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Got a few questions and came across this site.


Me and my wife just ordered the 08 Shelby SGT Vista Blue. The only colored offered?

We would have liked Vapor but blue will have to work.


I read some were that there will only be 2100 of these made is this true?


I was also wondering if next year for the cars birthday if it is possible to take it back to Los Vegas and get a super charger, as funds are tight after buying the car?

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Got a few questions and came across this site.


Me and my wife just ordered the 08 Shelby SGT Vista Blue. The only colored offered?

We would have liked Vapor but blue will have to work.


I read some were that there will only be 2100 of these made is this true?


I was also wondering if next year for the cars birthday if it is possible to take it back to Los Vegas and get a super charger, as funds are tight after buying the car?




welcome !!


I thought I heard around 2200-2300 was planned for 08 production ( coupes & convertibles total)....but they came up a bit short of plan on 07 production plan so who knows.


Mod shop says jan/feb before they take on any more SC installs. theye is a new 'authorized" installer in the NE (Tasca) and supposedly 3-4 more coming online some time. You can also buy the Shelby supercharger kit ( which is what I did...bought Ser no 0016) and have it installed but you can expect a lot of opinions on the pros/cons of this.


anyway..welcome..I have only been a forum member for a few months but the folks here have been a great source of help and info...its a great group of people,





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Got a few questions and came across this site.


Me and my wife just ordered the 08 Shelby SGT Vista Blue. The only colored offered?

We would have liked Vapor but blue will have to work.


I read some were that there will only be 2100 of these made is this true?


I was also wondering if next year for the cars birthday if it is possible to take it back to Los Vegas and get a super charger, as funds are tight after buying the car?




Welcome aboard!! They are actually doing 300 in grabber orange also, but those are limited editions for California. Rumor has it the number you read is in the ball park with the coupes+convertibles+ California cars.


You can ship your car back for whatever mods you like--enjoy your car when it arrives, until then good luck with your wait.

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The 300 grabber orange cars for CA are included in the original 2100 model year 2008 Shelby GTs. Keep one thing in mind the 2100 cars are Job 1 cars for Ford. Meaning built in the 1st half of the yearly cycle. The 2007 Shelby GTs were all Job2 cars. I believe we may see more 2008s before June. Pure speculation on my part.

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The 300 grabber ornage cars for CA are included in the original 2100 model year 2008 Shelby GTs. Keep one thing in mind the 2100 cars are Job 1 cars for Ford. Meaning built in the 1st half of the yearly cycle. The 2007 Shelby GTs were all Job2 cars. I believe we may see more 2008s before June. Pure speculation on my part.



+1 unless Ford thinks of another Shelby option i.e.: Shelby GT350?? Maybe??

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