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Where did those who have thiers.........


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Couldn't find any mountains here in Houston. But, I did take my little boy to WalMart, then to Academy to find a new football. On the way we passed a Grabber Orange GT, then we saw a Convertible GT500. Was a pretty good ride, short, sweet, but good.


When we got in the car my 7 year old ordered me to "make it growl". Awesome.

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Couldn't find any mountains here in Houston. But, I did take my little boy to WalMart, then to Academy to find a new football. On the way we passed a Grabber Orange GT, then we saw a Convertible GT500. Was a pretty good ride, short, sweet, but good.


When we got in the car my 7 year old ordered me to "make it growl". Awesome.




Any ride is a good ride! :)

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I spent all day yesterday cruising.


Cruising on the mower which tore up again!.

Cruising back to sears to exchange the dang thing.

Cruising upside the head of the Sears manager who told me that he "does not wish to do business with me".

Cruising back home with my NEW riding mower.

Cruising up and down the yard for rest of the afternoon baking in the sun. :D

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Yesterday I cruised to Starbucks early in the a.m., then cruised around mine and the adjacent town. Here in my area of New England the scenery is very nice, and I had a very nice drive. At one point I came across what looked like an '04 Mustang GT and its owner also crusing, as he was crossing in front of me at an intersection. He did a double take and then pointed at my car and then gave me a thumbs up, to which I promptly replied likewise. I have about 970 miles on the car now!

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