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New Shelby Tribute Product

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Just posting the word WATCH so that when I want to find this post again a year from now, I'll easily find it. LOL


I posted a few months ago a $1600-$1800 Shelby watch as I wanted an affordable one. To this day I've still not found one.


Oh, and if I had the money, I'd definitely buy one. That is a sweet looking watch.

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Just posting the word WATCH so that when I want to find this post again a year from now, I'll easily find it. LOL


I posted a few months ago a $1600-$1800 Shelby watch as I wanted an affordable one. To this day I've still not found one.


Oh, and if I had the money, I'd definitely buy one. That is a sweet looking watch.




I've always thought Shelby should make an agreement with Fossil watches for Shelby ones. They could then sell them on the parts webpage and Fossil could sell from their stores or online as well. A percentage could go back to the Children's Foundation.


Maybe someday...that would make it a nice watch that is affordable to the masses.



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