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Another 1st Place in Class!! GVMA (Greater Vancouver, BC) 25th Annual Mustang Round-Up


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Hello again from British Columbia!



Today we beat out the Gt 500's again for another 1st Place finish.


This was the Greater Vancouver Mustang Association's 25th Annual Mustang Round-Up, held in Langley, British Columbia, Canada.


Two other notes of interest:


1. My wife and I also took 3rd Place in the 1967/1968 Mustang Fastback Class;



2. Fellow SHELBY FORUM MEMBER "Haidaraven" (you all may know him by his Shelby Tatoo on his forearm! and many contributions to this forum) - took 2nd Place in Class for his Stock Mustang (2005 model, if I remember correctly!) - I think we should all talk him into a CS8 upgrade!!



Enjoy your week! And everyone have a great Labor Day Weekend.



- Todd








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Congrats Todd,

Your getting quite a stack of trophy's there. We find the public and car enthusiasts alike are in love with this car! Once we have explained to most people that is not a GT500. :D Only when GT500's are next to the car do they understand and most like it more. So do we. Not that we are biased. We've gotten 4-1st place ourselves. We're having a great time with this car. The funniest comment we had was a young kid that asked if Shelby was copying Roush and Saleen. Needless to say Dave gave him a little history lesson. :lol:

If you're coming south the weekend of Sept. 16th, there is a Mustang and all Ford show at the Triple XXX in Issaquah. About 15-20 minutes east of Seattle right off I-90. This is a drive-in that specializes in car shows.

Hope you can join us, would love to meet you.




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Congratulations SGTbc on your latest Car Show exploits. Yes I think the SGT can beat any GT 500 Stock vs Stock. The SGT is a much better product not to mention there less than 6000 running around the country.


OK-I am biased.


LOL Keep on winning those trophy's. We have several scheduled for the end of Sept, Oct, and Nov.


Good luck.

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