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Yeah if Carroll showed............that would be the ultimate! B)


Matt, I don't have any pull at all, but I can certainly ask Amy (and Carroll).


I did also already invite Amy (and Carroll) to the party. She said they have to see as Carroll usually has a tight schedule and they may likely have to leave right away. Plus, his health and medicine may dictate his schedule too.


Anyway, since I am an "if you don't ask, you don't get" kind of guy, I will ask again.


Hopefully Amy will chime in before Saturday. :D

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Well the countdown is on..............and the head count keeps growing...............I ordered a 20x30 pole tent today with enough seating for 50+! So if it rains........which it is not supposed to do now or just to get out of the sun we are good to go...........now if I could only calculate food consumption...... :huh:

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Matt, I don't have any pull at all, but I can certainly ask Amy (and Carroll).


I did also already invite Amy (and Carroll) to the party. She said they have to see as Carroll usually has a tight schedule and they may likely have to leave right away. Plus, his health and medicine may dictate his schedule too.


Anyway, since I am an "if you don't ask, you don't get" kind of guy, I will ask again.


Hopefully Amy will chime in before Saturday. :D





Even if we can all get a minute of his time for a group shot at the show that would be fine and I think pretty cool.


See ya soon!

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OK, here is the ultimate. And before I write it I am asking Roger to plase contain himself. The ultimate is we head to Roger's house, get there and get settled and up pulls Carrol and Amy in Roger's SGT. We then put the defib on Roger's chest, reanimate him, stick him in his car, and watch him drive off for his first ride :)

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OK, here is the ultimate. And before I write it I am asking Roger to plase contain himself. The ultimate is we head to Roger's house, get there and get settled and up pulls Carrol and Amy in Roger's SGT. We then put the defib on Roger's chest, reanimate him, stick him in his car, and watch him drive off for his first ride :)




WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Get the defib ready!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol: :blink:

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Roger there will only be 2 in my group coming now. My oldest son has football practice and pics Saturday that he cant miss. So just myself and my yougest son are coming. Im kinda bummed as I was looking forward to them both going as an end of the summer thing. And for them to both meet Carrol. Hopefully there will be another event soon he attends. Anyway see you guys in 2 days.

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Roger there will only be 2 in my group coming now. My oldest son has football practice and pics Saturday that he cant miss. So just myself and my yougest son are coming. Im kinda bummed as I was looking forward to them both going as an end of the summer thing. And for them to both meet Carrol. Hopefully there will be another event soon he attends. Anyway see you guys in 2 days.



I understand on the end of summer thing. Used to do that all the time. Some special event, trip etc. It would have been nice for both to attend.


We still have room but it is getting somewhat concerning on the final count :huh: I really did not think it would turn out as well as it's shaping up to be. I just hope everything goes ok :blink: My wife is now starting to panic a little. I am the eternal optimist. I told her "don't worry about anything, it's free and it's hospitality, just a bunch of people with the same interests gathering to kick back and have a quick bite to eat before the journeys home." The next question was, "how many in the bunch?" I just couldn't tell her oh about 50 or so! :unsure:


Are you going to need any clean up? Just call me tomorrow if you think you will. I think GTHERO may be stopping by in the AM for a quick wash after his journey, but not sure.

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Well now that he isnt coming I am planning on coming down tomorrow night instead of Saturday morning. I have to call the hotel in a few and add a night. So I am thinking I will just have to give the car a detail spray wash at the hotel and should be all set. I am going to plan on stopping in at your place early Saturday morning b4 the show to give you guys a hand. B TW, what does your wife need? My wife wanted to know what she could send me down with? You are going through an awful lot of trouble and expense and the least we can do is help out with anything you need.

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Well now that he isnt coming I am planning on coming down tomorrow night instead of Saturday morning. I have to call the hotel in a few and add a night. So I am thinking I will just have to give the car a detail spray wash at the hotel and should be all set. I am going to plan on stopping in at your place early Saturday morning b4 the show to give you guys a hand. B TW, what does your wife need? My wife wanted to know what she could send me down with? You are going through an awful lot of trouble and expense and the least we can do is help out with anything you need.




Thanks Webba, give me a call tonight. I will check with the head Chef! :D I'll be at the house most of the late morning and all day and evening setting up. I should be all set by Saturday morning. If you want just stop in the morning and do your clean up here. As a matter of fact..........Adam is here now doing his detailing. I think the threw him out of Tasca today......... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Here's a quick preview. I was there tonight and saw that the truck has arrived....



