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It's on the way!!!


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I just got the word that my car left SAI yesterday and is eastbound! The sleep loss from excitement will keep me going 24/7 until it gets here - and I thought I didn't sleep before.


Thank you everyone at SAI and on this forum for all your help, support, patience and more patience.


You're all my new friends and I'm proud to be part of this team.


Now the anxiety continues as to whether my car will make it to Tasca on time for the big day. If I have to, I'll drive down to NJ and put my truck on the shipping truck after he drops off the first car. Then I'll start detailing my car inside the shipping truck while on Highway 95 all the way up the east coast. Maybe I'll even have time to make my own CS lower grille out of the CS/6 upper grille I already bought for the occasion. I just hope the bumpy ride won't make me cut the grille incorrectly. LOL


See you all at Tasca.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

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Congrats Adam!!!!


Give me a call when it arrives, I'll meet you at Tasca!!!!!


Oh Happy Day!!!!


Congrads Adam!!! I was so hoping at least 1 person theer would have the S/C and razors. Now we just have to pray for sun :)



Yes........pray to the Sun Gods!! :D

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How did "Woo F-ing Hoo" get by the censor thing! :o


I really was getting nervous for you! Here's to a fast trip across Rt80 and up to MA. Looking forward to seeing your car and meeting everyone!





Thanks guys.


Matt, the word "nervous" is an understatement. I've been using different words.


Stump, I ordered a silver trailer yesterday. It took some menuvering to get my wife on board (well, still not completely yet) so that was the delay. I was going to get the black one but I heard they get really hot inside in the summer months. Plus, they are likely more difficult to keep clean. I figure if I end up doing the stripe thing, I'll just paint some black stripes on the silver trailer. LOL No, actually if I do anything to the trailer, I'll put something like "dead cows" or "poisonous snakes" or "rare diseases" on the outside. LOL


If I had the trailer already, I would have been heading back in this direction from Vegas as I was already prepared to go get the car because of the deadline. But the good hardworking people at SAI came through.


Boy, they don't get enough credit over there. I am one of the guilty ones who called constantly wondering this or that or just wanting to know the littlest bit of information because the anxiety and unsurity was overwhelming at times. If I owned that company, I'd send them all off for an extra vacation with pay and give them all huge bonuses. They all really deserve it and work really hard (especially the ones that make things happen).


Well, naturally I called the the trucking company and they said the truck should get here Monday or Tuesday. I missed the deadline for Tasca to still do their work so at least it will be there for the show so I am very happy.


Thanks again everyone.


Oh, and I'm glad I was able to get out of your way Colorado, Roger and all. Yeah, my car was in the mod shop for a while. My bill definitely reflected that. But I did feel bad that my car got in the mod shop before your car Colorado. That's one of the reasons I tried not to complain lately. I hope you understand regarding the Tasca show. I hope the real reason was something not related to me, such as your parts weren't in. :) If I was to blame, let me know and I'll help get yours in next and then Roger's after that.


Hey, maybe I might be on to something. Maybe I should contract myself out to anyone waiting for their car as sort of a lobbyist. :D Well, SAI, please disregard that email I sent you all this morning saying that now when I call it will be as a friend rather than a customer. :D (I'm always thinking entrepreunurally out of the box - I hope Amy reads this LOL).

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I just got the word that my car left SAI yesterday and is eastbound! The sleep loss from excitement will keep me going 24/7 until it gets here - and I thought I didn't sleep before.


Thank you everyone at SAI and on this forum for all your help, support, patience and more patience.


You're all my new friends and I'm proud to be part of this team.


Now the anxiety continues as to whether my car will make it to Tasca on time for the big day. If I have to, I'll drive down to NJ and put my truck on the shipping truck after he drops off the first car. Then I'll start detailing my car inside the shipping truck while on Highway 95 all the way up the east coast. Maybe I'll even have time to make my own CS lower grille out of the CS/6 upper grille I already bought for the occasion. I just hope the bumpy ride won't make me cut the grille incorrectly. LOL


See you all at Tasca.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:



That is just great news. Your response is pretty much consistent with everyone that got the same call at some point or another, so we all know how excited you must be. Enjoy the car, and, speaking for everyone, we can't wait to see pictures of the completed project.

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left on Thrusday and it takes 10 days to cross the US. you should get the car sept 15!!

congrats on the car, im sure its worth the wait and im sure that SAI is glad the car is finished. poor guys phones are being retired from all the calls from Adam :lol:

michael morris

PS yall drink one for me at Rogers house, sorry i cant be there but i work for a living :lol:

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Thanks guys.


Matt, the word "nervous" is an understatement. I've been using different words.



Great news on your car. I was also very nervous after I found out mine was finally on its way. You have been a huge contributor on this forum and I appreciated your phone call to me when I was suffering from PSDS. You've really put yourself out there and have always been willing to help out a fellow Shelbyite. I can't wait to see pictures of your car. I wish I could make the Tasca event but work won't allow it to happen this year. Dave

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Congrats....now you need to learn how to breathe again....come on....slowly now....in and out in and out...trust me when you start it up for the first time your psds will be gone forever. Good luck. Steve


In, out, in, out. I think I got it. Thanks Steve.


For all those unsure of how well the VIN tracker works, I began checking it again feverishly early this week. Yesterday, it still read "Arrived at Shelby Automobiles." Now it reads "Completed and Shipped."


