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A message to all forum members (the end)


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All of the events of the past 4 ½ months came to a very emotional moment this past Thursday when I reached Shelby International. Having a dreadful first day on Wednesday I eagerly wanted to start the day off well.

The drive was short, less than 20 miles but took an eternity. Just prior to the exit off of highway 15 there is the awesome billboard with a SGT-H doing a burn out and the adrenaline began pumping. Then the turn onto Speedway Blvd. and the Blue stripe and Shelby Logo. I indeed reached the Promised Land.

As I arrive, Victoria, Amy’s secretary is arriving for work and I introduced myself. She was somewhat taken back that I knew her name and what she looked like. Thank you Adam for posting the pics. She is a terrific person with a wonderful personality and she loves what she does. I asked for John Walker and he had already been at work for some time. It was prior to 8 AM. The holding lot was full of activity, you could hear the garage in full swing and there were SGT’s all over the place being shuttled to and from the holding lot and other stations of modification. Everyone works their butt off. Not much down time at this facility at all. John greeted me and with a big smile said, “Want to see your car”? I think he knew I was not going to say no!

We walked over to the front of the Mod Shop where there were 3 Black SGT’s. Two were in different stages of modifications. One with the lower grille and fogs the other with the CS6 hood, black razors, big brake kit. Then I was able to see my car. On the window was “MOD SHOP” “John Walker”. I really didn’t say much. I just stared for a moment. Then Bud came out of the Mod Shop and John introduced us. “rossgt, meet Bud-SAI”. We chatted a moment and then they told me to give it a good look. As I began to look over the car there was a strong emotion that just rippled through me. Bud and John said my hands were trembling. I have to admit they were. Then I moved over to the upper right corner of the Shelby content sticker and looked at the CSM #. That was the beginning of the end of composure. The entire experience came full circle. The number I had requested was #5322.




The date and year I was born. The date I celebrate my birthday. The day that my grandpa told me he would by me my 66 Shelby. The time we spent together, the influence he had on my life as a youngster and today as an adult. The relationship I cherish with my eldest son and now my grandson. It all came full circle. I had finally bought that Shelby. I know my grandfather was with me that day because the feelings and emotions could not be contained. It was truly a dream come true. And today I received confirmation my License plate is ready for pick up. Forty some years later but your dreams can come true.

John and Bud tell me, don’t just look at it, and sit in it. Then, here are the keys start it up. Music to my ears. Then Bud and I take it for a quick ride. Just truly amazing. We head for the speedway and take some shots and then the low fuel warning bells start going off. We just looked at one another and laughed.




I parked the car in the same spot and found out some interesting above and beyond that these people do every single day.

Knowing I was making the trip and the history of this car John had the car Shelby’ed the prior day. Nothing else. I would have been happy just seeing the car. But he and Bud knew the significance of that number and they wanted it on the car for my arrival. Thank you so much. When I finished my ride, I was shaking even more. And it hit me again as we opened the hood and I noticed the ID plaque. Now I wait in my place in line for the mod shop conversions. I know the car is in good hands. I will wait. When it's done, it's done.

I finalized all of the modifications with Bud and John and after spending a long day touring the facility and meeting the team at SAI I can tell you there are not a better group of people who are as passionate about this brand and committed to keeping their customers happy than this group. From the assistant shop Forman who spent a couple of minutes chatting to the guys on the line doing the conversions and the mod shop tech’s who have their hands full. Even the shuttle drivers were respectful of what is truly happening at SAI. It is a very exciting time to be involved with this brand and their products.

One thing is clear, no one, is ignoring us and what is happening to our cars. They are working on fixes and I have seen some of them. They are committed to making every experience pleasant. But they are human and we as customers and forum members need to continue to keep that in mind. They have all of the projects listed in prior posts by other members. And you could feel the dedication and passion for making this some of the best history of this brand yet. Special thank you to the team in conversion, you guys work your butt off. Mary is constantly on the go, Adrian great job with the tours, Gale, keeping it lively, Sherri your awesome, Victoria talk to you soon. Amy, I missed you and Carroll Wednesday but we will meet soon. And all of the people at SAI, it was truly a wonderful time. Michael Morris, you are truly the man. Finally my wife who has endured this torture for 33 years.

SAI has a lot of positive going on right now. They are finishing up on the last few hundred 07’s the lot is filling up with the next projects the excitement is building on the 40th conversions and Super Snakes and then the 08 SGT run and KR’s some of the Orange SGT’s sit waiting their turns and the mod shop is humming.

Here is what I can say; the mod shop list is a page and a quarter long for the 07’s that are there now. Where you are on the list depends on the cars arrival the who logged in prior. There is no special order. I really don’t know how many but I would say between 30-40. Again I don’t know the number. Some of the mods are just lower grille and lights quick mods. Some are just hoods. Other wheels, tires. And some are full out SC’s etc.

Most of the 07’s are done and waiting for transportation out. So while it looks like a lot of cars to finish, there are many done it is deceiving to the eye. I think SAI has a better data base for how many of this and that and I see that as a perpetual moving target, the numbers will be constantly changing as cars return to SAI and authorized mod shops. It is really hard to say where that will end up. No one will know for some time.

Sorry for the long post but the team as SAI truly are special people. Dedicated to the brand and passionate about what they do every day. I thank them very much for all they do to help people like us live the dream.

