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Best Story from Tascaq Show Day


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Here is the BEST story I discovered while walking around looking at cars and talking to people.


I met a guy who flew up from Ocala, Florida to attend the Tasca show. He had a V6 mustang ready to rent to drive up to the show from The Providence Airport. While standing at the counter he looked through the book with pictures of all the available cars and asked if the vert Shelby was available. The counter attendant said yes and he drove to the Tasca show in the Hert GT-H vert, and now put the car in the Shelby class. The 24 hour day price was a hearty $223.00 a day with unlimited mileage. The V6 would have cost him $60.00.

He owned a an , I believe, a '05 GT at home in Florida and after driving the Hertz decided to get the FORD cold air intake for his own car when he gets home.


Here is what I learned:

Car number was 197.

Dash plate was missing.

I have a picture of the extensive check list that he went over with the Hertz guy before renting it.

He mentioned how the Hertz guy was leaning all over the hood and used the hood as a writing table for the paperwork! He showed no respect the GT-H was a special car at all.

Did you know that Hertz has a wire that runs from the motor to the shock tower with a lead seal so that motors can't be switched?

He mentioned that besides the traction control switch being disabled, the car's A/C could not be shut off and "all the bottom switches didn't work"

A fellow show participant gave him Mother's spray on wax and a cloth, so he could clean off the water spots on the car.


This is what Shelbys are all about!


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Great story RIHarley. I wish I could have gotten away to look around better. The pics I took were really quick from walking back to my car.


I'd have to say that my most memorable was watching my 5-year old son see Mr. Shelby. He also got to pass on his note he wrote to Mr. Shelby, thanking him for the car. He was so excited when writing it and then waiting around to hand it to Carroll. Because of the heat, Jim Owens or Crispy took it and gave it to Carroll so my son wasn't able to personally hand it to him, but at least Carroll waved to him thanking for the note.


That note is in my picasa site on the Aug 25th group of pics.


Thank you Mr. Shelby.

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I think my best moment for being able to share a cool moment with mywickedshelby when he got his car visor signed by Carroll. He was nice enough to also take with him the picture of my car but by the time he got up there they were only allowing 1 signature per person. So while I was bummed not to get it he more than made up for it seeing how much his success meant to him. It made the trip worth it for me and a clear example of the passion we all have for our cars, this company, and the man himself for making it all possible!




I'll get my autograph next time! ;)


BTW: It was great seeing some people, Amy was VERY gracious considering my sometimes diatribes, and I was sorry I wasn't able to stick around. My dad called and needed his truck back early (my mode of transportation that week) and I had to cut things short. All in all a great time and it was WELL worth the drive!


See you all at our next annual round up! Chicago is a good middle of the country spot!!


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