Sorry Tim, I tried to call back but ended up getting another call. I'll be back there tomorrow. Let's chat in the am. Look at my picasa site and you'll see my car lined up with the SS, KR and ptototype. The SS is parket exactly where my car was yesterday to give you a frame of reference. So if you want, we can meet there and see the cars. Anyone else arriving tomorrow?





What is the "Prototype?????"




Judy, as with just about all Shelby cars, they have at least one prototype (or concept car) which is used in the design and testing process. For the SGT, there were at least 2 but I think 3 or even up to 5 prototypes (I can't remember anymore as my brain is still num right now). Anyway, the prototype Roger is referring to is the white SGT prototype. I have a picture of it in my picasa site in my signature below from today's pictures. It is also used in many of the marketing ads from early in the program.


The red SuperSnake is a prototype too, I think. It is Gary Paterson's car who works at SAI. I think it is an incredible car. People don't usually refer to is as the prototype, however, they just call it the SuperSnake or SS.

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Ok...do we have a plan on meeting up? A place and time? I don't know what anyone looks like, except Adam, and I can see myself wandering around etc., not knowing where everyone is. Should be have a meeting spot/time to at least touch base?


Matt, it is crazy at this show. Tons of people. They usually have a section of roped off cars up against the rear of the showroom. The place is massive. The rear parking lot is where they have the show. That will probably be where the KR, SS and Adam's car will be. That would be a good meeting place. As far as a time, I will be leaving about 2PM to get back to the house so my wife dosen't have a panic attack with a bunch of strangers walking into the yard! :D I if you find Adam's car I will be there also.

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Matt, I'll likely be at or near my car most of the day as I'll have the signed blockoff plates, guitar and Artehouse print displayed with the car.


I will be there around 7 am. I think you already have my number, but if you tossed it, I posted it again above.

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I understand on the end of summer thing. Used to do that all the time. Some special event, trip etc. It would have been nice for both to attend.


We still have room but it is getting somewhat concerning on the final count :huh: I really did not think it would turn out as well as it's shaping up to be. I just hope everything goes ok :blink: My wife is now starting to panic a little. I am the eternal optimist. I told her "don't worry about anything, it's free and it's hospitality, just a bunch of people with the same interests gathering to kick back and have a quick bite to eat before the journeys home." The next question was, "how many in the bunch?" I just couldn't tell her oh about 50 or so! :unsure:


Are you going to need any clean up? Just call me tomorrow if you think you will. I think GTHERO may be stopping by in the AM for a quick wash after his journey, but not sure.



Roger, unfortunately after long discussion I dont think i will be able to show up in the morning, the ride turns out to be a tad farther then I anticipated so I will be strapped for time getting to the dealership early enough to enter my car. My dad also doesnt want to get up any earlier then he has to lol, :(







I think i see a small scratch on your front passenger fender.......

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Roger, unfortunately after long discussion I dont think i will be able to show up in the morning, the ride turns out to be a tad farther then I anticipated so I will be strapped for time getting to the dealership early enough to enter my car. My dad also doesnt want to get up any earlier then he has to lol, :(





I think i see a small scratch on your front passenger fender.......


You are still coming though, right?


Also, on the scratch, you have excellend vision. I know you were only kidding, but there are some, but I'm not complaining.

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I don't know about anybody else but i'm getting really excited about tomorrows car show. I figure I won't be able to sleep tonight so I have decided it would be best to drive to Tasca tonight and after everyone's gone and the dealerships all locked up for the night I will put on my PJ's and wait for the gates to open Saturday morning. :unsure: Now before anyone calls security on me I'm just kidding, but I am very excited about this event. Adam your Shelby is so nice I can't wait to see it tomorrow in person. I will be there with mine at sunrise tomorrow and look forward to seeing everyone there. :blink: :D

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You are still coming though, right?


Also, on the scratch, you have excellend vision. I know you were only kidding, but there are some, but I'm not complaining.



Yes, I should be, barring an unfortunate set of circumstances in the next 20 or so hours

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Hey Roger-------Does Tasca actually have a "gate"

and is there a "time" that it will open????

Thank you!'






They do actually have a gate. As far as when they open I really don't know but I do know that some people are planning to be there at 7:00 AM, some 7:30 AM and some 8:00 AM. I would not suggest any later than that. I would suspect that the gate will be open because the dealership will be open for business as usual. The service department will be open so I would assume that the gates will be open also.




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