Well, the more I think of it, it's probably because they couldn't wait to get rid of me so maybe I'm giving them too much credit. LOL

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Well, the more I think of it, it's probably because they couldn't wait to get rid of me so maybe I'm giving them too much credit. LOL



I'm definitely going to step up the "squeeky wheel" component of checking in with SAI, since it worked for you Adam. :lol:


I've only been checking in with them every 4 weeks or so! :o Let's see, I could start using more ways to communicate my need for my car with SAI: email, fax, phone, text message, letter, Fedex, UPS, carrier pigeon, skywriting, seance, stone tablet, dead sea scroll, interpretive dance (okay, I need a volunteer to do that one, stump?) Okay, what other ways did I forget . . . :unsure:

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For all those unsure of how well the VIN tracker works, I began checking it again feverishly early this week. Yesterday, it still read "Arrived at Shelby Automobiles." Now it reads "Completed and Shipped."


"Completed and Shipped" on the VIN Tracker is certainly a beautiful sight only surpassed by (1)seeing your children the moment after their birth, (2)seeing your bride on your wedding day, and (3)seeing your SGT roll out of the trailer...


...of course there were those two recent UNC national championships in men's basketball...no, darn it, "Completed and Shipped" is still #4! :D

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I've only been checking in with them every 4 weeks or so! :o Let's see, I could start using more ways to communicate my need for my car with SAI: email, fax, phone, text message, letter, Fedex, UPS, carrier pigeon, skywriting, seance, stone tablet, dead sea scroll, interpretive dance (okay, I need a volunteer to do that one, stump?) Okay, what other ways did I forget . . . :unsure:



Right behind you. I think you covered it all! :lol::lol:

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Congratulations? Are you sure or is this another bad joke to make yourself feel better? You haven't been drinking again have you??? No really that's great!! We know your anticipation level, been there, done that. You think it's bad now, wait until it's gets down to just hours. I still can't to this day describe the feeling of seeing that truck turn the corner. It's an overwhelming feeling. As far as the trailer goes at least you have a place to sleep now. LMAO Remember, destroy or hide all invoices. What's your wifey's cell number again? :P Now all you need to do is a 5 state contact for a police escort to Tasca. Or contact every Shelby owner from Vegas to Tasca for a truly cool escort.


Congratulations again, wish I could be there. Give me a call post delivery or if you need counseling services before delivery.(I know you will) LOL Very happy for you, you waited a long time and yes the wait will be worth it. Glad your car will get there in time for the big event. B)


Dave and Sherri

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Congratulations? Are you sure or is this another bad joke to make yourself feel better? You haven't been drinking again have you??? No really that's great!! We know your anticipation level, been there, done that. You think it's bad now, wait until it's gets down to just hours. I still can't to this day describe the feeling of seeing that truck turn the corner. It's an overwhelming feeling. As far as the trailer goes at least you have a place to sleep now. LMAO Remember, destroy or hide all invoices. What's your wifey's cell number again? :P Now all you need to do is a 5 state contact for a police escort to Tasca. Or contact every Shelby owner from Vegas to Tasca for a truly cool escort.


Congratulations again, wish I could be there. Give me a call post delivery or if you need counseling services before delivery.(I know you will) LOL Very happy for you, you waited a long time and yes the wait will be worth it. Glad your car will get there in time for the big event. B)


Dave and Sherri




Thank you Dave and Sherri, I really appreciate that. Yeah, I was thinking of doing another joke. I found another picture to use but then I thought it would spoil the real deal. This is the real deal.


Thanks for the compliments but you two are the real award winners for patience and long waiting. I don't know how you made it.


I'll call soon.

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OMG, there was a news alert on CNN about a tractor trailer wreck in New Mexico today involving several SGTs bound for the east coast.









Had ya nervous there for a second. Congrats man, looking forward to seeing it next weekend!!!!

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You guys are reeeaaalllllyyyy funny.






Very happy for you! Your car will look a lot like mine. You're going to love it! Be prepared to get stared at. Get the Zaino ready. The S/C is going to make you laugh uncontrollably! I couldn't believe how hard this thing pulled when I first hit it. Kinda like not much time to think...just kinda hanging on! Fun times ahead!

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Very happy for you! Your car will look a lot like mine. You're going to love it! Be prepared to get stared at. Get the Zaino ready. The S/C is going to make you laugh uncontrollably! I couldn't believe how hard this thing pulled when I first hit it. Kinda like not much time to think...just kinda hanging on! Fun times ahead!


Thank you my friend. Yes your car and SGTinBC are very similar to the look of what mine will be. Both of your cars helped me seal the deal with what I ended up doing so thank you.


I just sent you a reply to your email. Thanks again for the pics. They help but also make me want my car sooner.

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Right behind you. I think you covered it all! :lol::lol:




I think you forgot signal fire, smoke signals, singing telgrams and morse code :D


No really!! I just heard it on CNN. Unreal, it couldn't be yours, could it? Wow I am soooooo sorry Adam as you have waited this long to see it come to an abrupt end. Wow unreal.

April Fools er August Fools! :lol::lol::lol:




He'll be really lucky if Matt, Steve, Dave and I don't hookup on I-80 to compare our cars and hijack the truck and take it for a test run---we wouldn't really do that-BTW Adam, all SGT's arrive from Shelby with 750 miles on them :D :P



Seriously though, Adam-congratulations and enjoy, unfortunately this wait is worse than while it sits in Vegas. Everyone who told me it would be worth the wait was absolutely correct. Have fun! Larry

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