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How to post pictures and other questions answered


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Okay guys, The picture issue is quite simple to solve. You first need an uploader. I like www.upshizzle.com


Next upload the picture to the website.


After the pic is uploaded to the site you should see a section that says vBB 2IMG_4761.jpg



Please post any questions you have here

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How do you rename a link? For instance in my signature you see the URL my photobucket album. Others have cool 1 or 2 work links that take you to pictures on uploader sites.




Take the text you want to link to for instance, www.shelbyautos.com


Click on the hyperlink.gif button on the toolbar above the text box, then insert your website URL, then it will ask for the name, type in whatever you want.


Shelby Home Page


or of you need the code to do it, this is it



Text you want to appear


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Take the text you want to link to for instance, www.shelbyautos.com


Click on the hyperlink.gif button on the toolbar above the text box, then insert your website URL, then it will ask for the name, type in whatever you want.


Shelby Home Page


or of you need the code to do it, this is it



Text you want to appear




..thank you

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