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Great story. We could feel your emotions while reading it. It's an experience that all of us would like to have. We all have that passion for our cars, but when you actually get to see it, touch it and drive it there's a calming effect that comes over you, because now its real. Yes Roger, your Grandfather is probably looking down at you with a s@#t eating grin on his face, saying that's my boy! As far as your wife goes, she still has to put up with your anxiety and probably pacing as you wait. You can truly see light at the end of the tunnel. Really cool about the CSM#. I guess SAI comes through again. Unfortunately for you the anxiety will build until you know its on a truck headed in your direction and when that truck turns the corner its a feeling that I can not describe. I'm glad things worked out for you and your wife, I'm sure you'll keep us informed.



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I haven't yet met Roger in person so I have no idea what he looks like. But after reading this (and already heard some on the phone) I'm guessing he's about 6 foot 8 inches, 280 pounds full of muscle and could chew through a 4" thick phone book without trying. And, I'm sure he got emotional again while writing this post.


Great story Roger. You have been great to talk and share stories with for the last few months. We also share in the emotion of the trip. I didn't get as emotional when I was there, but when I wrote my similar story while on the return plane ride home, I got pretty emotional then. That's why I said "emotional again" in paragraph #1 above because I'm sure it's true and I meant it as a nice and respectful comment.


I agree with you and Dave about your grandfather. That's incredibly special. There was also someone a few months ago who said something similar in that he wanted to drive the car home alone because he knew his father/grandfather would be in the passenger's seat enjoying/sharing the experience with him. For some reason, MattChicago comes to mind, but I can't recall 100%. Plus, I don't remember hearing that final story so I wish I knew the outcome. That was another great story.


You should personally ask Victoria if I could post the other pic of us having lunch together. LOL


Sherri did that billboard. Congrats to her. It has brought in a lot of revenues. I think the museum tours (and obviously Mary's cash register) are much more packed since.


Wow, now I fully understand the significance of 5322 and why/how this has all transpired. Great job all involved (including you Roger). I know that many jumped through hoops (of fire) to make it happen. Talk about customer service.


I'll say it again to everyone, if you could somehow find a way to get to SAI, it will be one of the best things you've ever done in your life. The car is one thing and much to be said, but an SAI visit is an amazing piece of your life you'll obviously never forget.


What orange cars?


I'm really glad that you're back Roger. While gone, you weren't around to post. I am starting to catch up to you so please hurry and post more so I can make sure I am at the bottom of that short list. LOL All others please post more so I can get off the list. LOL

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Wow Roger......what a story ! I am sitting here reading this getting all choked up hearing about your car number and your history and all I can say is wow ! How special......that you got your car number ...and the life history behind all of this ! I am sure that was an amazing experience for you to finally see your car !!!


I know there are some amazing people working hard out there....and I am glad they got your number...and are making your dreams come true.



Thanks for sharing your story !



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Hi Roger,



I've said it once and I'll say it again, "It was a pleasure meeting you too!!!" And I'll have to agree, the emtions were running high. It was great!!!!! Now, go and post the pic of you sitting in your car. That would tell the whole story!!!!!!





ps. Adam, the scratch is almost out :D Now I can go and enjoy my vacation!!!

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VERY cool story!


My wife and I are thinking of going to SAI later in the Fall. Your own story - although quite personal - convinces us that we really must experience the place and the people!


Again, wonderful story and we are very happy for you!



-Todd in BC

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Great story about your SAI visit, Roger.


It's amazing how there have been many multi-generational connections forged around Shelby cars. My dad helped me buy my first Shelby, a new '67 GT500 back in 1968 (it was a leftover at the dealer) and I'll always appreciate him for that and so much more.


I still have that old car, and in 2001-2002 my son & I restored it in what turned out to be a great experience working together. So now we have 3 generations involved, though my dad has to watch this fun from his final resting place which happens to be in a box of ashes on the window sill in my shop...where all the interesting action occurs around here.


When our SGT/SC is ready, my wife & I will go pick it up. It will be in our family forever, as will my '67, to be passed on down the line and thus continue the Shelby legacy for many more generations.


So I have a great appreciation for the work that is being done by the fine folks at SAI. It is for many reasons that I say that they are "Doing God's Own Work" there. The cars, the connections with my father & my son, the future, and the cars themselves.


This dream started back in 1967 for me. It will go on forever, beyond my passing and Carroll Shelby's. What a great run this has been for so many people.


Roger (yes, another one!)

WA Coast

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Roger this was a fantastic story. Thanks for sharing it. If you dont have goose bumps or tears in your eyes after reading that then you must be inhuman.

I think another thing that came to mind as I read it was how special the Shelby GT is. I am not dissing the GT500 or any past or future Shelby but it occurs to me that had someone bought a GT500 instead of the SGT they would not have been anle to get the CSM# requested. Good luck getting that kind of service from the factory of Ford. They just arent equipped to handle requests like that. It speaks volumes to the extra effort SAI does for us and their customers. Yea maybe they cant make things happen as fast as we would like but as was said they are only human and there are only so many hours in a day. They are also running a business that has to make money to survive. And they are doing both.

And lastly I think Michael Morris deserves a big round of applause. We have all had the "pleasure" of dealing with sales people who could care less about you or what you need. They are only concerened with selling you something no matter if it is right for you or not. We have all read each others horror stories the past year or so. And it is awesome to read a story like this, and quite a few others actually, where Michael has gone above and beyond the call of duty. Other sales guys have come and gone once their cars are sold but he is still here. We have tried to get roid of him but he wont hear of it!LOL Great job Michael! :)

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