

if your close enough to vegas bring it by I will fix it.

I always appreciate the suppoters and I appreciate the ones that keep us doing the right thing. We will always support you. I will never turn my back on you, this scoop thing is making us just as angry,


I am meeting with the team in the morning I will follow up




Thanks for this reply. All we want is some info on what is going on. I have been patiently waiting since the end of May...mid June......since I am on my 3rd scoop.


I told my dealer that I would wait until I hear here...what is up, so we can proceed.


The frustrating part has just been the "not knowing". It's easy for the people that already have the fix, or haven't picked up their cars to say just be patient...but many of us have spent countless hours sitting at dealers...making phone calls..spending our days off...trying to get a brand new car fixed. I plan on only going one more time to get this fixed..and that is why the info on this board has become necessary for many of us.


I do have faith that this will get resolved...but please do continue to keep us posted.




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First off let me say that my post was in no way meant belittle or put down SAI. In fact the reason for my frustration is because of my loyality and love for Ford and Shelby. Yes I am frustrated with the scoop issue BUT I do know you are working on it and that is the reason I have not taken mine in the have the scoop swapped out. I am waiting. But what frustrates me is that time after time we see new people come on here and tell us how they are getting their scoop fixed with the older "fix". Adding a few screws and no rivots. They post about it and then we inform them that it is not the official fix and they are shocked as the dealer just told them it was the fix and in the end it makes both Ford and SAI look like sh*t. And even as passionate as I am about Shelby and Ford and do my share of complaining....everyone has to be good at something :)....I still am mindful and careful about telling someone else how to run their company. I hate it when someone pulls that with me and my company so I know what it feels like. That being said I just find it ludicrious that someone cannot send out an email to ALL dealers that bought SGT's explaining to them their is a scoop issue, what the issue is, and that you guys are working on a fix and they do not need to call and ask about it until you have come to an official fix. I know this wont be good enough for some people but professionally it is more than acceptible IMO. This would solve alot of the public perception out there about SAI in this situation. I dont feel this is a case of you guys forgetting the issue or waiting us out so to speak. I am not concerned about that at all. I know this will take time and can live with that. IN the end I know it may not be flawless and dont have an issue with that either. I am not expecting perfection. There is no such thing.

I dont mind that you arent on the boards as much as before either. I would love it if you guys were BUT I also know you have jobs and a personal life.....probably not much time for it but you deserve one like the rest of us. Being on here or not is your choice not ours and I just dont want you to feel that due to my post you are obligated to be here more. I know you guys are working your a*ses off and I want to say I do appreciate it and clarify my original post.

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